------------------------------- Programming ---------------------------
The C programming Language (2rd)
Brian Kernighan & Dennis Ritchie
C How To Program
Deitel (the father and the son)
The C++ Programming Language (Special Edition)
Bjarne Stroustrup
The Design and Evolution of C++
Bjarne Stroustrup
--------------------------- Operating Systems --------------------------
uC/OS-II: The Real Time Kernel
Jean J.Labrosse
Operating Systems: Design and Implementation (2nd)
Andrew Tanembaum
Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles (4th)
William Stallings
The Design of the UNIX Operating System [to read]
Maurice Bach
The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System [to read]
------------------------------- Computer Networks ---------------------
Computer Networks: A System Approach (2nd)
Larry Peterson & Bruce David
TCP/IP Illustrated: Protocols
W. Richard Stevens
Internetworking with TCP/IP: Volume 2 (2rd)
Douglas Comer
Computer Networks (4th) [to read]
Andrew Tanenbaum
------------------------- Computer Architecture -----------------------
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach (3rd)
John Hennessy & David Paterson
------------------------ Anit-Virus & Security -------------------------
Malicious Mobile Code: Virus Protection for Windows
Roger A. Grimes