写cucumber测试可以参考click_link_with Webrat
= Webrat - Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications
- http://gitrdoc.com/brynary/webrat
- http://groups.google.com/group/webrat
- http://webrat.lighthouseapp.com/
- http://github.com/brynary/webrat
- #webrat on Freenode
== Description
Webrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby
web application.
== Features
* Browser Simulator for expressive, high level acceptance testing without the
performance hit and browser dependency of Selenium or Watir (See
* Use the same API for Browser Simulator and real Selenium tests using
Webrat::Selenium when necessary (eg. for testing AJAX interactions)
* Supports multiple Ruby web frameworks: Rails, Merb and Sinatra
* Supports popular test frameworks: RSpec, Cucumber, Test::Unit and Shoulda
* Webrat::Matchers API for verifying rendered HTML using CSS, XPath, etc.
== Simulating browser events
# GET a URL, following any redirects, and making sure final page is successful
visit "/some/url"
# In general, elements can be located by their inner text, their 'title'
attribute, their 'name' attribute, and their 'id' attribute.
# They can be selected using a String, which is converted to an escaped Regexp
effectively making it a substring match, or using a Regexp.
# An exception is that using Strings for ids are compared exactly (using ==)
rather than converted to a Regexp
# If the element you are trying to look up does not exist, an error occurs
# Links can be looked up by text, title, or id
# To match... <a href="/signup" title="Sign up" id="signup_link">Click here to
click_link "Click here to join!" # substring text
click_link /join/i # regexp text
click_link "Sign up" # substring title
click_link /sign.*up/i # regexp title
click_link /signup.*link/i # regexp id
click_link "signup_link" # exact id
# All fields can be looked up by ID, name, or label inner text
# text fields, password fields, and text areas can be filled in
# <label for="user[email]">Enter your Email</label><input type="text"
name="user[email]" id="user_name">
fill_in "user_email", :with => "good@example" # exact id
fill_in /user.*email/, :with => "good@example" # regexp id
fill_in "user[email]", :with => "good@example" # substring name
fill_in /user[.*mail.*]/, :with => "good@example" # substring name
fill_in "Email", :with => "good@example.com" # substring label text
fill_in /enter your email/i, :with => "good@example.com" # regexp label text
# Hidden fields can be set
set_hidden_field 'user[l337_hax0r]', :to => 'true'
# Select options can be 'selected' by inner text (an exact String or a Regexp
to match). It can optionally be selected from a particular select field, using
the usual id, name, or label text.
select "Free account"
select "Free account", :from => "Account Types"
select "Free account", :from => "user[account_type]"
select "Free account", :from => "user_account_type"
# Check boxes can be 'checked' and 'unchecked'
check 'Remember me'
uncheck 'Remember me'
# Radio buttons can be choosen, using the usual label text, name, or id.
choose "Yes"
click_button "Register"
== Assertions
# check for text in the body of html tags
# can be a string or regexp
# check for a css3 selector
assert_have_selector 'div.pagination'
assert_have_no_selector 'form input#name'
== Matchers
# check for text in the body of html tags
# can be a string or regexp
# Matchers are verbs used with auxillary verbs should, should_not, etc.
response.should contain("BURNINATOR")
response.should contain(/trogdor/i)
response.should_not contain("peasants")
# check for a css3 selector
response.should have_selector('div.pagination')
response.should_not have_selector('form input#name')
== Targetted actions/matchers
# selectors syntax is defined here: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/
within 'div.pagination' do |scope|
scope.click_link "1"
within '.shows' do |scope|
scope.should contain("NFL")
# unfortunately, assertions don't support this currently
within 'form[name="search"] select[name="type"]' do |scope|
scope.should have_selector 'option[value="blah"]'
scope.should have_selector 'option[value="gah"]'
scope.should have_selector 'option[value="eep"]'
scope.should have_selector 'input:only-of-type'
scope.should have_selector 'input[name="query"]'
scope.should have_selector 'input[type="text"]'