ScalikeJDBC is a tidy SQL-based DB access library for Scala that naturally wraps JDBC and provides easy-to-use APIs.
ScalikeJDBC is practical and production-ready. Use this library for your real projects.
Put the above dependencies into your build.sbt
and run sbt console
import scalikejdbc._
// initialize JDBC driver & connection pool
ConnectionPool.singleton("jdbc:h2:mem:hello", "user", "pass")
// ad-hoc session provider on the REPL
implicit val session = AutoSession
// table creation, you can run DDL by using #execute as same as JDBC
create table members (
id serial not null primary key,
name varchar(64),
created_at timestamp not null
// insert initial data
Seq("Alice", "Bob", "Chris") foreach { name =>
sql"insert into members (name, created_at) values (${name}, current_timestamp)".update.apply()
// for now, retrieves all data as Map value
val entities: List[Map[String, Any]] = sql"select * from members".map(_.toMap).list.apply()
// defines entity object and extractor
import java.time._
case class Member(id: Long, name: Option[String], createdAt: ZonedDateTime)
object Member extends SQLSyntaxSupport[Member] {
override val tableName = "members"
def apply(rs: WrappedResultSet) = new Member(
rs.long("id"), rs.stringOpt("name"), rs.zonedDateTime("created_at"))
// find all members
val members: List[Member] = sql"select * from members".map(rs => Member(rs)).list.apply()
// use paste mode (:paste) on the Scala REPL
val m = Member.syntax("m")
val name = "Alice"
val alice: Option[Member] = withSQL {
select.from(Member as m).where.eq(, name)
}.map(rs => Member(rs)).single.apply()
How did it go? If you’d like to know more details or practical examples, see documentation.
Library users don’t need to learn so many library-specific rules or conventions. If you’re already familiar with Scala’s standard library APIs and basic SQLs, that much should be enough.
val name = "Alice"
// implicit session represents java.sql.Connection
val memberId: Option[Long] = DB readOnly { implicit session =>
sql"select id from members where name = ${name}" // don't worry, prevents SQL injection
.map(rs => rs.long("id")) // extracts values from rich java.sql.ResultSet
.single // single, list, traversable
.apply() // Side effect!!! runs the SQL using Connection
See in detail: /documentation/operations
Since version 1.6, QueryDSL is available. It’s a SQL-like and type-safe DSL to build DRY SQLs.
Here is an example:
val (p, c) = (Programmer.syntax("p"), Company.syntax("c"))
val programmers: Seq[Programmer] = DB.readOnly { implicit session =>
withSQL {
.from(Programmer as p)
.leftJoin(Company as c).on(p.companyId,
.where.eq(p.isDeleted, false)
}.map(Programmer(p, c)).list.apply()
See in detail: /documentation/query-dsl
Test code: src/test/scala/scalikejdbc/QueryInterfaceSpec.scala
ScalikeJDBC provides several APIs for session/transaction control.
Here is an example which re-uses methods in both simple invocation and transactional operations.
object Product {
def create(name: String, price: Long)(implicit s: DBSession = AutoSession): Long = {
sql"insert into products values (${name}, ${price})"
.updateAndReturnGeneratedKey.apply() // returns auto-incremeneted id
def findById(id: Long)(implicit s: DBSession = AutoSession): Option[Product] = {
sql"select id, name, price, created_at from products where id = ${id}"
.map { rs => Product(rs) }.single.apply()
Product.findById(123) // borrows connection from pool and gives it back after execution
DB localTx { implicit session => // transactional session
val id = Product.create("ScalikeJDBC Cookbook", 200) // within transaction
val product = Product.findById(id) // within transaction
See in detail: /documentation/transaction
By default, ScalikeJDBC shows you what SQL is executed and where it is. We believe that is quite useful for debugging your apps. Logging only slow queries in production, but it also helps you.
[debug] s.StatementExecutor$$anon$1 - SQL execution completed
[Executed SQL]
select id, name from users where email = ''; (3 ms)
[Stack Trace]
See in detail: /documentation/query-inspector
Testing support which provides the following functionalities for ScalaTest and specs2.
See in detail: /documentation/testing
You can easily get Scala code from existing database by using ScalikeJDBC’s reverse engineering tool.
sbt "scalikejdbcGen [table-name (class-name)]"
sbt "scalikejdbcGen company"
sbt "scalikejdbcGen companies Company"
See in detail: /documentation/reverse-engineering
You can use ScalikeJDBC with Play framework 2 seamlessly. We promise you that it becomes more productive when used with scalikejdbc-mapper-generator.
See in detail: /documentation/playframework-support
ScalikeJDBC provides the Publisher interface of Reactive Streams to subscribe a stream from a database query.
See in detail: /documentation/reactivestreams-support