Rod Johnson
September 08, 2007
Interface21 got mentioned in testimony before Congress.
Jonathan Silver, a venture capitalist and founder of Core Capital Partners, testified on Thursday against proposed changes in tax rates applying to VCs. One of his arguments was that venture-based companies create jobs across the US:
Where will the next important businesses come from? The truth is, no one knows and that’s why venture capitalists look everywhere, and in all fifty states, for those opportunities. It’s why venture funds have backed Music Nation in New York City and Incept Biosystems in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Interface21 in West Melbourne, Florida, Boston Power in Westborough, Massachusetts and Click Forensics in San Antonio, Texas.
Actually, our headquarters are moving to San Mateo, California. Like many software vendors, we believe that Silicon Valley is the best place to achieve our potential. The largest concentration of our partners is here, and it’s a great place to recruit executive talent in the software business. However, Silver’s point is still valid. We are creating jobs in Florida–where our web team is based and is currently doing great things with Spring Web Flow–across the US, and worldwide.
Shameless pitch: we are currently recruiting in North America, the UK, Germany and Australia. If you know and love Spring and want to work in an exciting mix of product development, training/consulting and support, we’d love to talk to you. I guess there’s a distinction here between venture investors who do help to drive job creation and private equity investors who may contribute less to the economy.
It’s probably fortunate that Congress wasn’t told that we have spread dependency injection throughout the US. I wonder what they would make of that.
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风险投资家,Core Capital Partners创始人乔纳森·西尔弗(Jonathan Silver)周四作证,反对拟议改变适用于风险投资公司的税率。他的论点之一是,基于风险的公司在全美创造了就业机会:
下一个重要业务将从何而来?真相是,没人知道,这就是为什么风险资本家到处以及在所有五十个州都在寻找那些机会。这就是为什么风险基金支持纽约市的Music Nation和密歇根州安阿伯市的Incept Biosystems,佛罗里达州西墨尔本的Interface21,马萨诸塞州韦斯特伯勒的Boston Power和德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥的Click Forensics的原因。
实际上,我们的总部正在搬到加利福尼亚的圣马特奥。像许多软件供应商一样,我们认为硅谷是发挥我们潜力的最佳场所。我们合作伙伴最集中的地方是这里,这是在软件业务中吸引高管人才的好地方。但是,Silver的观点仍然有效。我们正在佛罗里达州(我们的网络团队所基于的工作地点)创造工作机会,并且目前在整个美国和全球范围内使用Spring Web Flow做着出色的工作。