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linux yum dis2unix,OpenNMS Installation:Yum


Installing on RedHat-Based


These instructions cover installation for most Yum-Based distributions (Fedora Core, RedHat

Enterprise Linux, and CentOS).

If you want to use Yum on RHEL4 instead of uptodate, see the

Yum on RHEL4 page.

Install the Yum Repository


Preparation: Yum Fastest Mirror


Before you start, you may want to install the

yum-fastestmirror RPM if your distro supports it. This

can often speed up downloads of large packages. See the CentOS Wiki for more details.

[user@localhost]$ sudo yum install yum-fastestmirror

Setting up Install Process


Running Transaction

Installing: yum-fastestmirror ######################### [1/1]

Installed: yum-fastestmirror.noarch 0:1.1.9-2.fc8



There are four types of releases available through yum:


the latest officially released stable version of OpenNMS

(currently 1.6.x)


the latest officially released development version of



a nightly build of the code that will be part of the next

stable version of OpenNMS


a nightly build of the very latest development version of


Install Repository RPMs

First, install the appropriate yum repository RPMs from the


yum repository. Choose the release you want to use (stable,

unstable, testing, or snapshot), and then install the

distribution-specific RPM appropriate for your platform.

For example, on a Fedora Core 7 system, to install the latest

snapshot release, you would use:

Another example, on a CentOS5 system, to install the latest

stable release, you would use:

Once you've done so, yum should show opennms as available when

you do a "yum list opennms":

[user@localhost]$ sudo yum list opennms


Available Packages

opennms.noarch 1.6.1-1 opennms-stable

Note: if you are using a distribution with an

older version of yum (like CentOS 3 or RHEL 5, for

example), you may need to append the yum configuration to yum.conf.

Older versions of yum don't recognize

/etc/yum.repos.d/ as a valid location for yum

configuration. You can do this with cat, like so:

[root@localhost]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/* >> /etc/yum.conf

(Optional) Pre-Install


While yum will do it automatically, installing PostgreSQL first ensures that the fast, native

IPLIKE code is used, instead of the slower, pure

stored-procedure version.

[user@localhost]$ sudo yum -y install postgresql-server

Setting up Install Process


Running Transaction

Installing: postgresql-server ######################### [1/1]

Installed: postgresql-server.x86_64 0:8.2.5-1.fc8


Depending on your distribution, you then run either "sudo

/sbin/service postgresql start" or "sudo /sbin/service

postgresql initdb" to make sure the database is


You can then follow the instructions below for making sure

pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf are configured properly, and

(re)start the server.

Determine What to Install

Since version 1.3.7, OpenNMS is packaged as five RPMs:


The core OpenNMS code, responsible for network discovery,

polling, data collection, notification, and more.




The OpenNMS web UI, pre-deployed to run in the built-in Jetty

application server that is included in the opennms-core



The OpenNMS web UI, designed to be deployed to Tomcat or

another suitable servlet container. Optional; install only if you

know that the Jetty version is not suitable for your



A convenience package which installs everything you need for a

functional OpenNMS installation on a single system.

It is recommended that you install the opennms

package unless you need to do something advanced such as splitting

the various components of OpenNMS across multiple servers.

Install OpenNMS

Just run "yum install" for the package(s) you want:

[user@localhost]$ sudo yum install opennms


Setting up repositories

opennms-snapshot-rhel5 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00 opennms-unstable-common 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00 opennms-stable-common 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00 opennms-unstable-rhel5 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00 ...

Resolving Dependencies

--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.

---> Downloading header for opennms to pack into transaction set.

opennms-1.6.1-1.noar 100% |=========================| 5.4 kB 00:00 ---> Package opennms.noarch 0:1.6.1-1 set to be updated

--> Running transaction check

--> Processing Dependency: opennms-core = 1.6.1-1 for package: opennms


Dependencies Resolved


Package Arch Version Repository Size



opennms noarch 1.6.1-1 opennms-stable-common 5.9 k

Installing for dependencies:

jicmp i386 1.0-1 opennms-stable-rhel5 31 k

opennms-core noarch 1.6.1-1 opennms-stable-common 48 M

opennms-webapp-jetty noarch 1.6.1-1 opennms-stable-common 27 M

postgresql i386 8.1.9-1.el5 updates 2.8 M




