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Every once in a while I stumble upon an API or browser setting that I can't believe ever existed. Such examples can be seen in the numerous String.prototype properties such as bold, italics, and even blink, which wrap given string text in their representative HTML tags. Bizarre.

偶尔我偶然发现我不相信的API或浏览器设置。 可以在大量的String.prototype属性(例如bolditalics ,甚至blink看到此类示例,这些属性将给定的字符串文本包装在其代表性HTML标签中。 奇怪

It was recently brought to my attention the document.designMode API: an on|off switch that acts almost like a contentEdible attribute for the entire document. You can toggle designMode by simply changing the setting:

最近引起我注意的是document.designMode API:一个on|off开关,其作用几乎类似于整个文档的contentEdible属性。 您可以通过简单地更改设置来切换designMode

document.designMode = "on";

With the designMode setting on, you can edit page text, drag and drop assets, and generally cause chaos on the page. This is really nice for prototyping; I'd have loved to have known about this while doing client work.

designMode设置后,您可以编辑页面文本,拖放资产,并且通常会导致页面混乱。 这对于原型制作真的很好。 我很想在做客户工作时就知道这一点。

While I see uses for this API, it does feel a bit bizarre. I'd have liked to have known the origins of this property and its use cases. Have ideas about how you'd use it? Share!

虽然我看到此API的用途,但确实感觉有些奇怪。 我很想知道此属性的起源及其用例。 有关于如何使用它的想法吗? 分享!

翻译自: https://davidwalsh.name/designmode




