ChainSpec主要分两部分client spec和genesis state
struct ClientSpec<E> {
name: String,
id: String,
chain_type: ChainType,
boot_nodes: Vec<MultiaddrWithPeerId>,
telemetry_endpoints: Option<TelemetryEndpoints>,
protocol_id: Option<String>,
properties: Option<Properties>,
extensions: E,
// Never used, left only for backward compatibility.
consensus_engine: (),
genesis: serde::de::IgnoredAny,
/// Mapping from `block_hash` to `wasm_code`.
/// The given `wasm_code` will be used to substitute the on-chain wasm code from the given
/// block hash onwards.
code_substitutes: HashMap<String, Bytes>,
链规范的创世部分包括初始代币余额、最初属于治理委员会的帐户或 sudo 密钥的持有者。Substrate 节点还将编译后的 Wasm 运行时逻辑放在链上,因此初始运行时也必须在链规范中提供。
启动一个测试网或私有网络,其行为类似于现有协议,但未连接到主网。为了实现这一点,可以通过使用命令行标志来选择替代的硬编码链规范,例如–chain local指示节点使用与字符串“local”相关联的规范。第三个选项是将链规范作为带有命令行标志的 JSON 文件提供,例如 --chain=someCustomSpec.json,在这种情况下,节点将尝试反序列化所提供的 JSON 链规范,然后使用它。
每个 Substrate 运行时都会有需要在创世时配置的存储项。使用FRAME开发时,任何使用该config() 选项声明的存储项都需要在创世时进行配置。配置这样的存储值是链规范的工作,特别是创世部分
在为开发、测试或演示目的创建一次性网络时,可能需要真正定制的链规范。节点运营商可以将协议的默认链规范导出为 JSON 格式,然后进行编辑。substrate的子命令build-spec 可以用来导出json文件。
substrate build-spec > myCustomSpec.json
导出链规范后,操作员可以自由修改其任何字段。修改网络的名称和引导节点以及运营商希望的任何创世配置(例如代币余额)是很常见的。编辑完成后,运营商可以通过提供定制的 JSON 来启动他们的定制链。
substrate --chain=myCustomSpec.json
Substrate 节点支持运行时升级,这意味着区块链的runtime可能与链开始时不同。
从 Substrate 节点的链规范.json文件中摘录:
"sudo": {
"key": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY"
在此规范可用于初始化节点的创世存储之前,人类可读的密钥必须转换为存储 trie (类似以太坊mpt)的实际存储密钥。
当以 JSON 格式分发链规范时,它们应该以这种原始格式分发,以确保所有节点即使在runtime升级后也可以同步链。基于substrate的节点支持–raw标记以生成raw链规范。
substrate build-spec --chain=myCustomSpec.json --raw > customSpecRaw.json
转换后 ,上面的配置变成了这样
"0x50a63a871aced22e88ee6466fe5aa5d9": "0xd43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d",
Specify the development chain
Disable adding the default bootnode to the specification.
By default the `/ip4/` bootnode is added to the specification when no
bootnode exists.
Disable log color output
Disable feature to dynamically update and reload the log filter.
By default this feature is enabled, however it leads to a small performance decrease. The
`system_addLogFilter` and `system_resetLogFilter` RPCs will have no effect with this option set.
-h, --help
Prints help information
Force raw genesis storage output
-V, --version
Prints version information
-d, --base-path <PATH>
Specify custom base path
--chain <CHAIN_SPEC>
Specify the chain specification.
It can be one of the predefined ones (dev, local, or staging) or it can be a path to a file with the
chainspec (such as one exported by the `build-spec` subcommand).
-l, --log <LOG_PATTERN>...
Sets a custom logging filter. Syntax is <target>=<level>, e.g. -lsync=debug.
Log levels (least to most verbose) are error, warn, info, debug, and trace. By default, all targets log
`info`. The global log level can be set with -l<level>.
--node-key <KEY>
The secret key to use for libp2p networking.
The value is a string that is parsed according to the choice of `--node-key-type` as follows:
`ed25519`: The value is parsed as a hex-encoded Ed25519 32 byte secret key, i.e. 64 hex characters.
The value of this option takes precedence over `--node-key-file`.
WARNING: Secrets provided as command-line arguments are easily exposed. Use of this option should be limited
to development and testing. To use an externally managed secret key, use `--node-key-file` instead.
--node-key-file <FILE>
The file from which to read the node's secret key to use for libp2p networking.
The contents of the file are parsed according to the choice of `--node-key-type` as follows:
`ed25519`: The file must contain an unencoded 32 byte or hex encoded Ed25519 secret key.
If the file does not exist, it is created with a newly generated secret key of the chosen type.
--node-key-type <TYPE>
The type of secret key to use for libp2p networking.
The secret key of the node is obtained as follows:
* If the `--node-key` option is given, the value is parsed as a secret key according to the type. See the
documentation for `--node-key`.
* If the `--node-key-file` option is given, the secret key is read from the specified file. See the
documentation for `--node-key-file`.
* Otherwise, the secret key is read from a file with a predetermined, type-specific name from the chain-
specific network config directory inside the base directory specified by `--base-dir`. If this file
does not exist, it is created with a newly generated secret key of the chosen type.
The node's secret key determines the corresponding public key and hence the node's peer ID in the context of
libp2p. [default: Ed25519] [possible values: Ed25519]
--tracing-receiver <RECEIVER>
Receiver to process tracing messages [default: Log] [possible values: Log]
--tracing-targets <TARGETS>
Sets a custom profiling filter. Syntax is the same as for logging: <target>=<level>
./target/release/parachain-collator build-spec --chain local
2021-10-31 21:11:12 Building chain spec
"name": "Local Testnet",
"id": "local_testnet",
"chainType": "Local",
"bootNodes": [ "/ip4/"
"telemetryEndpoints": null,
"protocolId": null,
"properties": null,
"relay_chain": "rococo-local",
"para_id": 2000,
"consensusEngine": null,
"codeSubstitutes": {},
"genesis": {
"runtime": {
"system": {
"changesTrieConfig": null,
"code": " <<Runtime wasm Code>>"
"sudo": {
"key": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY"
"parachainSystem": null,
"parachainInfo": {
"parachainId": 2000
"balances": {
"balances": [
"aura": {
"authorities": [
"auraExt": null