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E-commerce today has become so frequent that it has become almost a standard chain of stores, where most people make purchases. But even online stores are trying to save money by becoming drop shippers and more working on additional implementations, rather than on the maintenance and payment of huge storage spaces.

如今,电子商务变得如此频繁,以至于它几乎已成为大多数人购买商品的标准商店链。 但是,即使是在线商店,也试图通过成为托运人来节省金钱,并更多地致力于其他实施,而不是维护和支付巨大的存储空间。

为什么要直接送货,为什么要Shopify? (Why dropshipping and why Shopify?)

Today, dropshipping is a flexible business management method that is supported by most electronic trading platforms.


Shopify is a leading e-commerce platform that allows entrepreneurs to create their own online stores. It is easy to use, so you can create your own store, even if there is no proper experience. Shopify is ideal for entrepreneurs who want to run their own online store without any hassle and high financial costs.

Shopify是领先的电子商务平台,使企业家可以创建自己的在线商店。 它易于使用,因此即使没有适当的经验也可以创建自己的商店。 对于想要经营自己的在线商店而没有任何麻烦和高财务成本的企业家来说,Shopify是理想的选择。

When choosing a Shopify platform, you will never have to worry about the excess of the goods being sold, as only the necessary quantity of it is ordered to meet the demand of customers. This is how the platform differs from traditional e-commerce when either the production of goods or the wholesale purchase of goods is required. With Shopify, you can control the stock of your product with just a couple of clicks.

选择Shopify平台时,您不必担心要出售的商品过多,因为仅订购了必要数量的商品即可满足客户的需求。 当需要生产商品或批发购买商品时,这就是平台与传统电子商务的不同之处。 使用Shopify,您只需单击几下即可控制产品的库存。

Shopify offers a comprehensive package of services, including hosting for the site. In many other cases, the user needs to buy hosting for the site and carry out settings, which requires at least minimal knowledge in this area.

Shopify提供了一整套服务,包括网站托管。 在许多其他情况下,用户需要购买该站点的主机并进行设置,这至少需要有关该领域的知识。

Shopify App Store is regularly updated with new applications. They help to solve such problems as improving the conversion of website visitors and customers, increasing the frequency and volume of purchases, and many others.

Shopify App Store会定期使用新应用程序更新。 它们有助于解决诸如改善网站访问者和客户的转化,增加购买频率和购买量等许多问题。

Also, Shopify gives its users two weeks of trial testing to evaluate whether this platform is suitable for them. The platform offers both paid and free templates and user support 24/7.

此外,Shopify还为用户提供了两周的试用测试,以评估该平台是否适合他们。 该平台提供付费和免费模板,以及24/7的用户支持。

But Shopify is not the only platform that a drop shipper can choose; there are others, such as Magento, WooCommerce, OpenCart. If you are already on the way to choose a niche for drop shipping, then the creation of an online store is nearing. Having studied the features of the Shopify platform in comparison with alternatives, the choice will be made much easier.

但是Shopify并不是托运人可以选择的唯一平台。 还有其他一些,例如Magento,WooCommerce,OpenCart。 如果您已经在为运输选择利基市场,那么创建在线商店的工作已经临近。 与替代方案相比,研究了Shopify平台的功能后,选择将变得更加容易。

Today, our development team is actively working with different automation and integration with the Shopify platform. The project for the US-based Company Bids.com is one of the last and is more detailed about it.

今天,我们的开发团队正在积极致力于各种自动化以及与Shopify平台的集成。 总部位于美国的Company Bids.com的项目是最后一个项目,并且对此有更详细的说明。

伙计们对bids.com做了什么? (What was done for bids.com by our guys?)

Bids.com is an online shop of exclusive jewelry, watches, designer accessories and artwork from California created on the Shopify platform. As a drop shipper, Bids.com doesn’t have a warehouse and orders all goods directly from completely different producers. One of them did not have integration with the Shopify platform, which aggravated the work and made it very costly in money and time.

Bids.com是在线商店,在Shopify平台上创建了来自加利福尼亚的独家珠宝,手表,设计师配饰和艺术品。 作为直接托运人,Bids.com没有仓库,直接从完全不同的生产商那里订购所有商品。 其中一个没有与Shopify平台集成,这加剧了工作并使其在金钱和时间上非常昂贵。

So, what did our guys do to integrate the producer and seller platforms and synchronize all purchasing processes?


1.与生产者的整合 (1. Integrations with producer)

For a start, a number of integrations with producer were made for Bids directly, such as:


  • assortment update synchronized

  • prices update synchronized

  • product description update synchronized

  • creation of orders for producer automated


And it gave a number of advantages for both parties, firstly Bids does not update all databases on demand and manually, thus investing their time more in the development of the resource, and not on the routine processes of daily information updates. Thanks to integration, all processes take place in a matter of minutes and this is an incredible time saving not only for two parties but also for the final customer placing an order.

它为双方都带来了许多好处,首先,Bids不会按需手动更新所有数据库,因此将更多时间投入到资源开发中,而不是在日常信息更新的常规过程中。 由于集成,所有流程仅需几分钟即可完成,这不仅节省了两方,而且为最终客户下订单节省了令人难以置信的时间。

2.每日流量跟踪 (2. Daily flow tracking)

For Bids, the ability daily to track trends in stock flow was introduced. This is a very important functionality, especially regarding trend and top positions, and not only, to understand clearly, the presence and quantity sales and the remnants of this is also a huge piece of work, in this case, require only seconds of time.

对于投标,引入了每天跟踪库存流向趋势的功能。 这是一项非常重要的功能,尤其是在趋势和最高位置方面。不仅要清楚地了解,此功能的存在和数量销售以及剩余量也是一项巨大的工作,在这种情况下,仅需要几秒钟的时间。

Well, our guys very simply solved this problem. We have developed an embedded application to the Shopify platform admin panel. It shows the history of such changes, and this in turn makes it possible to form clear analytical reports for Bids. The number of sales and stock gives the opportunity to form a trend, and eventually solve a number of issues regarding the optimization of the range.

好吧,我们的家伙很简单地解决了这个问题。 我们已经为Shopify平台管理面板开发了一个嵌入式应用程序。 它显示了此类更改的历史记录,从而可以为投标形成清晰的分析报告。 销售和库存的数量提供了形成趋势的机会,并最终解决了有关范围优化的许多问题。

3.拍卖销售 (3. Auction sales)

The auction, introduced by our team, is another one addition for Bids. The principle of work is absolutely simple:

由我们的团队介绍的拍卖是Bids的又一项竞标。 工作原理绝对简单:

  • unique or rare items are offered for sale with a minimum price

  • auction date is offered

  • conditions of participation and payment are determined

  • auction participants are determined through a registration form

  • the auction is held on the classic chain with raising rates

  • the auction winner is determined, payment is made and the final transaction is concluded.


So, in the case of such an introduction, the company can sell absolutely unique products by absolutely high prices, but the cost price will always be a secret for the end consumer. Bids in this process will only benefit and not always will be minimal profit.

因此,在这种介绍的情况下,公司可以以绝对高的价格出售绝对独特的产品,但是成本价格始终是最终消费者的秘密。 在此过程中,投标只会受益,而并非总是微利。

Of course, for optimization and promotion of Bids, they can do the infinite implementation, but even in this particular case, Bids has already greatly simplified its work and has the ability to plan further optimization decisions.


翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/499678/

