This module logs call detail records (CDRs) directly to a SQLite database, using templates to define the field order for the SQL insert. These templates along with the default configuration are stored in the filefreeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/cdr_sqlite.conf.xml.
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The database specified by the parameter db-name is automatically created in the same directory as the FreeSWITCH core database (specified by the -db command-line switch, or /usr/local/freeswitch/dbby default). The file extension .db is automatically appended to the db-name.
The DB table name is specified by the parameterdb-table(cdrby default).
If the table does not exist, the mod_cdr_sqlite will create it automatically, using the following default table schema:
CREATE TABLE tablename (
caller_id_name VARCHAR,
caller_id_number VARCHAR,
destination_number VARCHAR,
context VARCHAR,
start_stamp DATETIME,
answer_stamp DATETIME,
end_stamp DATETIME,
duration INTEGER,
billsec INTEGER,
hangup_cause VARCHAR,
bleg_uuid VARCHAR,
account_code VARCHAR
The template that is used for the default field order is defined by the following line (which uses "example" in the default installation).
Variables in a Template
Variables are given in the form ${varname}. For an overview of variables, check Channel Variables. You can specify any channel variable.
Template variables can be to API calls as well, like:
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