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jq.mobi.js API

//Executes callback function on each element
.map(elements,callback)//把当前匹配集合中的每个元素传递给函数,产生包含返回值的新JQMobi 对象。

.each(elements,callback)//Iterate through elements and execute callback
.each(elements,callback)//对 jQMobi 对象进行迭代,为每个匹配元素执行函数。

.extend(target,{params})//Extends an object with additional arguments

.isArray(data)//Returns true/false if data is an array

.isFunction(data)//Returns true/false if data is a function

.isObject(param)//Returns true/false if param is an object
.isObject(param) //判断是否为对象返回为布尔值

.ready(callback)// Callback executed when DOMContentLoaded happens

.find(selector)// Find all chidlren that match the given selector
.find(selector)// 根据已给的选择器查找所有下级元素

.html(['newhtml']) // Get/Set the elements .innerHTML
.html(['newhtml']) // 取得/设置该元素的.innerHTML

.text(['newtext']) // Get/Set the elements .innerTEXT
.text(['newtext']) //取得/设置该元素的innerText

.css('property',['value'])//Get/Set the elements css property to value

.empty()//Sets the elements .innerHTML to an empty string
.hide()//Sets the elements display css attribute to "none"
.hide() //设置该元素CSS的display属性为"none"

.show()//Sets the elements display css attribute to "block"
.show() //设置该元素CSS的display属性为"block"

.toggle()//Togglesthe elements display css attribute

.val(["value"])//Get/Set the elements value property

.attr("attribute",["value"])//Get/Set the elements attribute

.removeAttr("attribute")  //Removes the attribute from the elements
.removeAttr("attribute")  //移除当前元素的该属性

.remove()//Remove an element from the Dom

.addClass("className")//Adds the css class name to the selected elements

.removeClass("className")//Removes a css class from the selected lements

.hasClass("className",[_element])  //Checks to see if an element has a class
.hasClass("className",[_element])  //检查一个元素时候含有该名称的类

.append(element,[insert])//Appends an element to the selected elements

.prepend(element)//Prepends an element to the selected elements

.insertBefore(target)//Inserts a collection before the target (adjacent)

.insertAfter(target)//Inserts a collection after the target (adjacent)

.get([index])//Getraw DOM element based on index. () returns first element
.get([index])//获得基于. index ()返回的第一个元素

.offset()//Calculates the first elements offset on the screen

.parent(selector)//Returns the parent nodes based off selector

.children(selector)//Returns the children of the elements

.siblings(selector)//Returns the siblings of the elemnts

.closest(selector,[context])//Returns theclosestelement based off selector

.filter(selector)//Filters the elements based off selector

.not(selector)//Return all matches that do NOT match the selector

.data(key,[value])//Gets/Setsa data-* attribute for the param

.end()//Rolls back the jqMobi elements when filters were applied
.end() //回滚jqMobi元素当过滤器被应用时

.clone()//Clones the nodes in the collection

.size()//Returns the number of elements in a collection
.size() //返回匹配元素数量。

.serialize(grouping)//Serializes a form into a query string

.jsonP(options)//Execute a jsonP call, allowing cross domain scripting

.bind("event",function(){})//Binds a function to the event listener

.unbind("event",[callback])//Unbinds a function to the event listener

.one("event",callback)//Bind event to each element - only executes once

.delegate(selector,"event",callback)//Delegate an event bassed off selector

.undelegate(selector,"event",[callback])//Unbind an event registered through                                          delegate

.on("event",selector,callback)//类似于 .delegate()

.trigger("event",data)//Trigger an event and pass inoptionaldata

.proxy(callback,context)//Creates a proxy function so the ‘this’contextcan
be changedin the function


.param() //Serialize a JSON object into KVP for aquerystring
.param() //序列化一个JSON 对象为键/值对字符串

.parseJSON(string) //Backwards compatability JSON parsing call.  Uses the                      browsers native JSON parser
parseJSON(string) //向后兼容JSON解析调用。使用浏览器原生JSON解析器

.parseXML(string) //Parses a string and returns a XML document version
.parseXML(string) //

.uuid  //Utility function to create a pseudo GUID
.uuid  //用来来创建一个伪GUID

.Event(type,props) //Creates a custom event to be used internally
.Event(type,props) //创建一个内部使用的自定义事件

jqMobi 操作系统检测

$.os.webkit     //True if webkit found in the user agent
$.os.webkit     //如果浏览器为webkit核心,返回true

$.os.android    //True if anroid user agent
$.os.android    //如果用户设备为android,返回true

$.os.ipad       //True if iPad user agent
$.os.ipad       //如果用户设备为ipad,返回true

$.os.iphone     //True if iPhone user agent
$.os.iphone    //如果用户设备为iphone,返回true

$.os.webos      //True if WebOS detected
$.os.webos      //如果用户设备为webos,返回true

$.os.touchpad   //True if WebOS and Touchpad user agent
$.os.touchpad   //如果用户设备为touchpad,返回true

$.os.ios        //True if iPad or iPhone
$.os.ios        //如果用户设备为iPad或iPhone,返回true

$.os.blackberry //True if Blackberry PlayBook or OS >=6
$.os.blackberry //如果用户设备为黑莓PlayBook或OS> = 6,返回true


