Application Structure 应用结构


Application Structure 应用结构

Introduction 介绍

Where does this class belong? This question is extremely common when building applications on a framework. Many developers ask this question because they have been told that “Model” means “Database”. So, developers have their controllers that interact with HTTP, models which do something with the database, and views which contain their HTML. But, what about classes that send e-mail? What about classes that validate data? What about classes that call an API to gather information? In this chapter, we’ll cover good application structure in the Laravel framework and break down some of the common mental roadblocks that hold developers back from good design.


MVC Is Killing You MVC是慢性谋杀

The biggest roadblock towards developers achieving good design is a simple acronym: M-V-C. Models, views, and controllers have dominated web framework thinking for years, in part because of the popularity of Ruby on Rails. However, ask a developer to define “model”. Usually, you’ll hear a few mutters and the word “database”. Supposedly, the model is the database. It’s where all your database stuff goes, whatever that means. But, as you quickly learn, your application needs a lot more logic than just a simple database access class. It needs to do validation, call external services, send e-mails, and more.

为了做出好的程序设计,最大的拦路虎就是一个简单的缩写词:M-V-C。模型、视图、控制器主宰了Web框架的思想已经好多年了。这种思想的流行某种程度上是托了Ruby on Rails愈加流行的福。然而,如果你问一个开发人员“模型”的定义是什么。通常你会听到他嘟哝着什么“数据库”之类的东西。这么说,模型就是数据库了。不管这意味着什么,模型里包含了关于数据库的一切。但是,你很快就会知道,你的应用程序需要的不仅仅是一个简单的数据库访问类。他需要更多的逻辑如:数据验证、调用外部服务、发送电子邮件,等等更多。

What Is A Model? 模型是啥?

The word “model” has become so ambiguous that it has no meaning. By developing with a more specific vocabulary, it will be easier to separate our application into smaller, cleaner classes with a clearly defined responsiblity.


So, what is the solution to this dilemma? Many developers start packing logic into their controllers. Once the controllers get large enough, they need to re-use business logic that is in other controllers. Instead of extracting the logic into another class, most developers mistakenly assume they need to call controllers from within other controllers. This pattern is typically called “HMVC”. Unfortunately, this pattern often indicates poor application design, and controllers that are much too complicated.


HMVC (Usually) Indicates Poor Design HMVC(通常)预示着糟糕的设计。

Feel the need to call controllers from other controllers? This is often indicative of poor application design and too much business logic in your controllers. Extract the logic into a third class that can be injected into any controller.


There is a better way to structure applications. We need to wash our minds clean of all we have been taught about models. In fact, let’s just delete the model directory and start fresh!


Bye, Bye Models 再见,模型

Is your models directory deleted yet? If not, get it out of there! Let’s create a folder within our app directory that is simply named after our application. For this discussion, let’s call our application QuickBill, and we’ll continue to use some of the interfaces and classes we’ve discussed before.


Remember The Context 注意使用场景

Remember, if you are building a very small Laravel application, throwing a few Eloquent models in the modelsdirectory perfectly fine. In this chapter, we’re primarily concerned with discovering more “layered” architecture suitable to large and complex projects.


So, we should have an app/QuickBill directory, which is at the same level in the application directory structure as controllers and views. We can create several more directories within QuickBill. Let’s create a Repositoriesdirectory and a Billing directory. Once these directories are established, remember to register them for PSR-0 auto-loading in your composer.json file:


<!-- lang:javascript -->
"autoload": {
    "psr-0":    {
        "QuickBill":    "app/"

译者注:psr-0也可以改成psr-4, “psr-4”: { “QuickBill\”: “app/QuickBill” } psr-4是比较新的建议标准,和psr-0具体有什么区别请自行检索。

For now, let’s put our Eloquent classes at the root of the QuickBill directory. This will allow us to conveniently access them as QuickBill\User, QuickBill\Payment, etc. In the Repositories folder would belongs classes such as PaymentRepository and UserRepository, which would contain all of our data access functions such as getRecentPayments, and getRichestUser. The Billing directory would contain the classes and interfaces that work with third-party billing services like Stripe and Balanced. The folder structure would look something like this:

现在我们把继承自Eloquent的模型类都放到QuickBill目录下面。这样我们就能很方便的以QuickBill\User, QuickBill\Payment的方式来使用它们。Repositories目录属于PaymentRepository 和UserRepository这种类,里面包含了所有对数据的访问功能比如getRecentPayments和getRichestUser。Billing目录应当包含调用第三方支付服务(如Stripe和Balanced)的类。整个目录结构应该类似这样:

<!-- lang:php -->
// app
    // QuickBill
        // Repositories
            -> UserRepository.php
            -> PaymentRepository.php
        // Billing
            -> BillerInterface.php
            -> StripeBiller.php
        // Notifications
            -> BillingNotifierInterface.php
            -> SmsBillingNotifier.php

What About Validation 数据验证怎么办?

Where to perform validation often stumps developers. Consider placing validation methods on your “entity” classes (like User.php and Payment.php). Possible method name might be: validForCreation or hasValidDomain. Alternatively, you could create a UserValidator class within a Validation namespace and inject that validator into your repository. Experiment with both approaches and see what you like best!


By just getting rid of the models directory, you can often break down mental roadblocks to good design, allowing you to create a directory structure that is more suitable for your application. Of course, each application you build will have some similarities, since each complex application will need a data access (repository) layer, several external service layers, etc.


Don’t Fear Directories 别害怕目录

Don’t be afraid to create more directories to organize your application. Always break your application into small components, each having a very focused responsibility. Thinking outside of the “model” box will help. For example, as we previously discussed, you could create a Repositories directory to hold all of your data access classes.


It’s All About The Layers 核心思想就是分层

As you may have noticed, a key to solid application design is simply separating responsibilities, or creating layers of responsibility. Controllers are responsible for receiving an HTTP request and calling the proper business layer classes. Your business / domain layer is your application. It contains the classes that retrieve data, validate data, process payments, send e-mail, and any other function of your application. In fact, your domain layer doesn’t need to know about “the web” at all! The web is simply a transport mechanism to access your application, and knowledge of the web and HTTP need not go beyond the routing and controller layers. Good architecture can be challenging, but will yield large profits of sustainable, clear code.


For example, instead of accessing the web request instance in a class, you could simply pass the web input from the controller. This simple change alone decouples your class from “the web”, and the class can easily be tested without worrying about mocking a web request:


<!-- lang:php -->
class BillingController extends BaseController{
    public function __construct(BillerInterface $biller)
        $this->biller = $biller;
    public function postCharge()
        $this->biller->chargeAccount(Auth::user(), Input::get('amount'));
        return View::make('charge.success');

Our chargeAccount method is now much easier to test, since we no longer have to use the Request or Input class inside of our BillingInterface implementation as we are simply passing the charged amount into the method as an integer.

现在chargeAccount 方法更容易测试了。 我们把Request和Input从BillingInterface里提出来,然后在控制器里把方法需要的支付金额直接传过去。

Separation of responsibilities is one of the keys to writing maintainable applications. Always be asking if a given class knows more than it should. You should frequently ask yourself: “Should this class care about X?” If answer is “no”, extract the logic into another class that can be injected as a dependency.


Single Reason To Change

A helpful method of determining whether a class has too many responsibilities is to examine your reason for changing code within that class. For example, should we need to change code within a Biller implementation when tweaking our notification logic? Of course not. The Biller implementations are concerned with billing, and should only work with notification logic via a contract. Maintaining this mindset as you are working on your code will help you quickly identify areas of an application that can be improved.


Where To Put “Stuff” 东西都放哪儿?

When developing applications with Laravel, you may sometimes wonder where to put “stuff”. For example, where should you put “helper” functions? Where should you put event listeners? Where should you put view composers? It may be surprising for you to know that the answer is: “wherever you want!” Laravel does not have many conventions regarding where things belong on the file system. However, as this answer is not often satisfactory, we’ll explore some possible locations for such things before moving on.


Helper Functions 辅助函数

Laravel ships with a file full of helpers functions (support/helpers.php). You may wish to create a similar file containing helper functions relevant to your own application and conding style. A great place to include these functions are the “start” files. Within your start/global.php file, which is included on every request to the application, you may simply require your own helpers.php file:

Laravel 有一个文件(support/helpers.php)里面都是辅助函数。你或许希望创建一个类似的文件来存储你自己的辅助函数。“start”文件是个不错的入口,该文件会在应用的每一次请求时被访问。在start/global.php里,你可以引入你自己写的helpers.php文件,就像这样:

<!-- lang:php -->
// Within app/start/global.php

require_once __DIR__.'/../helpers.php';

//译者注: 该helpers.php文件位于app目录下,需要你自己创建。你想放到别的地方也可以。

Event Listeners 事件监听器

Since event listeners obviously do not belongs in the routes.php file, and can begin to clutter the “start” files, we need another location to place this code. A great option is a service provider. As we’ve learned, service providers are not strictly for registering bindings in the IoC container. They can be used to do all sorts of work. By grouping related event registrations inside of a service provider, the code stays neatly tucked away behind the scenes of your main application code. View composers, which are a type of event, may also be neatly grouped within service providers.


For example, a service provider that registers events might look something like this:


<!-- lang:php -->
<?php namespace QuickBill\Providers;
    use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
    class BillingEventsProvider extends ServiceProvider{
        public function boot()
            Event::listen('billing.failed', function($bill)
                // Handle failed billing event...

After creating the provider, we would simply add it our providers array within the app/config/app.php configuration file.

创建好服务提供者后,就可以将它加入到app/config/app.php 配置文件的providers数组里。

Wear The Boot注意启动流程

Remember, in the example above, we are using the boot method for a reason. The register method in a service provider is only intended for binding classes into container.


Error Handlers 错误处理

If your application has many customer error handlers, they may start to take over your “start” files. Again, like event handlers, these are best moved into a service provider. The service provider might be named something like QuickBillErrorProvider. Within the boot method of this provider you may register all of your custom error handlers. Again, keeps boilerplate code out of the main files of your application. An error handler provider would look something like this:


<!-- lang:php -->
<?php namespace QuickBill\Providers;
use App, Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class QuickBillErrorProvider extends ServiceProvider {
    public function register()

    public function boot()
        App::error(function(BillingFailedException $e)
            // Handle failed billing exceptions ...

The Small Solution 简便做法

Of course, if you only have one or two simple error handlers, keeping them in the “start” files is a reasonable and quick solution.


The Rest 其他

In general, classes may be neatly organized using a PSR-0 structure within a directory of your application. Imperative code such as event listeners, error handlers, and other “registeration” type operations may be placed inside of a service provider. With what we have learned so far, you should be able to make an educated decision on where to place a piece of code. But, don’t be hesitate to experiment. The beauty of Laravel is that you can make conventions that work best for you. Discover a structure that works best for your applications, and make sure to share your insights with others!


For example, as you probably noticed above, you might create a Providers namespace for all of your application’s custom service providers, creating a directory structure like so:


<!-- lang:php -->
// app
    // QuickBill
        // Billing
        // Extensions
                -> Environment.php
        // Providers
            -> EventPusherServiceProvider.php
        // Repositories

Notice that in the example we have a Providers and an Extensions namespace. All of your application’s service providers could be stored in the Providers directory in namespace, and the Extensions namespace is a convenient place to store extensions made to core framework classes.

