自从JDK5.0加入了annotation以后,asepctj也提供对annotaion的支持,而且命名也模仿JDK,从1.4的版本改为5.0 也就是Aspectj5,或者称@Aspectj。其中最重要的一项就是pointcut 支持对Annotaion的选取了。
那么@Aspectj 对 Annotation的支持是什么用的勒? 让我们看以下官方给出的Demo。
一、类级别的Annotaion(假定我们定义了一个@Immutable的 类级别Annotation)。
Matches any type which does not have an @Immutable annotation.
Matches any type in the org.xyz or org.abc packages with the@Immutable annotation.
Matches a type Foo or any of its subtypes, which have the@Immutable annotation, or a type Goo.
Matches any type in a package beginning with the prefix org.xyz, which has either the @Immutable annotation or the @NonPersistent annotation.
Matches any type in a package beginning with the prefix org.xyz, which has both an @Immutable annotation and an @NonPersistent annotation.
Matches any type in a package beginning with the prefix org.xyz, which has an inheritable annotation. The annotation pattern @(@Inherited *) matches any annotation of a type matching the type pattern@Inherited *, which in turn matches any type with the @Inherited annotation.
Matches a field of any type and any name, that has an annotation of type@SensitiveData
Matches a member field of a type in a package with prefixorg.xzy, where the field is of type List, and has an annotation of type@SensitiveData
Matches a member field of a type in a package with prefixorg.xzy, where the field is of a type which has a @SensitiveData annotation.
Matches a field with an annotation @Foo, of a type with an annotation@Goo, declared in a type with annotation @Hoo.
Matches a field with an annotation @Persisted and an annotation@Classified.
Matches a method with any return type and any name, that has an annotation of type@Oneway.
Matches a method with the @Transaction annotation, declared in a type with the@Persistent annotation, and in a package beginning with the org.xyz prefix.
Matches any method taking at least one parameter, where the parameter type has an annotation@Immutable.
* matches any join point with at least one argument, and where the
* type of the first argument has the @Classified annotation
pointcut classifiedArgument() : @args(Classified,..);
* matches any join point with three arguments, where the third
* argument has an annotation of type @Untrusted.
pointcut untrustedData(Untrusted untrustedDataSource) :
call(* *(..)) && @target(Classified) 匹配所有的方法,但是被匹配的方法所在的Class须有@Classfied注解
Matches any join point where the executing code is defined within a type which has an annotation of typeFoo.
匹配任何包含该注解的 Jointpoint
参考资料以及Demo : http://www.eclipse.org/aspectj/doc/released/adk15notebook/annotations-pointcuts-and-advice.html