stringtree json

[size=medium]stringtree json is a small, neat and robust Java implementation of a reader, writer, and validator for the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data format. The reader and writer are one class each, with no dependencies at all.

stringtree json 有三个关键类

[b]1.由json字符串得到Object, 使用JSONReader[/b]
JSON数组: [true, 123, "lolo"] 返回Collection,具体为ArrayList
JSON对象: {"name":"lulu", "age":123} 返回Map, 具体为HashMap
JSON数字: 123,12.3,返回对应java的数字类Number,Long,BigInteger,Double or BigDecimal
JSON字符串: "name" ,返回java的String对象
JSON true or false: true, false 返回java Boolean对象
JSON null: null 返回java null

[b]2.由java Object 得到 json字符串, 使用JSONWriter[/b]
1). If the Java object is null, generate a JSON null.
2). If the Java object is a Boolean, generate a JSON true or false.
3). If the Java object is a Number (such as an Integer, Double, etc), generate a JSON "number".
4). If the Java object is a String or a single character, generate a JSON "string"
5). If the Java object is a Map, generate a JSON "object" with the Map entries as elements.
6). If the Java object is an array, an iterator, or an iterable collection, generate a JSON "array"
7). Otherwise, treat the supplied object as a JavaBean, and generate a JSON "object" with the bean properties as elements.



