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SmartInspect 1.3 with Full Log Level Support Released


Gurock Software announces the release of SmartInspect 1.3 - a new version of the advanced logging tool for debugging and monitoring .NET, Java and Delphi applications. This release includes major new features like full log level support in all three libraries, Borland Developer Studio 2006 support (including Delphi 2006), code templates and snippets for popular IDEs and many more.

NEW: Full log level support
Beginning with SmartInspect 1.3, all three SmartInspect libraries have full log level support. This enables developers to group log entries into log levels to selectively enable or disable an entire group of log entries at once. It is possible, for example, to log only errors or to increase the log level to debug or verbose levels. Additionally, the newly added log entry types allow filtering of certain log levels in the SmartInspect Console.

NEW: Borland Developer Studio 2006 support
SmartInspect 1.3 introduces full support for Borland Developer Studio 2006 (Delphi for Win32 and all .NET personalities). Besides new binaries for the SmartInspect Delphi library, the new SmartInspect version contains live templates, project files and automated library integration for the Borland Developer Studio 2006 IDE.

NEW: Code templates and snippets for popular IDEs
The new SmartInspect release includes code templates and snippets for a variety of IDEs. Code templates and snippets are a great assistance and time-saver when instrumenting applications with SmartInspect statements. SmartInspect 1.3 provides templates and snippets for the following IDEs:

  * Borland Delphi 7, 8 and 2005
  * Borland Developer Studio 2006
  * Eclipse 3.0 and 3.1
  * Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Make sure to check out the other new features and bug fixes like the new LogColored method, the Reload Last Log File functionality, the new filter event and more: http://www.gurock.com/products/smartinspect/whatsnew/

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What's new:




traceback : http://www.theserverside.net/news/thread.tss?thread_id=38532



