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Query DSL - Term Query


Term Query


Returns documents that contain an exact term in a provided field.


You can use the term query to find documents based on a precise value such as a price, a product ID, or a username.



Avoid using the term query for text fields.


By default, Elasticsearch changes the values of text fields as part of analysis. This can make finding exact matches for text field values difficult.


To search text field values, use the match query instead.


Example request

GET /_search
    "query": {
        "term": {
            "user": {
                "value": "Kimchy",
                "boost": 1.0

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Top-level parameters for term


  • field

    (Required, object) Field you wish to search.


Parameters for field


  • value

    (Required, string) Term you wish to find in the provided field. To return a document, the term must exactly match the field value, including whitespace and capitalization.


  • boost

    (Optional, float) Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of a query. Defaults to 1.0.

    (可选,float)浮点数,用于降低或增加查询的 相关性分数。默认为1.0

    You can use the boost parameter to adjust relevance scores for searches containing two or more queries.


    Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.



Avoid using the term query for text fields


By default, Elasticsearch changes the values of text fields during analysis. For example, the default standard analyzer changes text field values as follows:

默认情况下,Elasticsearch在分析期间更改 text字段的值。例如,默认的标准分析器按如下方式更改text字段值:

  • Removes most punctuation

  • Divides the remaining content into individual words, called tokens

  • Lowercases the tokens

  • 删除大多数标点符号

  • 将剩余内容分为单个词,称为 token

  • 小写token

To better search text fields, the match query also analyzes your provided search term before performing a search. This means the match query can search text fields for analyzed tokens rather than an exact term.


The term query does not analyze the search term. The term query only searches for the exact term you provide. This means the term query may return poor or no results when searching text fields.


To see the difference in search results, try the following example.


  1. Create an index with a text field called full_text.


    PUT my_index
        "mappings" : {
            "properties" : {
                "full_text" : { "type" : "text" }

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  2. Index a document with a value of Quick Brown Foxes! in the full_text field.

    添加一个full_text 字段值为Quick Brown Foxes!的文档。

    PUT my_index/_doc/1
      "full_text":   "Quick Brown Foxes!"

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    Because full_text is a text field, Elasticsearch changes Quick Brown Foxes! to [quick, brown, fox] during analysis.

    由于full_text是一个text字段,因此Elasticsearch 在分析期间会将Quick Brown Foxes!更改为 [quick, brown, fox]

  3. Use the term query to search for Quick Brown Foxes! in the full_text field. Include the pretty parameter so the response is more readable.

    使用term查询在full_text 字段中搜索Quick Brown Foxes!。包括pretty参数,以便响应更易读。

    GET my_index/_search?pretty
      "query": {
        "term": {
          "full_text": "Quick Brown Foxes!"

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    Because the full_text field no longer contains the exact term Quick Brown Foxes!, the term query search returns no results.

    因为full_text字段不再包含精确的词条Quick Brown Foxes!,所以term查询搜索不返回任何结果。

  4. Use the match query to search for Quick Brown Foxes! in the full_text field.

    使用match查询在full_text 字段中搜索Quick Brown Foxes!

    GET my_index/_search?pretty
      "query": {
        "match": {
          "full_text": "Quick Brown Foxes!"

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    Unlike the term query, the match query analyzes your provided search term, Quick Brown Foxes!, before performing a search. The match query then returns any documents containing the quick, brown, or fox tokens in the full_text field.

    term查询不同,match查询Quick Brown Foxes!在执行搜索之前会为您提供的搜索词进行分词 。match查询会返回full_text字段中中包含quickbrownfox词条的文档 。

    Here’s the response for the match query search containing the indexed document in the results.


      "took" : 1,
      "timed_out" : false,
      "_shards" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "skipped" : 0,
        "failed" : 0
      "hits" : {
        "total" : {
          "value" : 1,
          "relation" : "eq"
        "max_score" : 0.8630463,
        "hits" : [
            "_index" : "my_index",
            "_type" : "_doc",
            "_id" : "1",
            "_score" : 0.8630463,
            "_source" : {
              "full_text" : "Quick Brown Foxes!"