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Urxvt - awesome


Urxvt - awesome


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rxvt-unicode (urxvt for short) is a clone of the rxvt terminal emulator. It is packaged for just about every major GNU/Linux and BSD distribution, and it's an excellent terminal emulator, lightweight and fast, as its name suggests it has full unicode support and it's fully extendable with Perl. Some of the Perl extensions distributed with urxvt add tabs, quake-like terminal behaviour, clipboard integration, clickable URL's... You can find some tips for using rxvt-unicode and awesome on the Urxvt tips wiki page.

  • NOTE: If you often work on remote hosts with SSH that don't have urxvt installed you can scp your local terminfo entry for rxvt-unicode to the "~/.terminfo/r" directory.

In order to get the most out of urxvt, you will want to modify its X resources. You can configure them in your .Xdefaults file. Here is an example to get you started:

 ! General
 !urxvt*termName:  rxvt-256color
 urxvt*loginShell:         true
 urxvt*scrollBar:         false
 urxvt*secondaryScroll:    true
 urxvt*saveLines:         65535
 urxvt*cursorBlink:       false
 urxvt*urgentOnBell:       true
 !urxvt*borderLess:       false
 !urxvt*internalBorder:       0
 !urxvt*externalBorder:       0
 ! Extensions
 urxvt*perl-lib:        /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/
 urxvt*perl-ext-common: default,matcher,searchable-scrollback
 urxvt*urlLauncher:     /usr/bin/firefox
 urxvt*matcher.button:  1
 !  - catch ugly URLs
 urxvt.cutchars:        `()'*<>[]{|}"
 ! Appearance
 !  - use a bitmap font
 urxvt*font:        -xos4-terminus-medium-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
 urxvt*boldFont:    -xos4-terminus-bold-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
 !  - use xft for drawing fonts
 !urxvt*font:       xft:Terminus:8
 !  - cursor
 urxvt*cursorColor: #DCDCCC
 !  - pseudo transparency
 !urxvt*shading:    50
 !  - color scheme
 urxvt.background:  #000000
 urxvt.foreground:  #EBEBFF
 ! black + red
 !urxvt*color0:     #3f3f3f
 urxvt*color0:      #000000
 urxvt*color1:      #e01010
 ! green + yellow
 urxvt*color2:      #00AA00
 urxvt*color3:      #FFFF00
 ! blue + purple
 urxvt*color4:      #112037
 urxvt*color5:      #A020F0
 ! cyan + white
 urxvt*color6:      #5B5BC7
 urxvt*color7:      #fefefe
 ! bright-black + bright-red
 urxvt*color8:      #6a6a6a
 urxvt*color9:      #FF5555
 ! bright-green + bright-yellow
 urxvt*color10:     #90EE90
 urxvt*color11:     #ffff2f
 ! bright-blue + bright-purple
 urxvt*color12:     #5B5BC7
 urxvt*color13:     #e628ba
 ! bright-cyan + bright-white
 urxvt*color14:     #7D7DFB
 urxvt*color15:     #ffffff