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php swoole tsf,tsf/swoole.php at master · Tencent/tsf · GitHub



* Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making TSF Solution available.

* Copyright (C) 2017 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.

* Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

* https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause

* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


//作为一个守护进程? 可以查看启动哪些server

define('STARTBASEPATH', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));

define('SuperProcessName', 'Swoole-Controller');

define('uniSockPath', "/tmp/" . SuperProcessName . ".sock");

$cmds = array('start', 'stop', 'reload', 'restart', 'shutdown', 'status', 'list', 'startall');

//php swoole.php testserver start

$name = $argv[1];

$cmd = $argv[2]; //cmd name

$cmd = empty($cmd) ? $name : $cmd;

$RunningServer = array();

//需要cmd 和 name name 支持 all 和 具体的serverName

if (!$cmd || (!$name && ($cmd != 'status' && $cmd != 'shutdown' && $cmd != 'list' && $cmd != 'startall')) || !in_array($cmd, $cmds)) {



//servername 合法性校验

if (($cmd != 'status' && $cmd != 'shutdown' && $cmd != 'startall' && $cmd != 'list')) {

$ServPath = STARTBASEPATH . "/conf/" . $name . ".ini";

if (!file_exists($ServPath)) {

echo "your server name $name not exist" . PHP_EOL;





if ($cmd == 'list') {

$configDir = STARTBASEPATH . "/conf/*.ini";

$configArr = glob($configDir);

// 配置名必须是servername

$servArr = array();

echo "your server list:" . PHP_EOL;

foreach ($configArr as $k => $v) {

echo basename($v, '.ini') . PHP_EOL;


echo '----------------------------' . PHP_EOL;



if (CheckProcessExist()) { //如果存在 说明已经运行了 则通过unixsock通信

//如果要自杀 先杀掉所有的 然后再自杀吧

if ($cmd == 'shutdown') {

$ret = sendCmdToServ(array('cmd' => 'shutdown', 'server' => $name));

StartLog(__LINE__ . ' sendCmdToServ ret is' . print_r($ret, true));

//获取status 之后去杀掉进程

if ($ret['r'] == 0) {

//先杀掉所有的run server

foreach ($ret['data'] as $server) {

// array('php'=>,'name'=)

$ret = system("ps aux | grep " . $server['name'] . " | grep master | grep -v grep ");

preg_match('/\d+/', $ret, $match);//匹配出来进程号

$ServerId = $match['0'];

if (posix_kill($ServerId, 15)) {//如果成功了

echo 'stop ' . $server['name'] . "\033[32;40m [SUCCESS] \033[0m" . PHP_EOL;

} else {

echo 'stop ' . $server['name'] . "\033[31;40m [FAIL] \033[0m" . PHP_EOL;




$ret = system(" ps aux | grep " . SuperProcessName . " | grep -v grep");

preg_match('/\d+/', $ret, $match);

$ServerId = $match['0'];

if (posix_kill($ServerId, 15)) {//如果成功了

echo 'stop ' . SuperProcessName . "\033[32;40m [SUCCESS] \033[0m" . PHP_EOL;

} else {

echo 'stop ' . SuperProcessName . "\033[31;40m [FAIL] \033[0m" . PHP_EOL;


} else {

echo 'cmd is ' . $cmd . PHP_EOL . ' and return is ' . print_r($ret, true) . PHP_EOL;



} else {


$ret = sendCmdToServ(array('cmd' => $cmd, 'server' => $name));

if ($ret['r'] == 0) {


if ($cmd == 'status') {

if (empty($ret['data'])) {

echo 'No Server is Running' . PHP_EOL;

} else {

echo SuperProcessName . ' is ' . "\033[32;40m [RUNNING] \033[0m" . PHP_EOL;

foreach ($ret['data'] as $single) {

echo 'Server Name is ' . "\033[32;40m " . $single['name'] . " \033[0m" . ' ' . 'and php start path is ' . $single['php'] . PHP_EOL;



} else {

echo 'cmd is ' . $cmd . PHP_EOL . ' and return is ' . print_r($ret['msg'], true) . PHP_EOL;


} else {

echo 'cmd is ' . $cmd . PHP_EOL . ' and return is ' . print_r($ret['msg'], true) . PHP_EOL;




} else { //第一次启动,则启动server 并且添加监控进程

//提前读取配置 获取php启动路径 目前只支持一个

if ($cmd == 'shutdown' || $cmd == 'status') {

echo SuperProcessName . ' is not running,please check it' . PHP_EOL;



if ($cmd == 'start') {

$indexConf = getServerIni($name);

if ($indexConf['r'] != 0) { //

echo "get server $name conf error" . PHP_EOL;



$phpStart = $indexConf['conf']['server']['php'];

if (empty($phpStart)) {

echo " $name phpstartpath $phpStart not exist " . PHP_EOL;



//先处理单个 注意异常处理的情况

$process = new swoole_process(function (swoole_process $worker) use ($name, $cmd, $phpStart) {//目前指支持一个

$worker->exec($phpStart, array(STARTBASEPATH . "/lib/Swoole/shell/start.php", $cmd, $name));//拉起server

}, false);

$pid = $process->start();

$exeRet = swoole_process::wait();

if ($exeRet['code']) {//创建失败

echo $phpStart . ' ' . $name . ' ' . $cmd . "\033[31;40m [FAIL] \033[0m" . PHP_EOL;



//创建成功 进入daemon模式,开启unix sock

echo $phpStart . ' ' . $name . ' ' . $cmd . "\033[32;40m [SUCCESS] \033[0m" . PHP_EOL;


//开启unixsock 监听模式


//修改,添加参数 包括php启动路径和名字

$RunningServer[$name] = array('php' => $phpStart, 'name' => $name);



if ($cmd == 'startall') {

$configDir = STARTBASEPATH . "/conf/*.ini";

$configArr = glob($configDir);

foreach ($configArr as $k => $v) {

$name = basename($v, '.ini');

$config = parse_ini_file(STARTBASEPATH . "/conf/" . $name . ".ini", true);

$phpStart = $config['server']['php'];

if (empty($phpStart)) {

echo " $name phpstartpath $phpStart not exist " . PHP_EOL;



$servArr['name'] = $config;

if (StartServ($phpStart, 'start', $name)) {

$RunningServer[$name] = array('php' => $phpStart, 'name' => $name);

echo $phpStart . ' ' . $name . " start \033[32;40m [SUCCESS] \033[0m" . PHP_EOL;

} else {

echo " startall \033[31;40m [FAIL] \033[0m" . PHP_EOL;



//创建成功 进入daemon模式,开启unix sock


//开启unixsock 监听模式




function StartServSock($RunServer)




$serv = new swoole_server(uniSockPath, 0, SWOOLE_BASE, SWOOLE_UNIX_STREAM);

//维持一个动态数组 实现动态监控server 包含了php的启动路径和停止路径 array('php'=>,'name'=)

$serv->runServer = $RunServer;


'worker_num' => 1,

'daemonize' => true


$serv->on('WorkerStart', function ($serv, $workerId) {




//定时器中操作 主要为轮巡 启动服务

$serv->on('Timer', function ($serv, $interval) {

StartLogTimer(__LINE__ . 'timer start ' . time());

if (empty($serv->runServer)) {

StartLogTimer(__LINE__ . ' ' . 'no server is running ' . PHP_EOL);



foreach ($serv->runServer as $serverName) {

$ret = system("ps aux | grep " . $serverName['name'] . " | grep master | grep -v grep ");

StartLogTimer(__LINE__ . ' cmd is ' . "ps aux | grep " . $serverName['name'] . " | grep master | grep -v grep " . print_r($ret, true));

if (empty($ret)) {//挂了 什么都没有 之后可能要通过数量来获取


StartServ($serverName['php'], 'start', $serverName['name']);

StartLogTimer(__LINE__ . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' ' . print_r($serverName, true) . ' server is dead , start to restart' . PHP_EOL);

} else {

StartLogTimer(__LINE__ . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' ' . print_r($serverName, true) . ' server is running success' . PHP_EOL);




$serv->on('connect', function ($serv, $fd, $from_id) {

echo "[#" . posix_getpid() . "]\tClient@[$fd:$from_id]: Connect.\n";


$serv->on('receive', function ($serv, $fd, $from_id, $data) {

StartLog(__LINE__ . 'receive data is' . print_r($data, true));

$opData = json_decode($data, true);

if ($opData['cmd'] == 'start') { //添加到runserver 还是需要获取路径 存入数组中

if (isset($serv->runServer[$opData['server']])) { //如果已经有了,说明服务已经启动

$serv->send($fd, json_encode(array('r' => 1, "msg" => $opData['server'] . ' is already running')));

StartLog(__LINE__ . 'receive data is' . json_encode(array('r' => 1, "msg" => $opData['server'] . ' is already running')));




$retConf = getServerIni($opData['server']);

if ($retConf['r'] != 0) { //

$serv->send($fd, json_encode($retConf));


} else {//正常启动

$phpStart = $retConf['conf']['server']['php'];

StartServ($phpStart, 'start', $opData['server']);

StartLog(__LINE__ . " $phpStart " . STARTBASEPATH . "/lib/Swoole/shell/start.php " . $opData['cmd'] . ' ' . $opData['server']);

$serv->runServer[$opData['server']] = array('php' => $phpStart, 'name' => $opData['server']); //添加到runServer中

$serv->send($fd, json_encode(array('r' => 0, 'msg' => "server {$opData['server']} start" . " \033[32;40m [SUCCESS] \033[0m")));



} elseif ($opData['cmd'] == 'stop') { //从runserver中干掉

$phpStart = $serv->runServer[$opData['server']]['php'];//获取php启动路径


StartLog(__LINE__ . 'THIS RUNSERVER IS' . print_r($serv->runServer, true));

StartServ($phpStart, 'stop', $opData['server']);

StartLog(__LINE__ . " $phpStart " . STARTBASEPATH . "/lib/Swoole/shell/start.php " . $opData['cmd'] . ' ' . $opData['server']);

$serv->send($fd, json_encode(array('r' => 0, 'msg' => "server {$opData['server']} stop " . " \033[32;40m [SUCCESS] \033[0m")));


} elseif ($opData['cmd'] == 'status') { //获取所有服务的状态

StartLog(__LINE__ . " cmd is status " . print_r($serv->runServer, true));

$serv->send($fd, json_encode(array('r' => 0, 'data' => $serv->runServer)));


} elseif ($opData['cmd'] == 'shutdown') { //获取所有服务的状态

StartLog(__LINE__ . " cmd is shutdown " . print_r($serv->runServer, true));

$serv->send($fd, json_encode(array('r' => 0, 'data' => $serv->runServer)));




} elseif ($opData['cmd'] == 'reload') { //重载所有服务

$phpStart = $serv->runServer[$opData['server']]['php'];//获取php启动路径

StartLog(__LINE__ . "$phpStart " . STARTBASEPATH . "/lib/Swoole/shell/start.php " . $opData['cmd'] . ' ' . $opData['server']);

StartServ($phpStart, 'reload', $opData['server']);

$serv->send($fd, json_encode(array('r' => 0, 'msg' => "server {$opData['server']} reload " . " \033[32;40m [SUCCESS] \033[0m")));


} elseif ($opData['cmd'] == 'restart') { //重启所有服务

$phpStart = $serv->runServer[$opData['server']]['php'];//获取php启动路径

//首先unset 防止被自动拉起,然后停止,然后sleep 然后start


StartServ($phpStart, 'stop', $opData['server']);

StartLog(__LINE__ . "$phpStart " . STARTBASEPATH . "/lib/Swoole/shell/start.php " . ' stop ' . $opData['server']);


// exec("$phpStart ".STARTBASEPATH . "/lib/Swoole/shell/start.php ".' start '.$opData['server']);//

StartServ($phpStart, 'start', $opData['server']);

StartLog(__LINE__ . "$phpStart " . STARTBASEPATH . "/lib/Swoole/shell/start.php " . ' start ' . $opData['server']);

$serv->runServer[$opData['server']] = array('php' => $phpStart, 'name' => $opData['server']); //添加到runServer中

$serv->send($fd, json_encode(array('r' => 0, 'msg' => "server {$opData['server']} restart \033[32;40m [SUCCESS] \033[0m")));




$serv->on('close', function ($serv, $fd, $from_id) {

echo "[#" . posix_getpid() . "]\tClient@[$fd:$from_id]: Close.\n";

StartLog(__LINE__ . SuperProcessName . " begin to close ");





function CheckProcessExist()


$ret = system("ps aux | grep " . SuperProcessName . " | grep -v grep ");

StartLog(__LINE__ . "ps aux | grep " . SuperProcessName . " | grep -v grep and return " . print_r($ret, true));

if (empty($ret)) {//挂了 什么都没有 之后可能要通过数量来获取}

return false;

} else {

return true;



function getServerIni($serverName)


$configPath = STARTBASEPATH . "/conf/" . $serverName . ".ini";

if (!file_exists($configPath)) {

return array('r' => 404, 'msg' => 'missing config path' . $configPath);


$config = parse_ini_file($configPath, true);

return array('r' => 0, 'conf' => $config);


function StartLog($msg)


error_log($msg . PHP_EOL, 3, '/tmp/SuperMaster.log');


function StartLogTimer($msg)


error_log($msg . PHP_EOL, 3, '/tmp/SuperMasterTimer.log');


function StartServ($phpStart, $cmd, $name)


$process = new swoole_process(function (swoole_process $worker) use ($name, $cmd, $phpStart) {//目前指支持一个

$worker->exec($phpStart, array(STARTBASEPATH . "/lib/Swoole/shell/start.php", $cmd, $name));//拉起server

StartLogTimer(__LINE__ . ' ' . $phpStart . ' ' . STARTBASEPATH . '/lib/Swoole/shell/start.php ' . $cmd . ' ' . $name);

}, false);

$pid = $process->start();

$exeRet = swoole_process::wait();

if ($exeRet['code']) {//创建失败

StartLog(" startall \033[31;40m [FAIL] \033[0m" . PHP_EOL);

return false;

} else {

StartLog(" startall \033[31;40m [SUCCESS] \033[0m" . PHP_EOL);

return true;




function sendCmdToServ($data)


$client = new swoole_client(SWOOLE_UNIX_STREAM, SWOOLE_SOCK_SYNC);

$client->connect(uniSockPath, 0, 3);


$ret = $client->recv();

StartLog(__LINE__ . print_r($ret, true));

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);


return $ret;



function printInfo()


echo "welcome to use Swoole-Controller,we can help you to monitor your swoole server!" . PHP_EOL;

echo "please input server name and cmd: php swoole.php myServerName start " . PHP_EOL;

echo "support cmds: start stop reload restart status startall list" . PHP_EOL;

echo "if you want to stop Swoole-Controller please input : php swoole.php shutdown" . PHP_EOL;

echo "if you want to know running servername please input : php swoole.php status" . PHP_EOL;

echo "if you want to know server list that you can start please input : php swoole.php list" . PHP_EOL;

echo "if you want to start all your servers please input : php swoole.php startall" . PHP_EOL;





