Assignment 1: Abstract Data Types with C Report


Assignment 1: Abstract Data Types with C Report

Submission Deadline:
17:00 on Sunday 23th October 2020 (Week 8)


This assignment contributes 3% of the overall course mark.

Through the lecture you will be exposed to both the theory and applied implementation of Abstract Data Types
In this assignment you are tasked with producing a Report that provides a design of an ADT, which can be chose: (1) Cars in the parking lot; (2) Words in the dictionary; (3) Students in student status management system; (4) Fraction; (5) Goods in shopping cart. You are also encouraged to propose your own ideas and produce the report in the case of getting the teacher’s permission. Within the report, you should provide the following:

a) ADT Overview: brief description of the ADT with your opinion, which includes an example of the application scenarios of the ADT. Details of any constraints or assumptions made in the example should also be given. This part is mainly about the background of the ADT.

b) ADT Data: brief description of the data list in the ADT and the reason why you design these data.

c) Storage Strategy: Choose to store ADT data in array or chain storage, and briefly descript the reason.

d) Data Structure: Define a new data type to implement the ADT according to your design with C language. The strategy of storage you choose for the ADT should also be considered in this part by define a type to store a collection of the data.

e) ADT Operations: brief description of no less than three operations on those data in ADT. For each operation you are required to list the arguments and the result.

f) Declare Functions: Declare functions that can implement each operation that you designed for the ADT in C language.

The report will take the form of a PowerPoint Presentation, with the following structure:

Presentation Structure: The presentation for Assignment 1 should have a meaningful structure, containing legible content that is presented in a professional manner. For example, a theme should ideally be used, and each slide should not simply contain paragraphs of text, rather, each information-related slide should concisely contain the key points being presented. A title slide should be given containing the module name, assignment title, your student number and name. This should be followed by up to a maximum of two slides for ADT overview, and a maximum of three slides to provide any design of data and operations. Then one slide each for data structure and storage. No more than two slides to show the declaration of functions. An additional slide containing a list of any references to sources used should also be given. Subsequently, excluding the title and references slides, the report should contain a maximum of nine slides for the content of the report.

Note: all content should be given on the slides; any information provided in the notes section of the slides will not be considered during assessment of the presentation.

Note: all content given on the slides must be static, i.e. animations or videos may not be used to convey information.

Note: presentations that go beyond the maximum number of slides for content will be subject to penalties as follows:
9 slides + 10% (1 slide): no reduction in total mark
9 slides +> 10%-20% (2 slides): reduction in total mark by 5%
9 slides +> 20%-30% (3 slides): reduction in total mark by 10%
9 slides +> 30%-40% (4 slides): reduction in total mark by 15%
9 slides +> 40%-50% (5 slides): reduction in total mark by 20%
9 slides +> 50% (5+ slides): maximum total mark achievable is 40%

Submission Procedure:
The submission requires one element to be uploaded:

  1. A single PowerPoint (PPTX) file should be submitted via XueXiTong by the submission deadline. Please ensure the filename of the submitted report is given as YOURCODE_CW1, i.e. “202115030101_CW1.pptx”.

Note: PowerPoint file must be submitted for this assessment; failure to submit will result in a mark of 0%. Likewise, students must ensure that the PowerPoint file can be opened and viewed in Microsoft PowerPoint. Corrupted files will be treated as a non-submission.

Marking Criteria:
An indicative marking template is provided at the end of this coursework specification. The assessment of the report will consider the extent to which you have addressed this coursework specification, as evidenced by the content of the PowerPoint presentation.

Note: all work submitted must be individual. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be dealt with according to Shaanxi University of Science of Technology policy.

Note: late submission, with the exemption of those supported by prior submission and acceptance of Extenuating Circumstances, will be awarded a mark of 0%.


Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent Mark
ADT Overview
[20 Marks] Lack of understanding of fundamental principles shown.

Satisfactory understanding of fundamental principles shown.

(6-10) Good understanding of fundamental principles shown.

(11-15) Excellent understanding of fundamental principles shown.

ADT Design
b, c
[30 Marks]
Lack of knowledge of abstraction.

(0 - 7) Satisfactory knowledge of abstraction.

(8-15) Good knowledge of abstraction.

(16-23) Excellent knowledge of abstraction.

ADT Implement
d, e, f
[40 Marks] Lack of understanding of implement technic.

(0 - 10) Satisfactory understanding of implement technic.

(11-20) Good understanding of implement technic.

(21-30) Excellent understanding of implement technic.

Presentation Structure
[10 Marks] Lack of adherence to structure specified.
(0 -2) Satisfactory adherence to structure specified.
Good adherence to structure specified.
(6-8) Excellent adherence to structure specified.

Initial Mark: Deductions: Total Mark: 0/100





