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web移动web开发_什么是Web开发| 第2部分



网站开发–典型领域 (Web Development – Typical Areas)

Web Development can be split into many areas and a typical and basic web development hierarchy might consist of:


客户端编码 (Client Side Coding)

  • Ajax Provides new methods of using JavaScript, (eg ASP.Net or PHP) and other languages to improve the user experience.

  • Flash Adobe Flash Player is a ubiquitous client-side platform ready for RIAs. Flex 2 is also deployed to the Flash Player (version 9+).

    Flash Adob​​e Flash Player是适用于RIA的无处不在的客户端平台。 Flex 2也已部署到Flash Player(版本9+)中。
  • JavaScript Formally called ECMAScript, JavaScript is a ubiquitous client side programming tool.

    JavaScript JavaScript正式称为ECMAScript,是一种无处不在的客户端编程工具。
  • * JavaFX is a software platform for creating and delivering rich Web applications that can also run across a wide variety of devices.

  • * Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft’s browser plugin that enables animation, vector graphics and high-definition video playback, programmed using XAML and .NET programming languages.

    * Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft的浏览器插件,支持使用XAML和.NET编程语言进行编程的动画,矢量图形和高清视频播放。

服务器端编码 (Server Side Coding)

  • ASP (Microsoft proprietary)

  • ColdFusion (Adobe proprietary, formerly Macromedia)

  • CGI and / or Perl (open source)

  • C Server Scripts (TrustLeap G-WAN, freeware)

    C服务器脚本(TrustLeap G-WAN,免费软件)
  • Groovy (programming language) Grails (framework)

  • Java, e.g., Java EE or WebObjects

    Java,例如Java EE或WebObjects
  • Lotus Domino

  • PHP (open source)

  • Python, e.g., Django (web framework) (open source)

  • * uby, e.g., Ruby on Rails (open source)

    * uby,例如Ruby on Rails(开源)
  • Smalltalk e.g., Seaside, AIDA/Web

    Smalltalk,例如Seaside,AIDA / Web
  • SSJS Server-Side JavaScript, e.g., Aptana Jaxer, Mozilla Rhino

    SSJS服务器端JavaScript,例如Aptana Jaxer,Mozilla Rhino
  • Websphere (IBM proprietary)

  • .NET (Microsoft proprietary)


客户端+服务器端 (Client Side + Server Side)

  • Google Web Toolkit provides tools to create and maintain complex JavaScript front-end applications in Java.

    Google Web Toolkit提供了用于以Java创建和维护复杂JavaScript前端应用程序的工具。
  • Pyjamas is a tool and framework for developing Ajax applications and Rich Internet Applications in python.

    Pajamas是用于以python开发Ajax应用程序和Rich Internet Applications的工具和框架。
  • Tersus is a platform for the development of rich web applications by visually defining user interface, client side behavior and server side processing. (open source).

    Tersus是一个通过直观定义用户界面,客户端行为和服务器端处理来开发富Web应用程序的平台。 (开源)。

However, lesser known languages like Ruby and Python are often paired with database servers other than MySQL (the M in LAMP). Below are example of other databases currently in wide use on the web. For instance some developers prefer a LAPR(Linux/Apache/PostgreSQL/Ruby on Rails) setup for development.

但是,鲜为人知的语言(例如Ruby和Python)通常与MySQL(LAMP中的M)以外的数据库服务器配对。 以下是当前在网络上广泛使用的其他数据库的示例。 例如,一些开发人员更喜欢LAPR(Linux / Apache / PostgreSQL / Ruby on Rails)安装程序进行开发。

数据库技术 (Database Technology)

  • Apache Derby

  • DB2 (IBM proprietary)

  • Firebird

  • Microsoft SQL Server

    Microsoft SQL服务器
  • MySQL

  • Oracle

  • PostgreSQL

  • SQLite

  • Sybase


In practice, many web developers will also have interdisciplinary skills / roles, including:


  • Graphic design / web design

  • Information architecture and copy writing / copy editing with web usability, accessibility and search engine optimization in mind

  • Project management, QA and other aspects common to IT development in general


The above list is a simple website development hierarchy and can be extended to include all client side and server side aspects. It is still important to remember that web development is generally split up into client side coding covering aspects such as the layout and design, then server side coding, which covers the website’s functionality and back end systems.

上面的列表是一个简单的网站开发层次结构,可以扩展为包括所有客户端和服务器端方面。 仍然重要的是要记住,Web开发通常分为客户端编码,涵盖布局和设计等方面,然后分为服务器端编码,其中涵盖了网站的功能和后端系统。

Looking at these items from an “umbrella approach”, client side coding such as XHTML is executed and stored on a local client (in a web browser) whereas server side code is not available to a client and is executed on a web server which generates the appropriate XHTML which is then sent to the client.


As the nature of client side coding allows you to alter the HTML on a local client and refresh the pages with updated content (locally), web designers must bear in mind the importance and relevance to security with their server side scripts. If a server side script accepts content from a locally modified client side script, the web development of that page shows poor sanitization with relation to security.

由于客户端编码的性质允许您更改本地客户端上HTML并刷新具有本地更新内容的页面,因此Web设计人员必须牢记服务器端脚本对安全性的重要性和相关性。 如果服务器端脚本接受本地修改的客户端脚本中的内容,则该页面的Web开发在安全性方面显示出较差的清理能力。

安全注意事项 (Security Considerations)

Web development takes into account many security considerations, such as data entry error checking through forms, filtering output, and encryption. Malicious practices such as SQL injection can be executed by users with ill intent yet with only primitive knowledge of web development as a whole. Not only this, but scripts can be exploited to grant unauthorized access to malicious users trying to collect information such as email addresses, passwords and protected content like credit card numbers.

Web开发考虑了许多安全注意事项,例如通过表单检查数据输入错误,过滤输出和加密。 诸如SQL注入之类的恶意行为可能由用户出于恶意而执行,但只具有整个Web开发的原始知识。 不仅如此,还可以利用脚本向试图收集信息(例如电子邮件地址,密码和受保护的内容(例如信用卡号))的恶意用户授予未经授权的访问。

Some of this is dependent on the server environment (most commonly Apache or Microsoft IIS) on which the scripting language, such as PHP, Ruby, Python, Perl or ASP is running, and therefore is not necessarily down to the web developer themselves to maintain. However, stringent testing of web applications before public release is encouraged to prevent such exploits from occurring.

其中一些取决于运行脚本语言(例如PHP,Ruby,Python,Perl或ASP)的服务器环境(最常见的是Apache或Microsoft IIS),因此不一定要由Web开发人员自己来维护。 但是,鼓励在公开发布之前对Web应用程序进行严格测试,以防止此类攻击的发生。

Keeping a web server safe from intrusion is often called Server Port Hardening. Many technologies come into play when keeping information on the internet safe when it is transmitted from one location to another. For instance Secure Socket Layer Encryption (SSL) Certificates are issued by certificate authorities to help prevent internet fraud.

保护Web服务器免受入侵的安全通常称为“服务器端口强化”。 当互联网上的信息从一个位置传输到另一位置时,许多技术可以使互联网上的信息保持安全。 例如,证书颁发机构颁发了安全套接字层加密(SSL)证书,以帮助防止Internet欺诈。

Many developers often employ different forms of encryption when transmitting and storing sensitive information. A basic understanding of information technology security concerns is often part of a web developer’s knowledge. Because new security holes are found in web applications even after testing and launch, security patch updates are frequent for widely used applications. It is often the job of web developers to keep applications up to date as security patches are released and new security concerns are discovered.

许多开发人员在传输和存储敏感信息时经常采用不同形式的加密。 对信息技术安全性问题的基本了解通常是Web开发人员知识的一部分。 由于即使在测试和启动之后,Web应用程序中仍会发现新的安全漏洞,因此对于广泛使用的应用程序,安全补丁程序更新非常频繁。 随着安全补丁的发布和新安全隐患的出现,Web开发人员经常需要使应用程序保持最新状态。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-is-web-development-part-2/

