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am82.top 1.php,Droppy v2.1.3 – PHP在线网盘系统



V2.1.9 (10 July, 2019)

- Added option to define maximum upload chunk size in the admin panel

- Fixed an issue where downloads were corrupted

V2.1.8 (10 July, 2019)

- Fixed an issue where upload password field was locked for premium users

- Fixed an issue where the direct open link wouldn't open the right modal on the mobile version

- Fixed an issue with the favicon file not loading on download page.

V2.1.7 (10 July, 2019)

- Added a delay to the "Okay" button after starting the download

- Fixed an issue where {size} placeholder in emails was showing the incorrect file size

- Fixed an issue where meta keywords weren't included in the mobile version

- Updated the project framework

- Decreased the total project size of Droppy

V2.1.6 (31 May, 2019)


- Added validate email address function to contact form

- Contact form will no longer disappear after sending an email

- The recaptcha in the contact form is now optional (Disable it by leaving the site key and secret key empty in the admin panel)

- Users will be redirect back to the home page when trying to access the /upload page

- Improved zipping speed, this causes a minor increase in file size


- Issue where browser would report errors when leaving the recaptcha site key empty

- Height of plugin views

- Issue with email library in PHP 7.2+

- Issue with automatic updater

V2.1.5 (7 May, 2019)


- Added separate translation values for contact input placeholders


- Fixed an issue with incorrect file size in emails when file is larger than 1 GB

- Fixed an issue with links not showing correctly in the success alert.

V2.1.4 (6 May, 2019)


- Added contact form (needs to be enabled in the admin panel)

- Added contact form settings to the admin panel

- Added recaptcha settings to the admin panel

- Added new manual update functions

- Added site keywords setting to the general settings page for SEO

- The file size in emails will now be shown as KB, MB or GB depending on the file size (Make sure to update your email templates)


- Changed the upload speed from Megabytes per second to Megabits per second (The speed most ISPs will advertise)

- The uploader will now show the total file size and file size left in Gigabytes when the total size is greater than 1000 Megabyte


- Fixed an issue with redirecting after selecting an email template language

V2.1.2 (11 April, 2019)


- Fixed an issue where the dashboard button in the admin panel would redirect to the home page when installed in subdirectory

- Fixed an issue where the logo wouldn't show in the admin panel when installed in a subdirectory

- Fixed an issue where the admin logout button wouldn't work when installed in a subdirectory

- Fixed an issue where the upload complete image wouldn't show when installed in a subdirectory

- Fixed an issue where the upload password option would always be disabled

- Fixed an issue where mobile navbar would stay open after opening clicking one of the menu items

- Fixed an issue where the installation would not properly set the url to https when installing Droppy

- Fixed a possible memory leak in the file upload library



- Fixed issue with admin redirect when installed in subdirectory

- Fixed issue where adding language would not add the "directory" correctly.

- Fixed issue with new language email templates not loading properly.

- Fixed issue that caused the destruct email to be sent to an empty email.

- Fixed oldtimer theme page styling

- Fixed issue with emails not showing correctly when using specific SMTP providers


- The upload button will be disabled for a second to prevent spamming

- German translation



- Delete_old_date was set to true by default in the config.php, this is now set to false.

- Decreased automatic cleanup of failed/incomplete uploads to 12 hours

- Fixed issue where temp files weren't purged from the temp directory

- Fixed issue pagination on admin downloads page

- Fixed password always showing "Yes" on uploads page


- The error message "Some files were too large" will disappear when removing files from the queue.

V2.0.9 (15 March, 2019)


- Fixed cancel button translation

- Fixed alignments ad section

- Fixed ad showing on login page

- Fixed issue where you couldn't remove a recipient from the list (Upload form)

- Fixed issue where ad wouldn't keep padding on top when adding a file/recipient



- Fixed issue where it was possible to submit upload without selecting files.

- Fixed issue with background video not scaling when changing screen width/height

- Fixed ad design (some alignment issues)

- Fixed some more issues with the email design of the sendEmailClean function


- Duration column to backgrounds page.

- You can now close the settings window by clicking the gear icon again.



- Fixed {start_password} and {end_password} not available in sender email.

- Fixed side window not closing on terms page

- Fixed mail logo not passed to sendEmailClean function



- Fixed some minor coding flaws


- Added {start_password} and {end_password} tags to email templates (All the text between these tags will not be shown when there's no password set)

- Admin panel login background



- Fixed issues with the upload size.

- Fixed missing popup when leaving the page while uploading.

- Fixed error not showing up when entering wrong password for upload

- Fixed error not showing up when there's an invalid login for the admin panel

- Fixed error message "no decode delegate"

- Fixed issue where some browsers weren't able to download encrypted files (file size in header was incorrect)

- Fixed the upload cancel button


- Added cache purge for browser cache.


- Fixed mouse hover on sidebar links.

- {password} email tag is back in the receivers email template

- Improved form validation

- Removed logo from mobile page

- Download page styling on mobile

- Issue where external plugin (S3, FTP) were not able to do uploads with more than 1 file.



- Issue where total upload size wasn't shown in the email (Caused by V2.0.2)

- Fixed issue where assets wouldn't load when Droppy is installed in a subdirectory

- Fixed email styling in outlook

- Fixed email styling on mobile

- Removed some debugging lines

- Issue where changing the default language from english to something else would cause errors to show up on different places

- Slightly improved authentication security

- Issue where website would be inaccessible/stuck while downloading.

- Fixed issue where S3 didn't show the file size while downloading.


- Option "Set default" to language page.

- Updater has been moved to external update library, with support for multiple SQL files.

- Site logo to the top of the emails

- Logout button when page is locked for upload or both download and upload

- New translation "logout"



- Language translation in jаvascript were always english (File upload alerts etc.)

- Reply-to email in the file receivers email has been changed to the sender's email address

- Fixed issue where there was no "Maximum files" alert after selecting too many files.

- Fixed issue where small file uploads (1-100 kb) would show 0 as total files and size.

- Fixed issue where modals on mobile wouldn't show on the download page

- Fixed issue where the "View terms" wasn't visible on mobile


- Some extra paddings on mobile

- Option to specify timezone (Settings -> General settings)



- Issue where uploads page wouldn't load in the admin panel

- Issue where the "Link" form would not load when the default has been set to "Link"

- Issue where destruct buttons would dissapear when set to "Yes"

- The accept the terms page was missing

- The installation will now the proper path to the language directories

- Fixed the path of "Here" button on the template page

- Fixed incomplete uploads cron

- Fixed files that are still uploaded even though you removed them from the file selection list.

- Fixed error message shown on the admin uploads page while someone is uploading a file.


- Option to specify the language directoy name and language name.

- Mobile version of Droppy has been added again.

- Added message column to uploads page

- Added grey border around the boxes

- Added delete_old_data option

- Added manual update option



- Entire codebase has been rewritten from scratch

- Chunked file uploads ! (Sending files to the server in small pieces)

- New background library for smoother transitions

- Specify the length(time) of each background

- New (more secure) password hashing

- Email placeholder {expire_time} format has been changed

- Backgrounds do now have their own page in the admin panel

- Setting a default language can now be done from the language page in the admin panel

- Encrypting method for files has been changed to openssl

- File decryption will now happen while downloading a file

- Site backgrounds are now shown on the login page


- {password} email tag has been removed

- Dropped support for PHP version lower than 7, PHP 7 or higher should be used from now on.


- Issue where user wasn't able to go to the download page after uploading (constantly loading until the actual upload finished processing).

V 1.4.6 (16 October, 2017)

* Fixed: Issue where upload was not assigned to premium user

* Added: "Are you sure" message to translation files
