UPDATE 2015: Here is the offline link for Windows Live Essentials 2012.
UPDATE 2015:这是Windows Live Essentials 2012的脱机链接。
My brother and his wife came over today and the kids went trick or treating. His wife mentioned she wanted to make a quick DVD of the pictures and movies we took, so I suggested Movie Maker. However, they only have dial-up and wanted an offline installer I could just put on a USB Stick (I actually figured I'd put it on their camera's SD Card.)
我的兄弟和妻子今天过来,孩子们被骗或请客。 他的妻子提到她想快速制作一张我们拍摄的照片和电影的DVD,所以我建议使用Movie Maker。 但是,他们只有拨号功能,并且想要一个脱机安装程序,我可以将其安装在USB记忆棒上(我实际上认为应该将其放在他们相机的SD卡中。)
I went to http://download.live.com and searched all over, looking for an offline installer. I Googled with Bing, and then Googled with Google for things like "Windows Live Offline Installer" and found nothing but confusion.
我去了http://download.live.com并进行了全面搜索,寻找一个脱机安装程序。 我在Bing上搜索了Google,然后在Google上搜索了“ Windows Live Offline Installer”之类的东西,却发现除了困惑之外。
Then I figured out this bizarre bit of UI on the Live Essentials download page. Rather than offering a small link for "offline installer" or a choice, you have to click Download which will attempt to start a Download of Windows Live Essentials online bootstrapper. It will then go and download just the programs you want.
然后,我在Live Essentials下载页面上找到了这个怪异的UI。 不必提供“离线安装程序”的小链接或选择,您必须单击“下载”,这将尝试启动Windows Live Essentials在线引导程序的下载。 然后它将去下载所需的程序。
However, if you cancel the download immediately, there's a "Try Again" button and some text that no one (including me) reads:
"Trying again downloads a standalone installer to your computer. This takes a little while, but may work better, depending on your connection settings."
Um, OK. I wouldn't label that Try Again, but OK.
Long story short, here's direct downloads for the Windows Live Essentials English Language ONLINE and OFFLINE installers. They are current as of the writing of this blog post. I'm not sure if they are version-specific downloads but I will try to keep them up to date.
长话短说,这里是Windows Live Essentials英语在线和离线安装程序的直接下载。 在撰写本博客文章时,它们是最新的。 我不确定它们是否是特定于版本的下载,但我将尝试使其保持最新状态。
Windows Live Essentials OFFLINE English Installer - 134 megabytes total.
Windows Live Essentials脱机英语安装程序-总计134 MB。
Windows Live Essentials ONLINE English Installer - 1 megabyte bootstrapper
Windows Live Essentials在线英语安装程序-1 MB引导程序
Or, if you want an offline installer in other languages, go to http://download.live.com, click Download, cancel it, then click Try Again. I think it's weird, but there you go.
或者,如果要使用其他语言的脱机安装程序,请访问http://download.live.com ,单击“下载”,将其取消,然后单击“重试”。 我认为这很奇怪,但是您去了。
翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/offline-installer-for-windows-live-essentials-wlsetupallexe