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Today I spoke at the Highland Fling Conference, on the subject of Choosing the Right Content Management System (slides are here on Slideshare). I was really thrilled to be asked to speak on this subject as essentially developing and deploying content managed websites is what I’ve been doing for the last 10 years at edgeofmyseat.com. I’ve worked with third party systems, I’ve built completely custom systems and in recent years have developed along with Drew a large PHP based CMS framework and our mini-CMS, Perch.

今天,我在Highland Fling会议上发表了关于选择合适的内容管理系统的演讲幻灯片在Slideshare上 )。 我真的很高兴被要求就此主题发言,因为从本质上讲,开发和部署内容托管网站是我过去十年在edgeofmyseat.com所做的工作 。 我曾经与第三方系统合作过,我已经建立了完全自定义的系统,并且近年来与Drew一起开发了一个大型的基于PHPCMS框架和我们的小型CMS Perch

I understand how hard it is to work with these systems and how difficult it is to actually develop something good, how many problems there are still to solve. However the biggest problem that I believe we have is that we seem to accept that content management systems are crap. We accept that they cause us to compromise our designs, we accept terrible editing environments, we accept them filling our pages with crufty mark-up and we accept the most unbelievably convoluted ways of doing things because, “at least there is a way to do it”.

我了解使用这些系统有多困难,要真正开发出好的产品有多困难,还有多少问题需要解决。 但是,我认为我们面临的最大问题是,我们似乎已经接受了内容管理系统的废话。 我们接受它们会导致我们破坏设计,我们接受可怕的编辑环境,我们接受它们以粗糙的标记填充页面,我们接受最令人难以置信的复杂方法,因为“至少有一种方法可以它”。

Today I tried to encourage people to see their CMS as an important part of the project, and to see providing a great editing environment as a vital part of the site, not something to battle with. Once a site is launched it is quite likely that the person or people editing the content are not professional copywriters, just as they are not professional designers. Therefore we should be using the CMS to not only protect the design and typography – but also to promote the content strategy for the site.

今天,我试图鼓励人们将其CMS视为该项目的重要组成部分,并将提供出色的编辑环境视为该站点的重要组成部分,而不是与之抗争。 网站启动后,编辑内容的人很可能不是专业的撰稿人,就像他们不是专业的设计师一样。 因此,我们不仅应该使用CMS来保护设计和版式,还应该推广网站的内容策略。

How do we do this? Well to start with we don’t do it by sticking a “WYSIWYG” editor in the main content area of the page and letting content administrators play designer all over the content. I don’t think anyone at the conference today will be left in any doubt as to the fact that I hate so-called WYSIWYG editors. There are many technical reasons why WYSIWYG editors are a terrible solution, but also they are a problem because they promote thinking about style rather than content. What you end up with is a big block of manky html because if it is hard to get a client to select the right heading level, it is going to be impossible to get them to mark-up contact information using microformats or semantically using HTML5.

我们如何做到这一点? 首先,我们不这样做,方法是在页面的主要内容区域中粘贴“ 所见即所得 ”编辑器,然后让内容管理员在所有内容中扮演设计师。 对于我讨厌所谓的所见即所得(WYSIWYG)编辑的事实,我认为今天的会议上不会有人有任何疑问。 所见即所得的编辑器是一个糟糕的解决方案的技术原因很多,但它们也是一个问题,因为它们促进了对样式而非内容的思考。 您最终得到的是一大堆笨拙的html,因为如果很难让客户选择正确的标题级别,则将不可能使他们使用微格式或语义上使用HTML5来标记联系信息。

What I encourage people to do is to try and think of content management in terms of structured content. To provide content entry forms that enable the editor to think about the content – and that can also provide help and tips to promote the agreed content strategy. You could go as far as to work with a copywriter to create that help text. This helps the client not only add content in a way that leaves you able to keep control of the mark-up, but to add the right content with the right tone. So if they are adding an event – give them a form in the CMS which has fields for all the parts of the event, if they are entering contact information – provide a form with fields for the different elements of the address, phone and email.

我鼓励人们做的是尝试根据结构化内容来考虑内容管理。 提供内容输入表格,使编辑者可以考虑内容,还可以提供帮助和技巧以促进商定的内容策略。 您可能会与文案撰稿人一起创建该帮助文本。 这不仅可以帮助客户以使您能够控制标记的方式添加内容,而且可以以正确的音调添加正确的内容。 因此,如果他们要添加事件-如果在CMS中为他们提供一个表单,其中包含事件所有部分的字段(如果他们正在输入联系信息)-请为表单提供一个包含地址,电话和电子邮件中不同元素的字段。

By using structured content the editor needs to style very little, there is definitely no need for a full WYSIWYG editor. At the most they need a small toolbar to add bold, italics and inline links. Structured content is at the core of Perch, but we don’t have the monopoly on that idea. There is a fantastic thread on Forrst with people explaining how they deal with structured content in their favoured CMS. So this is possible in a lot of systems, with a bit of work and thought.

通过使用结构化的内容,编辑器几乎不需要样式,绝对不需要完整的WYSIWYG编辑器。 他们最多需要一个小的工具栏来添加粗体,斜体和内联链接。 结构化内容是Perch的核心,但我们对此概念没有垄断权。 在Forrst上有一个奇妙的话题 ,人们解释了他们如何在他们偏爱的CMS中处理结构化内容。 因此,在许多系统中,只要稍加努力和思考,便有可能实现。

I really would encourage people to think of their CMS as a tool which helps editors curate not only the design but the whole site, including the content. We should be providing people with great editing experiences – not settling for something that kind of works. We can only do that by seeing the CMS as an important part of the solution, using the right tool for each job, learning how to really use those tools to their best and talking to our CMS makers about how they can make things better.

我确实会鼓励人们将CMS视为一种工具,它不仅可以帮助编辑人员策划设计,而且可以策划整个网站(包括内容)。 我们应该为人们提供出色的编辑经验,而不是为了某种工作而妥协。 我们只能通过将CMS视为解决方案的重要组成部分,为每个工作使用正确的工具,学习如何真正最佳地使用这些工具,并与我们的CMS制造商讨论如何使事情变得更好来做到这一点。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2011/07/08/your-cms-as-curator-of-your-design-and-content/

