MySQL 8.0-11.8 Choosing the Right Type for a Column


For optimum storage, you should try to use the most precise type in all cases. For example, if an integer column is used for values in the range from 1 to 99999MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED is the best type. Of the types that represent all the required values, this type uses the least amount of storage.

为了获得最佳的存储效果,您应该在所有情况下尝试使用最精确的类型。例如,如果整数列用于范围从1到99999的值,则MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED是最好的类型。在表示所有所需值的类型中,这种类型使用的存储空间最少。

All basic calculations (+-*, and /) with DECIMAL columns are done with precision of 65 decimal (base 10) digits. See Section 11.1.1, “Numeric Data Type Syntax”.


If accuracy is not too important or if speed is the highest priority, the DOUBLE type may be good enough. For high precision, you can always convert to a fixed-point type stored in a BIGINT. This enables you to do all calculations with 64-bit integers and then convert results back to floating-point values as necessary.

