Business Intelligence


What is business intelligence?

The term Business Intelligence (BI) refers to technologies, applications and practices for the collection, integration, analysis, and presentation of business information. The purpose of Business Intelligence is to support better business decision making.

Which companies are implementing BI?

IBM, Amazon, Walmart, ...

What kind of BI products companies produce?

web App, Mobile Device App, Desktop App

Who produce BI products?


What BI products look like?

Report, Dashboard, Analysis

What is the composition of BI product?

Data source, Database, Plotting Tools, Analysis methods and algorithms.

How to build BI products?

What to expect as a BI expert?

 Excellent communication skill & knowledge with business

 Intuitive with data preparation, quality control, and analysis

 Thorough understanding of tools and techniques to deliver excellent BI product

 Data Processing/ETL tools & techniques

 Data Analytics tools & techniques

 Data Visualization tools & techniques



