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zabbix添加自定义脚本_脚本和样式专有:向您的WordPress RSS Feed添加自定义值



My duties at Script & Style have led me to writing an exclusive article about how you can add custom variables to your RSS feed. From the article:

我在Script&Style中的职责使我撰写了一篇有关如何将自定义变量添加到RSS feed的独家文章。 从文章:

David Walsh, and David WalshCSS-Tricks scribe Chris Coyier. We were both looking to create widgets for our website that would provide not only a link to the article submission page on Script & Style but also a direct link to the full article on the author's domain. Since we were reading in the RSS feed to grab articles and links, we needed to add a custom XML key/value to the RSS feed so that we could retrieve the direct link URL. Here's how we did it. CSS-Tricks抄写员Chris Coyier创建的。 我们俩都希望为我们的网站创建小部件,这些小部件不仅提供指向Script&的文章提交页面的链接。 样式,还可以直接链接到作者所在领域的完整文章。 由于我们正在阅读RSS feed来获取文章和链接,因此我们需要向RSS feed中添加自定义XML键/值,以便我们可以检索直接链接URL。 这是我们的方法。

Jump over to Script & Style to check out the full article.

跳至“ 脚本和样式”以查看全文。

翻译自: https://davidwalsh.name/script-style-exclusive-add-custom-values-wordpress-rss-feed

