Hints to the compiler to enable or disable loop unrolling and jamming. These pragmas can only be applied to iterative FOR loops.
#pragma unroll_and_jam
#pragma unroll_and_jam (n)
#pragma nounroll_and_jam
n :is the unrolling factor representing the number of times to unroll a loop; it is an integer constant from 0 through 255.
n是展开因子,表示循环展开次数,是0-255的一个整数(实测最新版Intel编译器Version Build 20200306只支持最大为16)
The unroll_and_jam pragma partially unrolls one or more loops higher in the nest than the innermost loop and fuses/jams the resulting loops back together. This transformation allows more reuses in the loop.
This pragma is not effective on innermost loops. Ensure that the immediately following loop is not the innermost loop after compiler-initiated interchanges are completed.
该导语在最内层的循环上无效。 在编译器启动的交换完成(编译器可能会交换多层循环的顺序)之后,请确保紧随其后的循环不是最内层的循环。
Specifying this pragma is a hint to the compiler that the unroll and jam sequence is legal and profitable. The compiler enables this transformation whenever possible.
The unroll_and_jam pragma must precede the FOR statement for each FOR loop it affects. If n is specified, the optimizer unrolls the loop n times. If n is omitted or if it is outside the allowed range, the optimizer assigns the number of times to unroll the loop. The compiler generates correct code by comparing n and the loop count.
This pragma is supported only when compiler option O3 is set. The unroll_and_jam pragma overrides any setting of loop unrolling from the command line.
When unrolling a loop increases register pressure and code size it may be necessary to prevent unrolling of a nested/imperfect nested loop. In such cases, use the nounroll_and_jam pragma. The nounroll_and_jam pragma hints to the compiler not to unroll a specified loop.
当展开一个循环会增加寄存器压力和代码大小时,可能有必要防止展开嵌套/不完美的嵌套循环。 在这种情况下,请使用nounroll_and_jam导语。 nounroll_and_jam提示编译器不要展开指定的循环。
Example: Using unroll_and_jam pragma
int a[10][10];
int b[10][10];
int c[10][10];
int d[10][10];
void unroll(int n)
int i,j,k;
#pragma unroll_and_jam (6)
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
#pragma unroll_and_jam (6)
for (j = 1; j < n; j++) {
for (k = 1; k < n; k++){ //此处为最内层循环,不能放这里
a[i][j] += b[i][k]*c[k][j];
Parallel Programming Guidefor HP-UX Systems,P88
unroll_and_jam pragma ignored but no reason specified