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Rail 3流行插件与替换部件简介


1. Active Merchant


Active Merchant is an extraction from the e-commerce system Shopify . Shopify's requirements for a simple and unified API to access dozens of different payment gateways with very different internal APIs was the chief principle in designing the library.





2. acts_as_list

This acts_as extension provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number of objects in a list. The class that has this specified needs to have a +position+ column defined as an integer on the mapped database table.




3. acts_as_state_machine




4. acts_as_tree

Specify this +acts_as+ extension if you want to model a tree structure by providing a parent association and a children

association. This requires that you have a foreign key column, which by default is called +parent_id+.



5. annotate_models


Annotate ActiveRecord models as a gem



6.  AssetPackager

JavaScript and CSS Asset Compression for Production Rails Apps



7. attachment-fu


attachment_fu is a plugin by Rick Olson (aka technoweenie <http://techno-weenie.net

>) and is the successor to acts_as_attachment.

attachment_fu facilitates file uploads in Ruby on Rails. There are a few storage options for the actual file data, but the plugin always at a minimum stores metadata for each file in the database.

There are four storage options for files uploaded through attachment_fu:

File system

Database file

Amazon S3

Rackspace (Mosso) Cloud Files


8. authlogic

Authlogic is a clean, simple, and unobtrusive ruby authentication solution.

链接: https://github.com/binarylogic/authlogic

9. auto_complete



10. calendar_date_select


11. clearance


Rails authentication with email & password.


email + confirmation + password + forget = authentication


12. delayed_job

Database based asynchronously priority queue system -- Extracted from Shopify


Delated_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer tasks in the background.

It is a direct extraction from Shopify where the job table is responsible for a multitude of core tasks. Amongst those tasks are:

  • sending massive newsletters
  • image resizing
  • http downloads
  • updating smart collections
  • updating solr, our search server, after product changes
  • batch imports
  • spam checks



13.  devise


Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden.

Devise is a flexible authentication solution for Rails based on Warden. It:

  • Is Rack based;
  • Is a complete MVC solution based on Rails engines;
  • Allows you to have multiple roles (or models/scopes) signed in at the same time;
  • Is based on a modularity concept: use just what you really need.

It’s composed of 12 modules:





13.  exceptional





14.  exception_notification

The Exception Notifier plugin provides a mailer object and a default set of

templates for sending email notifications when errors occur in a Rails



15. geokit-rails


基于地理位置的rails应用:Provides location-based goodness for your Rails app. Requires the Geokit gem.

Geokit provides key functionality for location-oriented Rails applications




16.  HoptoadNotifier


This is the notifier gem for integrating apps with Hoptoad.

When an uncaught exception occurs, HoptoadNotifier will POST the relevant data to the Hoptoad server specified in your environment.

链接: https://github.com/thoughtbot/hoptoad_notifier


17. in_place_editing




18. paperclip

Paperclip is intended as an easy file attachment library for ActiveRecord. The intent behind it was to keep setup as easy as possible and to treat files as much like other attributes as possible. This means they aren't saved to their final locations on disk, nor are they deleted if set to nil, until ActiveRecord::Base#save is called.

Easy file attachment management for ActiveRecord


链接: https://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip



19. ssl_requirement


SSL requirement adds a declarative way of specifying that certain actions

should only be allowed to run under SSL, and if they're accessed without it,

they should be redirected.

链接: https://github.com/retr0h/ssl_requirement


20. thinking-sphinx

A Ruby connector between Sphinx and ActiveRecord.


Railscasts: http://railscasts.com/episodes/120-thinking-sphinx


21. will_paginate

Adaptive pagination plugin for web frameworks and other applications









Part II Replacement parts



1. capistrano


Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple remote machines, via SSH. It uses a simple DSL (borrowed in part from Rake, rake.rubyforge.org/) that allows you to define tasks, which may be applied to machines in certain roles. It also supports tunneling connections via some gateway machine to allow operations to be performed behind VPN’s and firewalls.


2. cruisecontrol.rb


CruiseControl.rb is a continuous integration tool written in, and for, Ruby. It makes it easy to set up automated builds of your software and to find out about tests that break on the fly.





4. faraday



5. rspec and cucumber

Behaviour Driven Development framework


6. sinatra

Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web-applications in Ruby with minimal effort.


7. Webrat


If you prefer writing integration tests in ruby instead of Cucumber's plain english, consider interacting with Webrat directly as I show in this episode.


8. sequel

Sequel 是轻量级的 Ruby 数据库访问工具


9. PG



10.  memcache-client

Rails 自带memcache-client ,作为操作memcached缓存的客户端



















