HBase学习---HBase高可用性(HBase Read Replicas)


1. HBase Read Replicas简介:

在没有HBase Read Replicas的情况下,只有一个RegionServer为来自客户机的读请求提供服务,而不管RegionServer是否与具有对相同块的本地访问权的其他datanode进行了协作。这确保了正在读取的数据的一致性。然而,由于性能不佳的RegionServer、网络问题或其他可能导致读取速度慢的原因,RegionServer可能成为瓶颈。

启用read replicas后,HMaster将区域(副本)的只读副本分发到集群中的不同区域服务器。一个RegionServer服务缺省副本或主副本,这是唯一一个可以服务写请求的副本。如果为主副本提供服务的RegionServer关闭,写操作将失败。







Keeping Replicas Current

The read replica feature includes two different mechanisms for keeping replicas up to date:

Using a Timer

In this mode, replicas are refreshed at a time interval controlled by the configuration option hbase.regionserver.storefile.refresh.period.

Using Replication

In this mode, replicas are kept current between a source and sink cluster using HBase replication. This can potentially allow for faster synchronization than using a timer. Each time a flush occurs on the source cluster, a notification is pushed to the sink clusters for the table. To use replication to keep replicas current, you must first set the column family attribute REGION_MEMSTORE_REPLICATION to false, then set the HBase configuration property hbase.region.replica.replication.enabled to true.

Important: Read-replica updates using replication are not supported for the hbase:meta table. Columns of hbase:meta must always have their REGION_MEMSTORE_REPLICATION attribute set to false.

Enabling Read Replica Support


Before you enable read-replica support, make sure to account for their increased heap memory requirements. Although no additional copies of HFile data are created, read-only replicas regions have the same memory footprint as normal regions and need to be considered when calculating the amount of increased heap memory required. For example, if your table requires 8 GB of heap memory, when you enable three replicas, you need about 24 GB of heap memory.

To enable support for read replicas in HBase, you must set several properties.

HBase Read Replica Properties
Property NameDefault ValueDescription

The mechanism for refreshing the secondary replicas. If set to false, secondary replicas are not guaranteed to be consistent at the row level. Secondary replicas are refreshed at intervals controlled by a timer (hbase.regionserver.storefile.refresh.period), and so are guaranteed to be at most that interval of milliseconds behind the primary RegionServer. Secondary replicas read from the HFile in HDFS, and have no access to writes that have not been flushed to the HFile by the primary RegionServer.

If true, replicas are kept up to date using replication. and the column family has the attribute REGION_MEMSTORE_REPLICATION set to false, Using replication for read replication of hbase:meta is not supported, and REGION_MEMSTORE_REPLICATION must always be set to false on the column family.

hbase.regionserver.storefile.refresh.period0 (disabled)

The period, in milliseconds, for refreshing the store files for the secondary replicas. The default value of 0 indicates that the feature is disabled. Secondary replicas update their store files from the primary RegionServer at this interval.

If refreshes occur too often, this can create a burden for the NameNode. If refreshes occur too infrequently, secondary replicas will be less consistent with the primary RegionServer.
org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master. balancer.StochasticLoadBalancer

(the class name is split for formatting purposes)

The Java class used for balancing the load of all HBase clients. The default implementation is the StochasticLoadBalancer, which is the only load balancer that supports reading data from secondary RegionServers.
hbase.ipc.client.allowsInterrupttrueWhether or not to enable interruption of RPC threads at the client. The default value of trueenables primary RegionServers to access data from other regions' secondary replicas.
hbase.client.primaryCallTimeout.get10 msThe timeout period, in milliseconds, an HBase client's will wait for a response before the read is submitted to a secondary replica if the read request allows timeline consistency. The default value is 10. Lower values increase the number of remote procedure calls while lowering latency.
hbase.client.primaryCallTimeout.multiget10 msThe timeout period, in milliseconds, before an HBase client's multi-get request, such as HTable.get(List<GET>)), is submitted to a secondary replica if the multi-get request allows timeline consistency. Lower values increase the number of remote procedure calls while lowering latency.

Configure Read Replicas Using Cloudera Manager

  1. Before you can use replication to keep replicas current, you must set the column attribute REGION_MEMSTORE_REPLICATION to false for the HBase table, using HBase Shell or the client API. See Activating Read Replicas On a Table.
  2. Select Clusters > HBase.
  3. Click the Configuration tab.
  4. Select Scope > HBase or HBase Service-Wide.
  5. Select Category > Advanced.
  6. Locate the HBase Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hbase-site.xml property or search for it by typing its name in the Search box.
  7. Using the chart above, create a configuration and paste it into the text field. The following example configuration demonstrates the syntax:
      <description>Whether to enable interruption of RPC threads at the client. The default value of true is
        required to enable Primary RegionServers to access other RegionServers in secondary mode. </description>
  8. Click Save Changes to commit the changes.
  9. Restart the HBase service.

Configuring Rack Awareness for Read Replicas

Rack awareness for read replicas is modeled after the mechanism used for rack awareness in Hadoop. Its purpose is to ensure that some replicas are on a different rack than the RegionServer servicing the table. The default implementation, which you can override by setting hbase.util.ip.to.rack.determiner, to custom implementation, is ScriptBasedMapping, which uses a topology map and a topology script to enforce distribution of the replicas across racks. To use the default topology map and script for CDH, setting hbase.util.ip.to.rack.determiner, to ScriptBasedMapping is sufficient. Add the following property to HBase Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hbase-site.xml if you use Cloudera Manager, or to hbase-site.xml otherwise.


Creating a Topology Map

The topology map assigns hosts to racks. It is read by the topology script. A rack is a logical grouping, and does not necessarily correspond to physical hardware or location. Racks can be nested. If a host is not in the topology map, it is assumed to be a member of the default rack. The following map uses a nested structure, with two data centers which each have two racks. All services on a host that are rack-aware will be affected by the rack settings for the host.

If you use Cloudera Manager, do not create the map manually. Instead, go to Hosts, select the hosts to assign to a rack, and select Actions for Selected > Assign Rack.

  <node name="host1.example.com" rack="/dc1/r1"/>
  <node name="host2.example.com" rack="/dc1/r1"/>
  <node name="host3.example.com" rack="/dc1/r2"/>
  <node name="host4.example.com" rack="/dc1/r2"/>
  <node name="host5.example.com" rack="/dc2/r1"/>
  <node name="host6.example.com" rack="/dc2/r1"/>
  <node name="host7.example.com" rack="/dc2/r2"/>
  <node name="host8.example.com" rack="/dc2/r2"/>

Creating a Topology Script

The topology script determines rack topology using the topology map. By default, CDH uses /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.YARN-1/topology.py To use a different script, set net.topology.script.file.nameto the absolute path of the topology script.

Activating Read Replicas On a Table

After enabling read replica support on your RegionServers, configure the tables for which you want read replicas to be created. Keep in mind that each replica increases the amount of storage used by HBase in HDFS.

At Table Creation

To create a new table with read replication capabilities enabled, set the REGION_REPLICATION property on the table. Use a command like the following, in HBase Shell:

hbase> create 'myTable', 'myCF', {REGION_REPLICATION => '3'}

By Altering an Existing Table

You can also alter an existing column family to enable or change the number of read replicas it propagates, using a command similar to the following. The change will take effect at the next major compaction.

hbase> disable 'myTable'
hbase> alter 'myTable', 'myCF', {REGION_REPLICATION => '3'}
hbase> enable 'myTable'

Requesting a Timeline-Consistent Read

To request a timeline-consistent read in your application, use the get.setConsistency(Consistency.TIMELINE)method before performing the Get or Scan operation.

To check whether the result is stale (comes from a secondary replica), use the isStale() method of the result object. Use the following examples for reference.

Get Request

Get get = new Get(key);
Result result = table.get(get);

Scan Request

Scan scan = new Scan();
ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan);
Result result = scanner.next();

Scan Request to a Specific Replica

This example overrides the normal behavior of sending the read request to all known replicas, and only sends it to the replica specified by ID.

Scan scan = new Scan();
ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan);
Result result = scanner.next();

Detecting a Stale Result

Result result = table.get(get);
if (result.isStale()) {

Getting and Scanning Using HBase Shell

You can also request timeline consistency using HBase Shell, allowing the result to come from a secondary replica.

hbase> get 'myTable', 'myRow', {CONSISTENCY => "TIMELINE"}

hbase> scan 'myTable', {CONSISTENCY => 'TIMELINE'}