

m_pack is a

collection of matlab tools and several utilities related with ROMS

visualization and analysis (including SpectrHA) From Martinho Marta



tracking software for Matlab 5 from Eurofloat.


dynamics and design tools: A MATLAB 5 package to design,

analyze and model oceanographic moorings, from Richard Dewey.

Tidal Ellipse Tools from Zhigang Xu. These convert

between u and v amplitude and phase parameters and tidal ellipse

parameters (major axis, ellipticity, inclination and phase). There

is also a program to estimate vertical profiles of tidal ellipse

parameters, given sea-elevation gradients. Postscript documentation is provided.

Spatial and

Geometric Analysis (SaGA) toolkit. Gridding, tesselation, and



Toolkit: A gui-driven collection of routines to make Kriging of

hydrographic and other spatial data a simple process, by Dr.

Dezhang Chu.


Extended contouring capabilities for Matlab 4 & 5.

Can handle parametric surfaces, filled contours,

publication-quality labelling and more.

COLORBARF Produces a colorbar for a filled contour plot with

the appropriate colors and tick marks. From Blair Greenan.

Carter corrects single-beam echosounder depths using Carter's

tables. (As you undoubtedly know, most ship's echosounders assume

sound velocity to be 1500m/s, which is only very approximate.

Carter's tables were thus produced to enable a correction to a more

realistic depth, using an assumed mean sound speed that depends on

latitude and longitude.) From Mike Meredith.

Schlee makes a ternary diagram for sand, mud and gravel,

assuming that mud=(silt+clay).

Shepard_Ternary_Plot plots sand, silt and clay fraction data on

a ternary plot that is marked with the Shepard classification

scheme labels .

Sand/Silt/Clay plotting routine based on a different

classification scheme (Folk, 1954)

MATHEMATICA-based Wavelet tidal analysis software (No longer active) - Tidal analysis tools for

non-stationary tidal processes (e.g., barotropic river tides and

continental shelf internal tides). Developed by David Jay and Ed

Flinchem. Note: although this software isn't in Matlab, it

seemed useful enough to link here anyway!

Sturges - For some purposes we want to remove the annual cycle

in a long data set, particularly for cross spectra with other data.

Trivial for monthly data, but less so for weekly or daily

