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jest测试ajax,jestjs - Mocking jQuery ajax call on Jest - Stack Overflow


So I have this foo_script.js file that is loaded and used on the product.html page, at the end the script adds a DIV DOM element with data in it. The info for the DIV comes from the function "fetchData":

var fetchData = function (callback) {


url: "foo_data.json",

type: "GET",

success: function success(data) {






I'm trying to test the foo_script.js with this index.test.js file using Jest:

it('fetchs data and changes the div', () => {

document.body.innerHTML = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './basic.html'), 'utf8');

spyOn($, "ajax").mockImplementation(({ success }) => success( {

url: "https://example.api",

success: "fooBar"


spyOn($, 'ajax').andCallFake( function (params) {

params.success({foo: 'bar'});



const targetedDiv = document.querySelector('.ugly_class');

expect(targetedDiv.textContent.indexOf('Ay caramba')).toBeGreaterThan(0);


all works kind of fine, both the original Ajax call in the function fetchData() is always executed and never the "mocked" ajax method. Need I to change the fetchData() function to a Promise instead of a callback? or need I the sinon stuff? SpyOn() method is not an interceptor? I'm a total newbie with Jest, btw.
