nbu6.5 for Solaris安装及备份手册


l         使用/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ ./vmoprcmd 获取rmt地址
l         mt –f /dev/rmt/xxx status 查看drive 状态
l         tar cvf /dev/rmt/xxx       在这个drive 写入到tape
l         tar xvf /dev/rm/xxx       在这个drive 从tape 读出
l         tcopy /dev/rmt/xxx        检查drive 写的状况
|        cat  /etc/release或者uname -a   检查系统版本和主机名 
|        df  -h                       检查磁盘空间
|        prtconf | grep -i mem  检查内存大小

NBU6.5 for solaris 安装

1.    第一步先安装 PBX操作步骤如下:(以root身份登录,插入安装盘挂载)
l         将 NB_65_ICS_*_Solaris.tar.gz在临时目录展开。过程省略(tar  zxvf)……
l         进入安装目录,运行安装教本,安装 PBX.
            Cd /tmp/NB_65_ICS_1.2.3.19_Solaris
l         菜单如下选择 I,继续安装 
           VERITAS Infrastructure Core Services Installer
           VERITAS Product                     Version Installed   Licensed
         VERITAS Infrastructure Core Services          no              N/A
         VERITAS Private Branch Exchange               no              N/A
         VERITAS Authentication Service                no              N/A
         VERITAS Service Management Framework          no              N/A
         VERITAS Authorization Service                 no              N/A
         Selection Menu:
         I) Install/Upgrade a Product C) Configure an Installed Product
         L) License a Product         P) Perform a Preinstallation Check
         U) Uninstall a Product       D) View a Product Description
         Q) Quit                      ?) Help
Enter a Selection: [I, C, L, P, U, D, Q, ?] (I)
l         选择 I后出现下面的菜单并按提示选择 1) 进行下步
        Symantec Infrastructure Core Services Installer 5.0
     1) Symantec Private Branch Exchange
     2) Symantec Product Authentication Service
     3) Symantec Product Authorization Service
     b) Back to previous menu
Select a product to install: [1-3,b,q]  1
Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to install PBX: solu5
Initial system check:
Checking PBX installation on solu5 ...................... not installed
Installing PBX: 100%                                                    A
Installation completed successfully on all systems
Installation log files, summary file, and response file are saved at:
l         按提示完成安装过程
l         检查包是不是安装上了:
            # pkginfo |grep -i vrts
              System  VRTSicsco      VERITAS Infrastructure Core Services Common
              system  VRTSpbx        VERITAS Private Branch Exchange
2.    第二步先安装 nbu6.5软件操作步骤如下:
l         到nbu6.5安装目录执行下面的命令按提示完成安装
ymantec Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2007 Symantec Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
            Installing NetBackup Server Software
             NOTE: To install only NetBackup Client software locally on this machine
            or to load additional UNIX client software on this server, insert
            the NetBackup UNIX Clients cdrom.
Do you wish to continue? [y,n] (y) y
NetBackup installs to the running root environment, by default.
Are you installing to the running root environment? [y,n] (y) y
The following old package is currently installed on your
system and should be removed prior to an upgrade:
It is highly recommended that older packages be removed before doing anupgrade.
Do you want to exit this script so you can remove packages now? [y,n] (y) n
NetBackup and Media Manager(i386) 6.5,REV=2007.
            ??: pkgadd????????pkg SYMCnetbp?install??????
Copyright 1993 - 2007 Symantec Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
<SYMCnetbp> [y,n,?] y
NetBackup and Media Manager binaries will be installed in /opt/openv
and a link will be created from /usr/openv
            t o /opt/openv, if it does not exist.
Is this okay? (y) [y,n,?,q ] y
NetBackup and Media Manager 6.5 will be installed.
Creating link from /usr/openv to /opt/openv.
A NetBackup Server or Enterprise Server license key is needed
for installation to continue.
Enter license key:
You must enter a license key for the installation to continue.
A NetBackup Server or Enterprise Server license key is needed
for installation to continue.
Enter license key: DEX6-2BPN-DPNC-X3NP-6OXO-4O4O-4OS7-7777-77U
         NetBackup Enterprise Server Base product with all the features enabled has been registered.
All additional keys should be added at this time.
Do you want to add additional license keys now? [y,n] (y)
          License Key Utility
              A) Add a License Key
              D) Delete a License Key
              F) List Active License Keys
              L) List Registered License Keys
              H) Help
              q) Quit License Key Utility
Enter a letter: a
Enter license key: DEX6-CZC8-3WRT-W4O4-O4O4-O477-7777-7HPC-6NC
NetBackup Enterprise Server with all the features enabled is the active NetBackup.
          NetBackup Enterprise Server Base product with all the features enable has been registered.
              License Key Utility
            A) Add a License Key
            D) Delete a License Key
            F) List Active License Keys
            L) List Registered License Keys
            H) Help
            q) Quit License Key Utility
Enter a letter: q
Installing NetBackup Enterprise Server version: 6.5
If this machine will be using a different network interface than the
Would you like to use "solu5" as the configured
name of the NetBackup server? [y,n] (y)
Is solu5 the master server? [y,n] (y)
Do you have any media servers? [y,n] (n)
Checking /etc/services for the needed NetBackup and Media Manager services.
Copying original /etc/services file to /etc/services.NBU_011409.17:09:41
Editing /etc/services to update NetBackup and Media Manager services.
/etc/services will be updated to add the following entries for
NetBackup/Media Manager.
bprd     13720/tcp       bprd
bpcd     13782/tcp       bpcd
bpdbm    13721/tcp       bpdbm
vnetd    13724/tcp       vnetd
vopied 13783/tcp        vopied
bpjobd 13723/tcp        bpjobd
bpjava-msvc      13722/tcp       bpjava-msvc
NB_dbsrv         13785/tcp       NB_dbsrv
vmd      13701/tcp       vmd
acsd     13702/tcp       acsd
tl8cd    13705/tcp       tl8cd
tldcd    13711/tcp       tldcd
odld     13706/tcp       odld
tl4d     13713/tcp       tl4d
tshd     13715/tcp       tshd
tlmd     13716/tcp       tlmd
tlhcd    13717/tcp       tlhcd
rsmd     13719/tcp       rsmd
/etc/services has been updated to contain NetBackup and Media Manager services.
WARNING: ypwhich: the domainname hasn't been set on this machine.
3.    安装完 nbu6.5软件后执行下面命令并登录图型管理界面:
#bpps -x   检查nbu进程或(/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -a)
# pkginfo |grep -i vrts
system      VRTSicsco                 VERITAS Infrastructure Core Services Common
application VRTSnetbp                   VERITAS NetBackup and Media Manager
system      VRTSpbx                  VERITAS Private Branch Exchange
# cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin /./jnbSA (通过jnbSA启动java console)
        Starting administration console version 6.5.
        The log file for this execution instance is
NBU6.5 for solaris 备份
1.     启动nbu管理界面
2.       创建POLICY
l         schedules按默认配置,也可以根据需要定意备份时间
l         clients 设置为本机或其它需要备份数据 的主机
l         指定需要备份的目录数据
当前备份测试的test 目录是netapp 通过iscsi 所提供的空间 mount 到solaris下的test目录,其实是将存储的数据备份到磁带机的 这一过程
l         进行备份
l         备份前 /test 目录的数据
# du -h /test
 8K    /test/lost+found
3.0G    /test
l         备份成功后,把test目录里面的数据 删除
l         把test 目录全部删除
# rm 2009-1-7
# rm 200917
# rm jobs.txt
# du -f /test
# du -h /test
       8K   /test/lost+found
       9K   /test
3.     恢复数据
选择backup,restore 选项,点restore files ,找到需要恢复的数控 进行恢复
l       选中需要恢复的数据点restore按钮进行恢复选项
l     出现如下窗口按需求进行恢复
l         恢复进行时存储写数据的状况
        fas250*> sysstat -u 1
        CPU   Total    Net kB/s    Disk kB/s    Tape kB/s Cache Cache CP CP Disk
       ops/s    in   out   read write read write   age   hit time ty util
 45%       15 12266   232    327 39365     0     0     2s 100% 67% H 57%
      15%      11 12300   233      0      0     0     0     3s 100%   0% -   0%
      32%      14 12266   232     20 17124     0     0     2s 100% 25% H 24%
 28%       13 12301   233    256 22264     0     0     3s 100% 49% : 39%
      15%      17 12302   233      0      0     0     0     2s 100%   0% -   0%
 45%      13 12267   232    256 39448     0     0     2s 100% 73% H 62%
      14%      17 12302   233     16      8     0     0     3s 100%   1% :   1%
 32%       13 12267   232     12 15468     0     0     2s 100% 21% H 20%
 29%       17 12299   233    132 23972     0     0     3s 100% 45% : 37%
l         NBU恢复过程中的状况
l         恢复成功完成
l         恢复成功后 在solaris 主机查看恢复的数据
# du -h /test
          8K   /test/lost+found
           3.0G   /test
# ls
2009-1-7     200917      jobs.txt    lost+found
则Media可以为NBU7,6.5或6.0 MP3及以上。
注意:NBU 7已经不支持WIndows 2000客户端了。 
1,通讯 ping,telnet,端口与服务,防火墙