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openresty lua-resty-logger-socket日志传输


openresty lua-resty-logger-socket日志传输







logger-socket 说明


This library is still experimental and under early development
* lua-resty-logger-socket还处于试验状态

This lua library is a remote logging module for ngx_lua:
This is aimed to replace Nginx's standard ngx_http_log_module to 
push access logs to a remote server via an nonblocking socket. A 
common remote log server supporting sockets is syslog-ng.
* 这是一个远程日志模块,可用来替换nginx ngx_http_log_module
* 常用的远程日志服务器是syslog-ng

This Lua library takes advantage of ngx_lua's cosocket API, which 
ensures 100% nonblocking behavior
* 这个日志模块充分利用了ngx_lua的cossocket api,保证了非阻塞



语法格式:ok, err = logger.init(user_config)

Initialize logger with user configurations. This logger must be initted 
before use. If you do not initialize the logger, you will get an error
* 使用之前必须先初始化日志,否则会报错

# user_config:用户配置
* flush_limit:缓冲区加上当前内容达到阀值后,刷新到远程日志服务器,默认4096(4kb)
* drop_limit:如果刷新内容超过flush_limit,当前内容需要丢弃,默认1048576 (1MB)
* timeout:超时时间,默认1s
* host:日志服务器主机
* port:日志服务器端口
* sock_type:传输类型,可选值:tcp(默认)、udp
* path:If the log server uses a stream-typed unix domain socket, 
        path is the socket file path. Note that host/port and path 
       cannot both be empty. At least one must be supplied
* max_retry_times:连接失败、或者发送失败,最大重试次数
* retry_interval:重试时间间隔,默认100(0.1s)
* pool_size:连接池,默认10
* max_buffer_reuse:缓冲最大重用次数
* periodic_flush:周期性刷新间隔,设置nil可关闭此功能
* ssl:加密连接,默认false
* ssl_verify:加密验证,默认true
* sni_host:Set the hostname to send in SNI and to use when 
            verifying certificate match



语法格式:initted = logger.initted()

Get a boolean value indicating whether this module has 
been initted (by calling the init method)
* 返回boolean表示logger是否初始化



语法格式:bytes, err = logger.log(msg)

Log a message. By default, the log message will be buffered in the 
logger module until flush_limit is reached in which case the logger 
will flush all the buffered messages to remote log server via a socket. 
* 输出日志信息
* 默认情况下,达到flush_limit后,会将你缓冲区的日志刷新到远程日志服务器

bytes is the number of bytes that successfully buffered in the logger. 
If bytes is nil, err is a string describing what kind of error happens 
this time. If bytes is not nil, then err is a previous error message. 
err can be nil when bytes is not nil
* bytes是刷新到远程服务器的字节数
* 如果bytes为nil,err是当前错误描述信息
* 如果bytes不为nil,err是前一次错误描述信息



语法格式:bytes, err = logger.flush()

Flushes any buffered messages out to remote immediately. 
Usually you do not need to call this manually because 
flushing happens automatically when the buffer is full
* 立刻刷新日志
* 可用来手动刷新日志,默认达到阀值会自动刷新日志







docker run -it -d --net fixed --ip \
-p 514:514/udp -p 601:601 --name syslog-ng balabit/syslog-ng



server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  localhost;

    location / {
        root   /usr/local/openresty/nginx/html;
        index  index.html index.htm;

    location /test {
        log_by_lua_block {
            local logger = require "resty.logger.socket"
            if not logger.initted() then
                local ok, err = logger.init{
                    host = '',
                    port = 601,

                if not ok then
                    ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to initialize the logger: ",

            local msg = ngx.var.host .. ngx.var.uri;

            local bytes, err = logger.log(msg)
            ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "远程日志信息 ==> ", msg);
            ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "发送字节bytes ==> ", bytes);

            if err then
                ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to log message: ", err)

        content_by_lua_block {

    error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;
    location = /50x.html {
        root   /usr/local/openresty/nginx/html;




docker run -it -d --net fixed --ip -p 4000:80 \
-v /Users/huli/lua/openresty/logger/default.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf \
--name open-logger lihu12344/openresty



huli@hudeMacBook-Pro ~ % docker exec -it open-logger bash
[root@fe6893782800 /]# cd /usr/local/openresty/bin

# 搜索模块lua-resty-logger-socket
[root@fe6893782800 bin]# opm search lua-resty-logger-socket
doujiang24/lua-resty-kafka                        Lua kafka client driver for the Openresty based on the cosocket API
JoshuaOliphant/lua-resty-kafka                    Lua kafka client driver for the Openresty based on the cosocket API
detailyang/lua-resty-rfc5424                      It is an implementation of the RFC5424(syslog) in the OpenResty
p0pr0ck5/lua-resty-logger-socket                  nonblocking remote access logging for Nginx
p0pr0ck5/lua-resty-waf                            High-performance WAF built on the OpenResty stack

# 安装模块lua-resty-logger-socket
[root@fe6893782800 bin]# opm install p0pr0ck5/lua-resty-logger-socket
* Fetching p0pr0ck5/lua-resty-logger-socket  
  Downloading https://opm.openresty.org/api/pkg/tarball/p0pr0ck5/lua-resty-logger-socket-0.03.opm.tar.gz
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  7423  100  7423    0     0  19478      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 19482
Package p0pr0ck5/lua-resty-logger-socket 0.03 installed successfully under /usr/local/openresty/site/ .

[root@fe6893782800 bin]# opm list
p0pr0ck5/lua-resty-logger-socket                             0.03



# 调用/test接口
huli@hudeMacBook-Pro ~ % curl localhost:4000/test  

# 查看open-logger日志
huli@hudeMacBook-Pro ~ % docker logs open-logger - - [24/Jul/2022:13:31:22 +0000] "GET /test HTTP/1.1" 200 15 "-" "curl/7.77.0"
2022/07/24 13:35:06 [error] 7#7: *1 [lua] log_by_lua(default.conf:36):19: 远程日志信息 ==> localhost/test while logging request, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /test HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:4000"
2022/07/24 13:35:06 [error] 7#7: *1 [lua] log_by_lua(default.conf:36):20: 发送字节bytes ==> 14 while logging request, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /test HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:4000" - - [24/Jul/2022:13:35:06 +0000] "GET /test HTTP/1.1" 200 15 "-" "curl/7.77.0"


