Trajectory Planning for Automatic Machines and Robots



1.trajectory planning 轨迹规划
1.1 a general overview on trajectory planning 轨迹规划综述
1.2 one-dimensional trajectories 一维轨迹
1.3 mechanical cams and electronic cams 机械凸轮与电子凸轮
1.4 multi-dimensional trajectory 多维轨迹
1.5 contents and structure od this book 本书内容和结构
1.6 notation 记号
part I basic motion profiles 第一部分基本运动轮廓
2.analytic expressions of elementary trajectory 初等轨迹解析表达式
2.1polynomial trajectory 多项式轨迹
   2.1.1 linear trajectory(constant velocity) 线性轨迹(等速)
2.1.2 parabolic trajectory(constant acceleration) 抛物线轨迹(恒加速度)
2.1.3 trajectory with asymmetric constant acceleration 非对称常加速度轨迹
2.1.4 cublc trajectory  立方轨迹
2.1.5 polynomial of degree five 五次多项式
2.1.6 polynomial of degree seven 七次多项式
2.1.7 polynomial of higher degree 高阶多项式
 2.2 trigonometric trajectory  三角函数轨迹
2.2.1 harmonic trajectory 谐波轨迹
2.2.2 cycloidal trajectory 摆线轨迹
2.2.3 elliptic trajectory  椭圆轨迹
2.3 exponential trajectory  指数轨迹
2.4  trajectory  based on the fourier series expansion 基于傅立叶级数展开的轨迹
  2.4.1 gutman 1-3古特曼
  2.4.2 freudenstein 1-3弗洛登斯坦
  2.4.3  freudenstein 1-3-5弗洛登斯坦
3.composition of elementary trajectory 初等轨迹组合
 3.1 linear trajectory with circular blends 线性轨迹的圆弧混合
 3.2 linear trajectory with parabolic blends(trapezoidal) 线性轨迹的抛物线混合(梯形)
   3.2.1  trajectory with preassigned acceleration 预先给定加速度轨迹
   3.2.2  trajectory with preassigned acceleration and velocity 预先给定加速度和速度轨迹
   3.2.3  synchronization of several trapezoidal trajectorys几种梯形轨迹的同步
   3.2.4  trajectory through a sequenence of points 逐点轨迹
   3.2.5  displacement time of a trapezoidal trajectory梯形轨迹的位移时间
   3.2.6  trajectory with assigned durations T and TA 具有指定持续时间T和TA的轨迹
   3.2.7  trajectory with non-null initial and final velocities 非零初始速度和最终速度轨迹
 3.3 linear trajectory with polynomial blends多项式混合线性轨迹
 3.4  trajectory with double S velocity profile双S速度剖面轨迹
   3.4.1 computation of the trajectory for q1>q0 Q1> Q0轨迹的计算
   3.4.2 computation of the trajectory for q1<q0 Q1<Q0轨迹的计算
   3.4.3 double s with null initial and final velocities 具有零初速度和末速度的双S
   3.4.4 on-line computation of the double s trajectory 双S轨迹的在线计算
3.4.5 displacement time of a double s trajectory双轨迹的位移时间
3.4.6 double s trajectory with assigned duration of the different phases双s轨迹,指定不同阶段的持续时间
3.5 fifteen segments trajectory 15段轨迹
3.6 piecewise polynomial trajectory  分段多项式
3.7 modified trapezoidal trajectory 改进的梯形轨迹
3.8 modified sinusoidal trajectory 改进的正弦轨迹
3.9 modified cycloidal trajectory 改进的摆线轨迹
3.10 constant velocity /acceleration trajectories with cycloidal or harmonic blends具有摆线或谐波混合的恒定速度/加速度轨迹
   3.10.1 constraints on the velocity profile 速度曲线的约束
   3.10.2 constraints on the acceleration profile 对加速度曲线的约束
   3.10.3 minimum-time trajectory 最小时间轨迹
3.11 trajectories with constant acceleration and cycloidal/cubic blends具有恒定加速度和摆线/立方混合的轨迹
4.multipoint trajectory 多点轨迹
  4.1 interpolation by polynomial functions通过多项式函数进行插值
  4.2 orthogonal polynomial  正交多项式
  4.3 trigonometric polynomial 三角多项式
  4.4 Cubic Splines三次样条

4.4.1 Computation of the coefficients for assigned initial and final velocities 分配的初始和最终速度系数的计算
4.4.2 Periodic cubic splines 周期三次样条
4.4.3 Cubic splines with assigned initial and final velocities: computation based on the accelerations  具有指定初始和最终速度的三次样条:基于加速度的计算
4.4.4 Cubic splines with assigned initial and final velocities and accelerations  具有指定初始和最终速度和加速度的三次样条
4.4.5 Smoothing cubic splines 平滑三次样条
Contents XI 内容十一
4.4.6 Choice of the time instants and optimization of cubic splines  三次样条曲线的时域选择与优化
4.5 B-spline Functions for Trajectories with High Degree of Continuity 高连续度轨迹的B-样条函数
4.6 Nonlinear Filters for Optimal Trajectory Planning  最优轨迹规划的非线性滤波器
4.6.1 Online trajectory planner with velocity, acceleration and jerk constraints  在线轨迹规划与约束的速度,加速度和冲击
4.6.2 Online trajectory planner with velocity and acceleration constraints  具有速度和加速度约束的在线轨迹规划器

Part II Elaboration and Analysis of Trajectories第二部分:轨迹的阐述与分析
5 Operations on Trajectories 轨迹操作
5.1 Geometric Modification of a Trajectory 轨迹的几何修正
5.2 Scaling in Time 时间标度
5.2.1 Kinematic scaling 运动比例尺
5.2.2 Dynamic Scaling  动态定标
5.3 Synchronization of Trajectories 轨迹同步
6 Trajectories and Actuators  轨迹和执行机构
6.1 Trajectories and Electric Motors 轨迹和电动机
6.1.1 Trajectories and choice of the actuator 执行机构的轨迹和选择
6.2 Characteristics of the Motion Profiles 运动轮廓的特征
6.2.1 Comparison between trapezoidal and double S trajectories 梯形和双S轨迹的比较
7 Dynamic Analysis of Trajectories  弹道动力学分析

7.1 Models for Analysis of Vibrations.振动分析模型。
7.1.1 Linear model with one degree of freedom  单自由度线性模型
7.1.2 Linear model with n degrees of freedom n自由度线性模型
7.1.3 Nonlinear model with one degree of freedom 单自由度非线性模型
7.1.4 Nonlinear model with n degrees of freedom n自由度非线性模型
7.2 Analysis of the Trajectories in the Time Domain 时域轨迹分析
7.3 Analysis of the Trajectories in the Frequency Domain  频率域轨迹分析
7.3.1 Frequency spectrum of some elementary trajectories  几种基本轨道的频谱
7.3.2 Numerical computation of the frequency spectrum of generic trajectories 一般弹道频谱的数值计算
7.3.3 Harmonic content of periodic trajectories 周期轨道的谐波含量
7.3.4 Scaling and frequency properties of a trajectory 轨道的比例和频率特性
7.4 Frequency Modifications of Trajectories 轨迹的频率修正
7.4.1 Polydyne and splinedyne functions Polydyne and splinedyne functions 
7.4.2 Input filtering and shaping 输入滤波与整形
7.4.3 Feedforward based on the inversion of the plant dynamics  基于植物动力学反演的反馈

Part III Trajectories in the Operational Space操作空间中的轨迹
8 Multidimensional Trajectories and Geometric Path Planning 多维轨迹与几何路径规划
8.1 Introduction  
8.1.1 Continuity of the geometric path and continuity of the trajectory 
8.1.2 Global and local interpolation/approximation  
8.2 Orientation of the Tool 
8.2.1 Case of independent position and orientation 
8.2.2 Case of position and orientation coupled 
8.3 Definition of the Geometric Path Through Motion Primitives  
8.4 Global Interpolation 
8.4.1 Definition of the set {¯ u k } 
8.4.2 Cubic B-spline interpolation  
8.5 Global Approximation  
8.5.1 Knots choice  
8.6 A Mixed Interpolation/Approximation Technique 
8.7 Smoothing Cubic B-splines 
8.7.1 Smoothing B-splines with assigned start/end points and directions 
8.8 B-spline Functions for Trajectories with High Degree of Continuity 
8.9 Use of Nurbs for Trajectory Generation  
8.10 Local Interpolation with B´ ezier Curves  
8.10.1 Computation of the tangent and curvature vectors 
8.10.2 Cubic B´ ezier curves interpolation  
8.10.3 Quintic B´ ezier curves interpolation  
8.11 Linear Interpolation with Polynomial Blends 

9 From Geometric Paths to Trajectories 
9.1 Introduction  
9.2 Constant Scaling 
9.3 Generic Motion Law 
9.4 Constant Feed Rate 
9.5 Generic Feed Rate Profile 
9.6 Integration of Geometric Path and Motion Law for Complex 3D Tasks 
9.6.1 Linear trajectory with polynomial blends 
9.6.2 B-spline trajectory 
9.6.3 Smoothing B-spline trajectory 
9.6.4 B-spline approximation of a trajectory based on motion primitives  



