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The motor of the ring plumb impact type crusher


the ring plumb type crusher mainly turn in the mineral mountain, cement and coal, metallurgy and building materials, highway and Ran etc. section to in etc. hardness and shortness material to carry on thin ground, its characteristics is that the structure is simple YK Vibrating Screen  , broken up ratio big, production effciency Gao, can carry out stem and wet two kinds of formseses of broken up.

to ring plumb impact type crusher of design be as to it's carry on the design of structure design and operate parameter etc., among them, whether motor designs reasonable or not most the production ability of the crusher have bigger effect, this text comes right away the design method of elaborating on the motor.The design of motor includes the choosing of motor type, structure form, power iron ore mining equipment  , revolving speed and model number.

1)the motor choose type and structure form
Type and structure form of motor want according to the power type and work the length of condition, working time and carry the characteristics, size of lotus and start function and super - to carry condition to carry on a choice.Generally adopt three - phase alternating current motive on the industry.The structure form of motor contains open type, protection type, seal type and flameproof type etc., can choose according to the operate condition.

2)the revolving speed of motor generally speaking, the synchronous revolving speed of motor is more high Tin Ore Crusher  , the pole logarithm is more little, the price is more low, and the outside Kuo size is more big.
When work revolving speed Gao, choose top speed motor more economic.Should analyze completely while making sure the revolving speed of motor.Generally what to use at most is a synchronous revolving speed is the motor of 1500 rs/min or 1000 rs/min.

3)power and model number of motor wanted to consider the carrying of crusher lotus size, working time length and had fever while making sure the power of motor how much etc. factor.
For connect an operative crusher over a long period of time, can choose according to the power that motor needs, again the school check having fever of motor and start moment of force.Should make the sum of motor settle power to be no smaller than the power that the motor needs while choosing.Can be slightly a little smaller for the intermittent type crusher.Choose a good sum after settling the power and then can carry on the choice of motor model number.

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