maven-war-plugin插件 overlays maven-war-plugin翻译









Apache Maven WAR Plugin

apache maven war 插件

The WAR Plugin is responsible for collecting all artifact dependencies, classes and resources of the web application and packaging them into a web application archive.


Goals Overview


  • war:war is the default goal invoked during the package phase for projects with a packaging type of war. It builds a WAR file.

  • 当项目的打包类型为war时,war:war是一个默认的目标在package执行阶段被调用

  • war:exploded is generally used to speed up testing during the developement phase by creating an exploded webapp in a specified directory.

  • war:exploded用来在指定的目录下创建一个解包的webapp,这通常用来在开发阶段提升测试速度

  • war:inplace another variation of war:explode where the webapp is instead generated in the web application source directory, which is src/main/webapp by default.

  • war:inplace是war:explode的一个变体,会在web工程的源目录下创建webapp,默认的目录是src/main/webapp



General instructions on how to use the WAR Plugin can be found on the usage page. Some more specific use cases are described in the examples given below. To share common resources across multiple web applications, see the documentation about using overlays.


In case you still have questions regarding the plugin’s usage, please have a look at the FAQ and feel free to contact the user mailing list. The posts to the mailing list are archived and could already contain the answer to your question as part of an older thread. Hence, it is also worth browsing/searching the mail archive.

If you feel like the plugin is missing a feature or has a defect, you can fill a feature request or bug report in our issue tracker. When creating a new issue, please provide a comprehensive description of your concern. Especially for fixing bugs it is crucial that the developers can reproduce your problem. For this reason, entire debug logs, POMs or most preferably little demo projects attached to the issue are very much appreciated. Of course, patches are welcome, too. Contributors can check out the project from our source repository and will find supplementary information in the guide to helping with Maven.


Plugin Documentation

Goals available for this plugin:

war:explodedCreate an exploded webapp in a specified directory.
war:helpDisplay help information on maven-war-plugin. Call mvn war:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal= to display parameter details.
war:inplaceGenerate the webapp in the WAR source directory.
war:warBuild a WAR file.

System Requirements

The following specifies the minimum requirements to run this Maven plugin:

MemoryNo minimum requirement.
Disk SpaceNo minimum requirement.



You should specify the version in your project’s plugin configuration:


        <!-- To define the plugin version in your parent POM -->
        <!-- To use the plugin goals in your POM or parent POM -->

For more information, see “Guide to Configuring Plug-ins”



There are 4 ways to use the WAR Plugin:

  • using the package phase with the project package type as war

  • 当项目的打包方式为war包时,使用package阶段

  • invocation of the war:war goal

  • 调用war:war目标

  • invocation of the war:exploded goal

  • 调用war:exploded目标

  • invocation of the war:inplace goal

  • 调用war:inplace目标

Note: When using the war: goals it is assumed that the compile phase is already done. The WAR Plugin is not responsible for compiling the java sources or copying the resources.


To handle archiving this version of Maven WAR Plugin uses Maven Archiver 3.5.0.

To handle filtering this version of Maven WAR Plugin uses Maven Filtering 3.1.1.

Using the package phase with the project package type as war / invocation of the war:war goal


This is the normal way of using the WAR Plugin. To illustrate, here’s the pom.xml for our project:


    <name>Documented Project</name>

The project’s structure looks like this:


 |-- pom.xml
 `-- src
     `-- main
         |-- java
         |   `-- com
         |       `-- example
         |           `-- projects
         |               `--
         |-- resources
         |   `-- images
         |       `-- sampleimage.jpg
         `-- webapp
             |-- WEB-INF
             |   `-- web.xml
             |-- index.jsp
             `-- jsp
                 `-- websource.jsp


mvn package


mvn compile war:war

will generate the WAR file target/documentedproject-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war. Here are the contents of that WAR file:

  |-- META-INF
  |   |-- MANIFEST.MF
  |   `-- maven
  |       `-- com.example.projects
  |           `-- documentedproject
  |               |--
  |               `-- pom.xml
  |-- WEB-INF
  |   |-- classes
  |   |   |-- com
  |   |   |   `-- example
  |   |   |       `-- projects
  |   |   |           `-- SampleAction.class
  |   |   `-- images
  |   |       `-- sampleimage.jpg
  |   `-- web.xml
  |-- index.jsp
  `-- jsp
      `-- websource.jsp

Invocation of war:exploded goal

To speed up testing during the developement phase, war:explode can be used to generate the WAR in exploded form. Use the same project as above and invoke:

mvn compile war:exploded

This will generate an exploded version of the WAR in target/documentedproject-1.0-SNAPSHOT. The contents of that directory looks like this:

 |-- WEB-INF
 |   |-- classes
 |   |   |-- com
 |   |   |   `-- example
 |   |   |       `-- projects
 |   |   |           `-- SampleAction.class
 |   |   `-- images
 |   |       `-- sampleimage.jpg
 |   `-- web.xml
 |-- index.jsp
 `-- jsp
     `-- websource.jsp

The default directory for the exploded WAR is target/<finalName>. The finalName is usually in the form of <artifactId>-<version>. This default directory can be overridden by specifying the webappDirectory parameter.

解包的war默认的目录是 target/,finalName通常采用-的形式,可以通过指定webappDirectory参数来覆盖此默认目录


Invocation of war:inplace goal

Another variation of war:exploded is war:inplace. With war:inplace the exploded WAR is created in the webapp source, which defaults to src/main/webapp. Use our sample project above, and invoke:

mvn compile war:inplace

This will result in:

 |-- pom.xml
 |-- src
 |   `-- main
 |       |-- java
 |       |   `-- com
 |       |       `-- example
 |       |           `-- projects
 |       |               `--
 |       |-- resources
 |       |   `-- images
 |       |       `-- sampleimage.jpg
 |       `-- webapp
 |           |-- META-INF
 |           |-- WEB-INF
 |           |   |-- classes
 |           |   |   |-- com
 |           |   |   |   `-- example
 |           |   |   |       `-- projects
 |           |   |   |           `-- SampleAction.class
 |           |   |   `-- images
 |           |   |       `-- sampleimage.jpg
 |           |   `-- web.xml
 |           |-- index.jsp
 |           `-- jsp
 |               `-- websource.jsp
 `-- target
     `-- classes
         |-- com
         |   `-- example
         |       `-- projects
         |           `-- SampleAction.class
         `-- images
             `-- sampleimage.jpg




Overlays are used to share common resources across multiple web applications. The dependencies of a WAR project are collected in WEB-INF/lib, except for WAR artifacts which are overlayed on the WAR project itself.


Overlays at a glance

To demonstrate, given this structure for the project documentedproject:


 |-- pom.xml
 `-- src
     `-- main
         |-- java
         |   `-- com
         |       `-- example
         |           `-- projects
         |               `--
         |-- resources
         |   |-- images
         |   |   `-- sampleimage.jpg
         |   `-- sampleresource
         `-- webapp
             |-- WEB-INF
             |   `-- web.xml
             |-- index.jsp
             `-- jsp
                 `-- websource.jsp

The project depends on another WAR artifact, documentedprojectdependency-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war, which is declared as a dependency in the project’s pom.xml:



The structure for the documentedprojectdependency WAR file looks like this:


 |   |-- MANIFEST.MF
 |   `-- maven
 |       `-- com.example.projects
 |           `-- documentedprojectdependency
 |               |--
 |               `-- pom.xml
 |-- WEB-INF
 |   |-- classes
 |   |   |-- com
 |   |   |   `-- example
 |   |   |       `-- projects
 |   |   |           `-- SampleActionDependency.class
 |   |   `-- images
 |   |       `-- sampleimage-dependency.jpg
 |   `-- web.xml
 `-- index-dependency.jsp

The resulting WAR would end up like this:

 |   |-- MANIFEST.MF
 |   `-- maven
 |       `-- com.example.projects
 |           `-- documentedproject
 |               |--
 |               `-- pom.xml
 |-- WEB-INF
 |   |-- classes
 |   |   |-- com
 |   |   |   `-- example
 |   |   |       `-- projects
 |   |   |           |-- SampleAction.class
 |   |   |           `-- SampleActionDependency.class
 |   |   `-- images
 |   |       |-- sampleimage-dependency.jpg
 |   |       `-- sampleimage.jpg
 |   `-- web.xml
 |-- index-dependency.jsp
 |-- index.jsp
 `-- jsp
     `-- websource.jsp

The web.xml file above comes from documentedproject.


Overlay types

The WAR Plugin handles both war and zip artifacts as overlays. However, for backward compatibility reasons, zip overlays are handled only if they are defined explicitly in the plugin’s configuration.


Configuring Overlays

In previous versions of the WAR Plugin, no configuration was necessary. This is still the case if you are happy with the default settings. However, if you need more control, read on!


The element can have the following child elements:


  • id - the id of the overlay. If none is provided, the WAR Plugin will generate one.

  • id - overlay的id,如果没有,war插件将会生成一个。

  • groupId - the groupId of the overlay artifact you want to configure.

  • groupld - 想要配置的叠加组件的groupId

  • artifactId - the artifactId of the overlay artifact you want to configure.

  • artifactId - 想要配置的叠加组件的artifactId

  • type - the type of the overlay artifact you want to configure. Default value is: war.

  • type - 想要配置的叠加组件的type,默认是:war

  • classifier - the classifier of the overlay artifact you want to configure if multiple artifacts matches the groupId/artifactId.

  • classifier - 想要配置的叠加组件的classifier,如果多个组件匹配groupId/artifactId

  • includes - the files to include. By default, all files are included.

  • 要包含的文件,默认会包含所有文件

  • excludes - the files to exclude. By default, the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file is excluded.

  • 要排除的文件,默认META-INF/MANIFEST.MF文件会被排除

  • targetPath - the target relative path in the webapp structure, which is only available for overlays of type war. By default, the content of the overlay is added in the root structure of the webapp.

  • targetPath - 目标在webapp结构中的相对路径,仅适用于war类型的覆盖。默认叠加的内容会被添加到webapp结构的根路径

  • skip - set to true to skip this overlay. Default value is: false.

  • skip - 设置为true可以跳过这个overlay,默认值为:false

  • filtered - whether to apply filtering to this overlay. Default value is false.

  • 是否对这个overlay进行过滤,默认值为:false

For instance, to exclude the sampleimage-dependency.jpg of our documentedprojectdependency war overlay above:



Overlays packaging

Overlays are applied with a first-win strategy (hence if a file has been copied by one overlay, it won’t be copied by another). Overlays are applied in the order in which they are defined in the configuration. If no configuration is provided, the order in which the dependencies are defined in the POM is used (warning: this is not deterministic, especially if you have overlays as transitive dependencies). In case of a mixed situation (e.g. configured overlays and non-configured overlays), non-configured overlays are applied after configured overlays.


By default, the source of the project (a.k.a the current build) is added first (e.g. before any overlay is applied). The current build is defined as a special overlay with no groupId, artifactId. If overlays need to be applied first, simply configure the current build after those overlays.


For instance, if my-webapp from the com.example.projects group is a dependency of the project and needs to be applied before the project’s own source, do as follows:


                            <!-- empty groupId/artifactId represents the current build -->

Note: In the scenario above, any other WAR dependency will be applied after the current build since they have not been configured in the <overlays> element.


To perform an even more fine grained overwriting policy, overlays can be packaged multiple times with different includes/excludes. For instance if the index.jsp file of the overlay my-webapp must be set in the webapp but other files can be controlled the regular way, define two overlay configurations for my-webapp:


                            <!-- empty groupId/artifactId represents the current build -->

                        <!-- Other overlays here if necessary -->


Overlay global settings

The following settings can be specified globally and modify the way all overlays are applied.


  • dependentWarIncludes - sets the default includes to apply to all overlays. Any overlay that has no specific includes element will inherit this setting by default.

  • dependentWarIncludes - 对所有的叠加设置默认的包含目录。默认情况下,任何没有指定includes元素的叠加都将继承此设置。

  • dependentWarExcludes - sets the default excludes to apply to all overlays. Any overlay that has no specific excludes element will inherit this setting by default.

  • dependentWarExcludes - 对所有的叠加设置默认的排除目录。默认情况下,任何没有指定excludes元素的叠加都将继承此设置。

  • workDirectory - sets the directory where overlays will be temporarily extracted.

  • workDirectory - 设置临时提取叠加的目录

                    <!-- default value is target/war/work -->

Zip dependencies with overlays

To use a zip dependency as an overlay you have to configure it explicitly in the plugin’s configuration. For instance to inject the content of a zip overlay in the scripts directory of the webapp, do as follows:

