leetcode 420. Strong Password Checker


A password is considered strong if below conditions are all met:

  1. It has at least 6 characters and at most 20 characters.
  2. It must contain at least one lowercase letter, at least one uppercase letter, and at least one digit.
  3. It must NOT contain three repeating characters in a row ("...aaa..." is weak, but "...aa...a..." is strong, assuming other conditions are met).

Write a function strongPasswordChecker(s), that takes a string s as input, and return the MINIMUM change required to make s a strong password. If s is already strong, return 0.

Insertion, deletion or replace of any one character are all considered as one change.



  1. 条件1是长度限制。可以通过插入和删除解决。
  2. 条件2是字符类型。可以通过插入和替换解决。
  3. 条件3是连续相同字符长度限制。可以通过插入,删除,替换。 对于一个长为n的连续相同字符串。需要n/3次替换 or n/2次插入 or n-2 次删除。所以替换优于插入优于删除。



  1. 字符串长度l < 6 。需要6 - l次插入。可以用插入操作尽可能多的消除替换操作。
  2. 字符串长度l > 20。需要l - 20次删除。可以用删除操作尽可能多的消除替换操作。
  3. 字符串长度6 < l < 20 。只需要执行替换操作。


*@Auth PalaidnDu
int max(int i1, int i2){
    return i1 > i2 ? i1 : i2;

int strongPasswordChecker(char * s){
    if(*s == '\0'){
        return 6;
    int strLen = 0;
    int useCharType = 0;
    int charTypeMap[256] = {0};
    int charTypeUse[4] = {0};
    for(int i = '0' ;i <= '9' ; ++i){
        charTypeMap[i] = 1;
    for(int i = 'a' ; i <= 'z'; ++i){
        charTypeMap[i] = 2;
    for(int i = 'A' ; i <= 'Z'; ++i){
        charTypeMap[i] = 3;
    int needReplaceCharCount = 0;//需要replace的字符数
    int twoDelReplaceCount = 0; //替换replace操作只需要一个del的个数
    int onDelReplaceCount = 0;//替换replace操作需要两个del的个数
    char* p = s;//用于计算重复字符的长度
    char* start = s;//缓存s的开始,用于机选s的长度
        char c = *s;
        charTypeUse[charTypeMap[c]] = 1;//使用了这种类型的字符
        if(c != *p){//字符变化了
            int containCharLen = s - p;
            p = s;
            if(containCharLen >= 3){
                needReplaceCharCount += containCharLen/3;
                }else if(containCharLen%3==0){//需要1个del消除这个replace
        if(c == '\0'){
    strLen = s - start;
    int withoutCharTypeCount = 0;//缺失的类型
    for(int i = 1; i <=3 ; ++i){//统计需要添加多少种字符
        if(charTypeUse[i] == 0){
    if(strLen < 6){//总是只执行insert 和 replace操作
        int needInsertCharCount = 6-strLen;
        return max(needInsertCharCount,withoutCharTypeCount);
    }else if(strLen > 20){//先执行replace,然后更具del的次数进行消除
        int needDelCharCount = strLen - 20;//需要删除的字符数
        int reduceDel = needDelCharCount;
        if(reduceDel > onDelReplaceCount){//优先抵消只需要1个del
            reduceDel -= onDelReplaceCount;
            needReplaceCharCount -= onDelReplaceCount;
            if(reduceDel > twoDelReplaceCount){//再抵消只需要2个del
                needReplaceCharCount -= twoDelReplaceCount;
                reduceDel -= 2*twoDelReplaceCount;
                needReplaceCharCount -= reduceDel/3;//剩余的del 。每3个del可以抵消一个replace
                needReplaceCharCount -= reduceDel/2;
            needReplaceCharCount -= reduceDel;
        return needDelCharCount + max(withoutCharTypeCount,needReplaceCharCount);
        return max(needReplaceCharCount,withoutCharTypeCount);




