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*                                                uC/OS-II
*                                          The Real-Time Kernel
*                                           (c) Copyright 2011
*                                           All Rights Reserved
* File : socket.c
* By   : Weekope Chou

#include "socket.h"
#include "ucos_ii.h"

INT32S sockFD = -1;

Socket clientSockets[10];  
INT32S clientIndex = -1;  

  Socket_Create() Socket_Bind() Socket_Listen()三个函数必须同时依次使用,客户端建立套接字时需要绑定操作
*                                             Create Socket
* Description: This function create Socket with specified domain、type and protocol. 
* Arguments  : domain     is a flag for a group of IP
*              type       defines the type of data
*              protocol   defines the protocol to be used
* Returns    : sockFD     Socket descriper
INT32U Socket_Create(INT16U domain, INT32U type, INT32U protocol){
   //Initiate Socket array only when there is no Socket created
 if(sockFD == -1){
     INT32U arrayIndex = 0;
  //Create arraySocket with all elements initiated
     ip_addr iniSrcAddr;
     ip_addr iniDesAddr;
  Mbuf * iniSendBuff;
     Mbuf * iniRcvBuff;
  TCP_tcb * iniTcb;
  //Initiate Socket
  Socket iniSocket;   
     iniSocket.domain = 0;
     iniSocket.sockFD = -1;
      iniSocket.type = 0;
  iniSocket.protocol = 0;
     iniSocket.srcPort = 0;
     iniSocket.desPort = 0;
     iniSocket.srcAddr = iniSrcAddr;
     iniSocket.desAddr = iniDesAddr;
     iniSocket.sendbuf = iniSendBuff;
     iniSocket.rcvbuf = iniRcvBuff;
     iniSocket.s_tcb = iniTcb;

     for(arrayIndex; arrayIndex < 10; arrayIndex++){
          arraySocket[arrayIndex] = iniSocket;
    //Create Socket
 arraySocket[sockFD].domain = domain;
 arraySocket[sockFD].type = type;
 arraySocket[sockFD].protocol = protocol;

 //Return sockFD as descriper
 return sockFD;


*                                             Bind Socket
* Description: This function binds local Socket with sockFD. 
* Arguments  : sockFD     local Socket descriper
*              p_thisAddr local Socket
*              addrLen    size of Socket
* Returns    : ==1       successful
*              ==0        failed
INT8U Socket_Bind(INT32U sockFD, Socket * p_thisAddr, INT32U addrLen){
 //Bind sockFD with Socket
 arraySocket[sockFD].sockFD = sockFD;
 //Binding successful

*                                         Setup Listen Socket
* Description: This function setups Listen Socket and wait for connection request. 
* Arguments  : sockFD     local Socket descriper
*              backLog    request array lenth
* Returns    : ==1       successful
*              ==0        failed
INT8U Socket_Listen(INT32U serverFD, INT32U backLog){     //Listen sockFD不可变
 Socket * clientSocket;         //serverFD = Socket_Create()
 Mbuf * p_mbuf;
 clientSocket = &clientSockets[clientIndex];
 p_mbuf->m_socket = clientSocket;                     
 //Create connection
     syn = 0;

  //Get SYN diagram and send back ACK+SYN diagram
  clientSocket->s_tcb->tt_controlbit = ACK | SYN;

      //Wait for ACK diagram
   //TCP connection has been done
       ack = 0;
       //Compare requesting Socket with listening Socket
    if(arraySocket[sockFD].srcAddr.s_addr == clientSocket->srcAddr.s_addr && arraySocket[sockFD].srcPort == clientSocket->srcPort){
        listenConfirm = 1;
     return SUCCESSFUL;

 //Close connection
     fin = 0;
  //Get FIN diagram and send back ACK diagram and FIN diagram
  clientSocket->s_tcb->tt_controlbit = ACK;
  clientSocket->s_tcb->tt_controlbit = FIN;
      //Wait for ACK diagram

       ack = 0;
    return SUCCESSFUL;

 return FAILED;


*                                         Send Connection Request
* Description: This function sends connection request. 
* Arguments  : sockFD        local Socket descriper
*              p_serverAddr  server Socket
*              addrLen       size of Socket 
* Returns    : ==1       successful
*              ==0        failed
INT8U Socket_Connect(INT32U sockFD, Socket * p_serverSocket, INT32U addrLen){  
 Mbuf * p_mbuf;
 //Put client Socket into clientSockets[]
 clientSockets[clientIndex] = arraySocket[sockFD];
 //Send SYN diagram
 p_mbuf->m_socket = p_serverSocket;
 p_serverSocket->s_tcb->tt_controlbit = SYN;

     //Wait for ACK+SYN diagram

     //Wait until get ACK+SYN diagram
            ackAndsyn = 0;

         //Get ACK+SYN diagram and send back ACK diagram
      p_serverSocket->s_tcb->tt_controlbit = ACK;
      return SUCCESSFUL;


*                                         Accept Connection Request
* Description: This function accept connection request and save client's Socket. 
* Arguments  : sockFD        local Socket descriper
*              p_serverAddr  server Socket
*              addrLen       size of Socket 
* Returns    : ==1       successful
*              ==0        failed
INT8U Socket_Accept(INT32U sockFD, Socket * newSocket, INT32U * addrLen){
 if(1){    //我不知道什么条件失败,呵呵
  //Get client Socket
  newSocket = &clientSockets[clientIndex];
  return SUCCESSFUL;

 else return FAILED;  

*   考虑缓冲区长度和发送接受数据大小之间的关系

*                                         Send TCP Data
* Description: This function sends TCP data. 
* Arguments  : sockFD        local Socket descriper
*              p_sendSocket  Socket contains data to be transmitted
*              len           size of data
*              flags         Socket flag 
* Returns    : ==1       successful
*              ==0        failed
INT8U Socket_Send(INT32U sockFD, Socket * p_sendSocket, INT32U len, INT8U flags){
 //See if p_sendBuff.sendBuff.socket points to p_sendBuff, that is whether Socket and Mbuf connected to each other
 if(sockFD == p_sendSocket->sendbuf->m_socket->sockFD){    
  //Get data from p_sendSocket and transmit pointer of data to TCP

  return SUCCESSFUL;


 else return FAILED;


*                                         Recieve TCP Data
* Description: This function recieves TCP data. 
* Arguments  : sockFD        local Socket descriper
*              buff          point to data to be recieved
*              len           size of buffer
*              flags         Socket flag 
* Returns    : ==1       successful
*              ==0        failed
INT8U Socket_Recv(INT32U sockFD, void * buff, INT32U len, INT8U flags){
    if(1){             //我不知道什么条件失败,呵呵
  //Get data and put into buff
  arraySocket[sockFD].rcvbuf = arraySocket[sockFD].rcvbuf->m_hdr.mh_nextpkt;
  return SUCCESSFUL;
 else return FAILED;        


*                                         Send UDP Data
* Description: This function sends UDP data. 
* Arguments  : sockFD        local Socket descriper
*              p_sendSocket  Socket of sender
*              len           size of data
*              flags         Socket flag
*      p_to          Socket of reciever
*       toLen         size of Socket
* Returns    : ==1       successful
*              ==0        failed
INT8U Socket_SendTo(INT32U sockFD, Socket * p_sendSocket, INT32U len, INT8U flags, Socket * p_to, INT32U toLen){

    //See if p_sendBuff.sendBuff.socket points to p_sendBuff, that is whether Socket and Mbuf connected to each other
 if(p_to->sockFD == p_to->sendbuf->m_socket->sockFD){    
  //Get source/destination ip/port and data,invoke UDP interface to transmit data
        UDP_Output(&arraySocket[sockFD], p_sendSocket->sendbuf, p_to->sendbuf, 0);
  return SUCCESSFUL;

 else return FAILED;

*                                         Recieve UDP Data
* Description: This function recieves UDP data. 
* Arguments  : sockFD        local Socket descriper
*              buff          point to data to be recieved
*              len           size of data
*              flags         Socket flag
*      p_to          Socket of reciever
*       toLen         size of Socket
* Returns    : ==1       successful
*              ==0        failed
INT8U Socket_RecvFrom(INT32U sockFD, void * buff, INT32U len, INT8U flags, Socket * p_from, INT32U fromLen){
 if(1){       //我不知道什么条件失败,呵呵

     //Get data and put into buff
  arraySocket[sockFD].rcvbuf = arraySocket[sockFD].rcvbuf->m_hdr.mh_nextpkt;
  return SUCCESSFUL; 

 else return FAILED;     


*                                         Close Socket
* Description: This function closes Socket. If type is SOCKET_STREAM, Socket will be closed and 
*              TCP connection will be shutdowned. If type is SOCKET_STREAM, only Socket will be closed. 
* Arguments  : sockFD        local Socket descriper
* Returns    : ==1       successful
*              ==0        failed
INT8U Socket_Close(INT32U sockFD){             //此程序中需要由客户端发起关闭请求
 ip_addr iniSrcAddr;
 ip_addr iniDesAddr;
    Mbuf * iniSendBuff;
    Mbuf * iniRecvBuff;
 TCP_tcb * iniTcb;

 Socket desSocket;

    INT32U numSocket = 0;

 //Release both server and client Socket
 for(numSocket; numSocket < 2; numSocket++){
     arraySocket[sockFD].domain = 0;
     arraySocket[sockFD].sockFD = -1;
     arraySocket[sockFD].type = 0;
     arraySocket[sockFD].protocol = 0;
     arraySocket[sockFD].srcPort = 0;
  arraySocket[sockFD].desPort = 0;
     arraySocket[sockFD].srcAddr = iniSrcAddr;
     arraySocket[sockFD].desAddr = iniDesAddr;
     arraySocket[sockFD].sendbuf = iniSendBuff;
     arraySocket[sockFD].rcvbuf = iniRecvBuff;
     arraySocket[sockFD].s_tcb = iniTcb;
 //SOCKET_STREAM should shutdown TCP connection
 if(arraySocket[sockFD].type == SOCKET_STREAM){
  //Find server Socket
  if(arraySocket[sockFD + 1].sockFD == -1){
       desSocket = arraySocket[sockFD - 1];
  else desSocket = arraySocket[sockFD + 1];

  //Send FIN diagram
     desSocket.s_tcb->tt_controlbit = FIN;

      //Wait for ACK diagram and FIN diagram
   //Wait until get FIN diagram
   if(ack && fin){
       ack = 0;
    fin = 0;

    //Send ACK diagram
          desSocket.s_tcb->tt_controlbit = ACK;
    //Clear current client Sockets from clientSockets[]

    return SUCCESSFUL;    

 //Clear current client Sockets from clientSockets[]





