The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.
Example 1
def _test_type_repr(self, t):
finfo = np.finfo(t)
last_fraction_bit_idx = finfo.nexp + finfo.nmant
last_exponent_bit_idx = finfo.nexp
storage_bytes = np.dtype(t).itemsize*8
# could add some more types to the list below
for which in ['small denorm', 'small norm']:
# Values from
constr = np.array([0x00]*storage_bytes, dtype=np.uint8)
if which == 'small denorm':
byte = last_fraction_bit_idx // 8
bytebit = 7-(last_fraction_bit_idx % 8)
constr[byte] = 1 << bytebit
elif which == 'small norm':
byte = last_exponent_bit_idx // 8
bytebit = 7-(last_exponent_bit_idx % 8)
constr[byte] = 1 << bytebit
raise ValueError('hmm')
val = constr.view(t)[0]
val_repr = repr(val)
val2 = t(eval(val_repr))
if not (val2 == 0 and val < 1e-100):
assert_equal(val, val2)
Example 2
def _test_type_repr(self, t):
finfo = np.finfo(t)
last_fraction_bit_idx = finfo.nexp + finfo.nmant
last_exponent_bit_idx = finfo.nexp
storage_bytes = np.dtype(t).itemsize*8
# could add some more types to the list below
for which in ['small denorm', 'small norm']:
# Values from
constr = np.array([0x00]*storage_bytes, dtype=np.uint8)
if which == 'small denorm':
byte = last_fraction_bit_idx // 8
bytebit = 7-(last_fraction_bit_idx % 8)
constr[byte] = 1 << bytebit
elif which == 'small norm':
byte = last_exponent_bit_idx // 8
bytebit = 7-(last_exponent_bit_idx % 8)
constr[byte] = 1 << bytebit
raise ValueError('hmm')
val = constr.view(t)[0]
val_repr = repr(val)
val2 = t(eval(val_repr))
if not (val2 == 0 and val < 1e-100):
assert_equal(val, val2)
Example 3
def _test_type_repr(self, t):
finfo = np.finfo(t)
last_fraction_bit_idx = finfo.nexp + finfo.nmant
last_exponent_bit_idx = finfo.nexp
storage_bytes = np.dtype(t).itemsize*8
# could add some more types to the list below
for which in ['small denorm', 'small norm']:
# Values from
constr = np.array([0x00]*storage_bytes, dtype=np.uint8)
if which == 'small denorm':
byte = last_fraction_bit_idx // 8
bytebit = 7-(last_fraction_bit_idx % 8)
constr[byte] = 1 << bytebit
elif which == 'small norm':
byte = last_exponent_bit_idx // 8
bytebit = 7-(last_exponent_bit_idx % 8)
constr[byte] = 1 << bytebit
raise ValueError('hmm')
val = constr.view(t)[0]
val_repr = repr(val)
val2 = t(eval(val_repr))
if not (val2 == 0 and val < 1e-100):
assert_equal(val, val2)
Example 4
def _test_type_repr(self, t):
finfo = np.finfo(t)
last_fraction_bit_idx = finfo.nexp + finfo.nmant
last_exponent_bit_idx = finfo.nexp
storage_bytes = np.dtype(t).itemsize*8
# could add some more types to the list below
for which in ['small denorm', 'small norm']:
# Values from
constr = np.array([0x00]*storage_bytes, dtype=np.uint8)
if which == 'small denorm':
byte = last_fraction_bit_idx // 8
bytebit = 7-(last_fraction_bit_idx % 8)
constr[byte] = 1 << bytebit
elif which == 'small norm':
byte = last_exponent_bit_idx // 8
bytebit = 7-(last_exponent_bit_idx % 8)
constr[byte] = 1 << bytebit
raise ValueError('hmm')
val = constr.view(t)[0]
val_repr = repr(val)
val2 = t(eval(val_repr))
if not (val2 == 0 and val < 1e-100):
assert_equal(val, val2)
Example 5
def _test_type_repr(self, t):
finfo = np.finfo(t)
last_fraction_bit_idx = finfo.nexp + finfo.nmant
last_exponent_bit_idx = finfo.nexp
storage_bytes = np.dtype(t).itemsize*8
# could add some more types to the list below
for which in ['small denorm', 'small norm']:
# Values from
constr = np.array([0x00]*storage_bytes, dtype=np.uint8)
if which == 'small denorm':
byte = last_fraction_bit_idx // 8
bytebit = 7-(last_fraction_bit_idx % 8)
constr[byte] = 1 << bytebit
elif which == 'small norm':
byte = last_exponent_bit_idx // 8
bytebit = 7-(last_exponent_bit_idx % 8)
constr[byte] = 1 << bytebit
raise ValueError('hmm')
val = constr.view(t)[0]
val_repr = repr(val)
val2 = t(eval(val_repr))
if not (val2 == 0 and val < 1e-100):
assert_equal(val, val2)
Example 6
def test_check_argument_list7():
kernel_name = "test_kernel"
kernel_string = """#define SUM(A, B) (A + B)
// In this file we define test_kernel
__kernel void another_kernel (char number, double factors, int * numbers, const unsigned long * moreNumbers)
__kernel void test_kernel
(double number, double factors, int * numbers, const unsigned long * moreNumbers) {
numbers[get_global_id(0)] = SUM(numbers[get_global_id(0)] * factors[get_global_id(0)], number);
// /test_kernel
args = [numpy.byte(5), numpy.float64(4.6), numpy.int32([1, 2, 3]), numpy.uint64([3, 2, 111])]
check_argument_list(kernel_name, kernel_string, args)
print("Expected a TypeError to be raised.")
assert False
except TypeError:
assert True
Example 7
def _test_type_repr(self, t):
finfo = np.finfo(t)
last_fraction_bit_idx = finfo.nexp + finfo.nmant
last_exponent_bit_idx = finfo.nexp
storage_bytes = np.dtype(t).itemsize*8
# could add some more types to the list below
for which in ['small denorm', 'small norm']:
# Values from
constr = np.array([0x00]*storage_bytes, dtype=np.uint8)
if which == 'small denorm':
byte = last_fraction_bit_idx // 8
bytebit = 7-(last_fraction_bit_idx % 8)
constr[byte] = 1 << bytebit
elif which == 'small norm':
byte = last_exponent_bit_idx // 8
bytebit = 7-(last_exponent_bit_idx % 8)
constr[byte] = 1 << bytebit
raise ValueError('hmm')
val = constr.view(t)[0]
val_repr = repr(val)
val2 = t(eval(val_repr))
if not (val2 == 0 and val < 1e-100):
assert_equal(val, val2)
Example 8
def _test_type_repr(self, t):
finfo = np.finfo(t)
last_fraction_bit_idx = finfo.nexp + finfo.nmant
last_exponent_bit_idx = finfo.nexp
storage_bytes = np.dtype(t).itemsize*8
# could add some more types to the list below
for which in ['small denorm', 'small norm']:
# Values from
constr = np.array([0x00]*storage_bytes, dtype=np.uint8)
if which == 'small denorm':
byte = last_fraction_bit_idx // 8
bytebit = 7-(last_fraction_bit_idx % 8)
constr[byte] = 1 << bytebit
elif which == 'small norm':
byte = last_exponent_bit_idx // 8
bytebit = 7-(last_exponent_bit_idx % 8)
constr[byte] = 1 << bytebit
raise ValueError('hmm')
val = constr.view(t)[0]
val_repr = repr(val)
val2 = t(eval(val_repr))
if not (val2 == 0 and val < 1e-100):
assert_equal(val, val2)
Example 9
def get_full_alignment_base_quality_scores(read):
Returns base quality scores for the full read alignment, inserting zeroes for deletions and removing
inserted and soft-clipped bases. Therefore, only returns quality for truly aligned sequenced bases.
read (pysam.AlignedSegment): read to get quality scores for
np.array: numpy array of quality scores
quality_scores = np.fromstring(read.qual, dtype=np.byte) - tk_constants.ILLUMINA_QUAL_OFFSET
start_pos = 0
for operation,length in read.cigar:
operation = cr_constants.cigar_numeric_to_category_map[operation]
if operation == 'D':
quality_scores = np.insert(quality_scores, start_pos, [0] * length)
elif operation == 'I' or operation == 'S':
quality_scores = np.delete(quality_scores, np.s_[start_pos:start_pos + length])
if not operation == 'I' and not operation == 'S':
start_pos += length
return start_pos, quality_scores
Example 10
def get_qvs(qual):
if qual is None:
return None
return numpy.fromstring(qual, dtype=numpy.byte) - ILLUMINA_QUAL_OFFSET
Example 11
def get_bases_qual(qual, cutoff):
if qual is None:
return None
qvs = numpy.fromstring(qual, dtype=numpy.byte) - ILLUMINA_QUAL_OFFSET
return numpy.count_nonzero(qvs[qvs > cutoff])
Example 12
def get_min_qual(qual):
if qual is None or len(qual) == 0:
return None
return (numpy.fromstring(qual, dtype=numpy.byte) - ILLUMINA_QUAL_OFFSET).min()
Example 13
def get_expected_errors(qual):
if qual is None or len(qual) == 0:
return None
qvs = numpy.fromstring(qual, dtype=numpy.byte) - ILLUMINA_QUAL_OFFSET
perr = 10.0**(-qvs/10.0)
return perr.sum()
Example 14
def read_tile(id, tile, scale=1):
meta = get_metadata(id)
approximate_zoom = meta['meta']['approximateZoom']
bounds = meta['bounds']
height = meta['meta']['height']
width = meta['meta']['width']
zoom_offset = get_zoom_offset(width, height, approximate_zoom)
min_zoom = approximate_zoom - zoom_offset
if not min_zoom <= tile.z <= MAX_ZOOM:
raise InvalidTileRequest('Invalid zoom: {} outside [{}, {}]'.format(tile.z, min_zoom, MAX_ZOOM))
sw = mercantile.tile(*bounds[0:2], zoom=tile.z)
ne = mercantile.tile(*bounds[2:4], zoom=tile.z)
if not sw.x <= tile.x <= ne.x:
raise InvalidTileRequest('Invalid x coordinate: {} outside [{}, {}]'.format(tile.x, sw.x, ne.x))
if not ne.y <= tile.y <= sw.y:
raise InvalidTileRequest('Invalid y coordinate: {} outside [{}, {}]'.format(tile.y, sw.y, ne.y))
data = render_tile(meta, tile, scale=scale)
imgarr =, [1, 2, 0]).astype(np.byte)
out = StringIO()
im = Image.fromarray(imgarr, 'RGBA'), 'png')
return out.getvalue()
Example 15
def __init__(self, candidate, index, length, decoder, parent=None):
self.decoder = decoder #the decoder provides the necessary context, it is in turn tied to the corrector
self.parent = parent #links to the parent hypothesis that generated this one
self.candidate = candidate #or None for the initial root hypothesis
self.index = index #the position of the last added candidate in the original testtokens sequence
self.length = length #the length of the last added candidate
#if parent is None:
# self.covered = np.zeros(len(self.decoder), dtype=np.byte)
# self.covered = self.parent.covered.copy()
# self.covered[self.index:self.index+self.length+1] = 1
self.logprob = self.computeprob()
if self.decoder.corrector.args.debug:
print("[DEBUG] Generated Hypothesis " + repr(self), file=sys.stderr)
Example 16
def __next__(self):
tmp =*self.ncols)
if tmp == "": raise StopIteration
#image = np.array(struct.unpack("{0}B", tmp), dtype=np.byte). \
# reshape((self.nrows, self.ncols))
# notice we shall normalize the input
image = np.array(struct.unpack("{0}B".format(self.nrows*self.ncols), tmp), dtype=np.float32) / 256.0
#print np.max(image), np.min(image)
return image
Example 17
def test_check_argument_list2():
kernel_name = "test_kernel"
kernel_string = """__kernel void test_kernel
(char number, double factors, int * numbers, const unsigned long * moreNumbers) {
numbers[get_global_id(0)] = numbers[get_global_id(0)] * factors[get_global_id(0)] + number;
args = [numpy.byte(5), numpy.float64(4.6), numpy.int32([1, 2, 3]), numpy.uint64([3, 2, 111])]
check_argument_list(kernel_name, kernel_string, args)
#test that no exception is raised
assert True
Example 18
def test_check_argument_list6():
kernel_name = "test_kernel"
kernel_string = """// This is where we define test_kernel
#define SUM(A, B) (A + B)
__kernel void test_kernel
(char number, double factors, int * numbers, const unsigned long * moreNumbers) {
numbers[get_global_id(0)] = SUM(numbers[get_global_id(0)] * factors[get_global_id(0)], number);
// /test_kernel
args = [numpy.byte(5), numpy.float64(4.6), numpy.int32([1, 2, 3]), numpy.uint64([3, 2, 111])]
check_argument_list(kernel_name, kernel_string, args)
#test that no exception is raised
assert True
Example 19
def __init__(self, packet_cb=None, skipped_cb=None, cksum_err_cb=None):
gr.sync_block.__init__(self, "indri_smartnet_deframer",
self.nsamples = 0
self.packet_cb = packet_cb
self.skipped_cb = skipped_cb
self.cksum_err_cb = cksum_err_cb
self.counts = { "good": 0, "bad": 0, "nsamples": 0 }
Example 20
def correct_bc_error(bc_confidence_threshold, seq, qual, wl_dist):
'''Attempt to correct an incorrect BC sequence by computing
the probability that a Hamming distance=1 BC generated
the observed sequence, accounting for the prior distribution
of the whitelist barcodes (wl_dist), and the QV of the base
that must have been incorrect'''
# QV values
qvs = np.fromstring(qual, dtype=np.byte) - tk_constants.ILLUMINA_QUAL_OFFSET
# Char array of read
a = array.array('c', seq)
# Likelihood of candidates
wl_cand = []
likelihoods = []
# Enumerate Hamming distance 1 sequences - if a sequence
# is on the whitelist, compute it's likelihood.
for pos in range(len(a)):
existing = a[pos]
for c in tk_seq.NUCS:
if c == existing:
a[pos] = c
test_str = a.tostring()
# prior probability of this BC
p_bc = wl_dist.get(test_str)
if p_bc is not None:
# probability of the base error
edit_qv = min(33.0, float(qvs[pos]))
p_edit = 10.0**(-edit_qv/10.0)
likelihoods.append(p_bc * p_edit)
a[pos] = existing
posterior = np.array(likelihoods)
posterior /= posterior.sum()
if len(posterior) > 0:
pmax = posterior.max()
if pmax > bc_confidence_threshold:
return wl_cand[np.argmax(posterior)]
return None
Example 21
def run(self):
with self._conf_lock:
conf = self._conf.copy() # Create thread-safe local copy
sleep(float(conf["capture-warmup"])) # Camera warm-up wait
while True :
if self._stop.is_set():
if self._new_conf.is_set():
with self._conf_lock:
conf = self._conf.copy()
logging.debug("New configuration set: {conf}".format(conf=conf))
if conf["capture"]:
if self._stream is None:
if self.tryOpenStream() is FAIL:
try:,), (), ())
raw = self._stream.read_and_queue()
except IOError as err_first:
if raw is None:
logging.warning("Grabbed frame is empty.")
while True:
self._out_queue.put(cv2.imdecode(np.fromstring(raw, dtype=np.byte), flags=cv2.IMREAD_COLOR), block=False)
except Full:
sleep(1) # Reduce CPU consumption
if self._stream is not None:
self._stream.close()"Thread stopped.")
Example 22
def __init__(self, filename_or_obj, dataset, preamble=None, file_meta=None,
is_implicit_VR=True, is_little_endian=True):
"""Initialize a dataset read from a DICOM file.
filename_or_obj : str, None
Full path and filename to the file. Use None if is a BytesIO.
dataset : Dataset, dict
Some form of dictionary, usually a Dataset from read_dataset()
preamble : None, optional
The 128-byte DICOM preamble
file_meta : None, optional
The file meta info dataset, as returned by _read_file_meta,
or an empty dataset if no file meta information is in the file.
is_implicit_VR : boolean, optional
True (default) if implicit VR transfer syntax used; False if explicit VR.
is_little_endian : boolean
True (default) if little-endian transfer syntax used; False if big-endian.
Dataset.__init__(self, dataset)
self.preamble = preamble
self.file_meta = file_meta
self.is_implicit_VR = is_implicit_VR
self.is_little_endian = is_little_endian
if isinstance(filename_or_obj, compat.string_types):
self.filename = filename_or_obj
self.fileobj_type = open
elif isinstance(filename_or_obj, io.BufferedReader):
self.filename =
# This is the appropriate constructor for io.BufferedReader
self.fileobj_type = open
self.fileobj_type = filename_or_obj.__class__ # use __class__ python <2.7?;
if getattr(filename_or_obj, "name", False):
self.filename =
elif getattr(filename_or_obj, "filename", False): # gzip python <2.7?
self.filename = filename_or_obj.filename
self.filename = None # e.g. came from BytesIO or something file-like
self.timestamp = None
if stat_available and self.filename and os.path.exists(self.filename):
statinfo = os.stat(self.filename)
self.timestamp = statinfo.st_mtime
Example 23
def get_test_content(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info):
"""Mimic reader input file content"""
file_content = {
'/attr/Platform_Name': filename_info['platform_shortname'],
'/attr/Element_Resolution': 2.,
'/attr/Line_Resolution': 2.,
'/attr/Subsatellite_Longitude': -70.2 if 'GOES' in filename_info['platform_shortname'] else 140.65,
'pixel_longitude': DEFAULT_LON_DATA,
'pixel_longitude/attr/scale_factor': 1.,
'pixel_longitude/attr/add_offset': 0.,
'pixel_longitude/shape': DEFAULT_FILE_SHAPE,
'pixel_longitude/attr/_FillValue': np.nan,
'pixel_latitude': DEFAULT_LAT_DATA,
'pixel_latitude/attr/scale_factor': 1.,
'pixel_latitude/attr/add_offset': 0.,
'pixel_latitude/shape': DEFAULT_FILE_SHAPE,
'pixel_latitude/attr/_FillValue': np.nan,
sensor = {
'HIMAWARI-8': 'himawari8',
'GOES-16': 'goes16',
'GOES-13': 'goes',
'GOES-14': 'goes',
'GOES-15': 'goes',
file_content['/attr/Sensor_Name'] = sensor
if filename_info['platform_shortname'] == 'HIMAWARI-8':
file_content['pixel_longitude'] = DEFAULT_LON_DATA + 130.
file_content['variable1'] = DEFAULT_FILE_DATA.astype(np.float32)
file_content['variable1/attr/_FillValue'] = -1
file_content['variable1/attr/scale_factor'] = 1.
file_content['variable1/attr/add_offset'] = 0.
file_content['variable1/attr/units'] = '1'
file_content['variable1/shape'] = DEFAULT_FILE_SHAPE
# data with fill values
file_content['variable2'] =
file_content['variable2'].mask[::5, ::5] = True
file_content['variable2/attr/_FillValue'] = -1
file_content['variable2/attr/scale_factor'] = 1.
file_content['variable2/attr/add_offset'] = 0.
file_content['variable2/attr/units'] = '1'
file_content['variable2/shape'] = DEFAULT_FILE_SHAPE
# category
file_content['variable3'] = DEFAULT_FILE_DATA.astype(np.byte)
file_content['variable3/attr/_FillValue'] = -128
file_content['variable3/attr/flag_meanings'] = "clear water supercooled mixed ice unknown"
file_content['variable3/attr/flag_values'] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
file_content['variable3/attr/units'] = '1'
file_content['variable3/shape'] = DEFAULT_FILE_SHAPE
return file_content
Example 24
def __init__(self, filename_or_obj, dataset, preamble=None, file_meta=None,
is_implicit_VR=True, is_little_endian=True):
"""Initialize a dataset read from a DICOM file.
filename_or_obj : str, None
Full path and filename to the file. Use None if is a BytesIO.
dataset : Dataset, dict
Some form of dictionary, usually a Dataset from read_dataset()
preamble : None, optional
The 128-byte DICOM preamble
file_meta : None, optional
The file meta info dataset, as returned by _read_file_meta,
or an empty dataset if no file meta information is in the file.
is_implicit_VR : boolean, optional
True (default) if implicit VR transfer syntax used; False if explicit VR.
is_little_endian : boolean
True (default) if little-endian transfer syntax used; False if big-endian.
Dataset.__init__(self, dataset)
self.preamble = preamble
self.file_meta = file_meta
self.is_implicit_VR = is_implicit_VR
self.is_little_endian = is_little_endian
if isinstance(filename_or_obj, compat.string_types):
self.filename = filename_or_obj
self.fileobj_type = open
elif isinstance(filename_or_obj, io.BufferedReader):
self.filename =
# This is the appropriate constructor for io.BufferedReader
self.fileobj_type = open
self.fileobj_type = filename_or_obj.__class__ # use __class__ python <2.7?;
if getattr(filename_or_obj, "name", False):
self.filename =
elif getattr(filename_or_obj, "filename", False): # gzip python <2.7?
self.filename = filename_or_obj.filename
self.filename = None # e.g. came from BytesIO or something file-like
self.timestamp = None
if stat_available and self.filename and os.path.exists(self.filename):
statinfo = os.stat(self.filename)
self.timestamp = statinfo.st_mtime