当前位置: 首页 > 工具软件 > F-IRC > 使用案例 >







BIOS Creation Date : Jan 12 2017, 17:26:15                                         
DDR DRAM init : OK                                                               
Start Memory Test ? ('t' or 'T' is test):skip                                    
Copying Data : Done                                                              
Uncompressing : Done                                                             
USB2 Host Stack Initialized.                                                     
USB Hub Driver Initialized                                                       
USBD  Wind River Systems, Inc. 562 Initialized                                   
Janeon Host Controller Initialize......Done.                                     
Press Ctrl+B to break auto startup ... 3



步骤 4 输入BootROM主菜单密码(V200R003C01及之前版本,缺省密码为huawei;V200R005C00及之后版本,缺省密码为Admin@huawei),进入BootROM主菜单。


1. 菜单“1. Default Startup”用于以菜单“4. Startup Select”设置的软件且不经过BootRom阶段启动设备。
2. 菜单“2. Serial Menu”用于更新BootRom和CPLD;
3. 菜单“3. Network Menu”用于通过管理网口获取文件。
4. 菜单“4. Startup Select”用于设置启动软件;
5. 菜单“5. File Manager”用于对文件系统进行操作。
6. 菜单“6. Reboot”用于以菜单“4. Startup Select”设置的软件重新启动设备。
Ftp type define:  0(ftp), 1(tftp),                                               
ENTER = no change; '.' = clear;                                                   
Ftp type            : 0 
File name           : AR100-S-V200R010C10SPC700.cc  
Ethernet ip address : 
Ethernet ip mask    : ffffff00  
Gateway ip address  : 
Ftp host ip address : 
Ftp user             : AR 
Ftp password        : **********

以上举例中,传输文件方式为ftp,需要加载的软件名为AR100-S-V200R010C10SPC700.cc,AR IP地址为192.168.1.3,网关IP地址为192.168.1.16,FTP服务器的IP地址为192.168.1.6,FTP用户名为AR,密码为huawei@123。请根据实际情况修改需要设置的参数,其他参数不需修改。


Enter your choice(1-4):4                                                          
Download file to: [ 1:flash 2:sd1 ]:1  
Downloading .... is reachable.Get 64146624 Bytes from                     
Writing file:[flash:/AR100-S-V200R010C10SPC700.cc] to file system.............................. 
Network Menu                                                             
    1. Display parameter                                                         
    2. Modify parameter                                                          
    3. Save parameter                                                            
    4. Download file                                                              
    5. Upload file                                                               
    0. Return  
Enter your choice(0-5):0

步骤 8 输入0,退回到主菜单。

Enter your choice(1-4):0                                                          
        Main Menu                                                                
    1. Default Startup                                                           
    2. Serial Menu                                                                
    3. Network Menu                                                              
    4. Startup Select                                                            
    5. File Manager                                                               
    6. Reboot 
    7. Password Manager

步骤 9 在主菜单中输入4,设置启动软件为下载的软件。

Enter your choice(1-7):4                                                         
        Startup Select                                                           
    1. Display Startup                                                           
    2. Set Boot File                                                             
    3. Set Config File         
    4. Startupfile Check Manage 
    5. Set Startup Waiting Time                                                   
    0. return                                                                    
 Enter your choice(0-5):2                                                         
        Select Boot File                                                          
    1. Flash                                                                     
    0. Return                                                                    
Enter your choice(0-3):1                                                          
NOTE: Boot file must be .cc or .CC                                               
Current boot file: flash:/AR100-S-V200R010C10SPC600.cc                                   
Press ENTER directly for no change.                                              
Or, please input the new file name: flash:/AR100-S-V200R010C10SPC700.cc                  
Save the bootfile name: flash:/AR100-S-V200R010C10SPC700.cc? Yes or No(Y/N)y            
Save load state word...OK! 
        Startup Select                                                           
    1. Display Startup                                                           
    2. Set Boot File                                                             
    3. Set Config File    
    4. Startupfile Check Manage 
    5. Set Startup Waiting Time                                                        
    0. return                                                                    
Enter your choice(0-5):0

步骤 10 输入0,退回到主菜单。

Main Menu                                                                
    1. Default Startup                                                           
    2. Serial Menu                                                                
    3. Network Menu                                                              
    4. Startup Select                                                            
    5. File Manager                                                              
    6. Reboot       
    7. Password Manager 
 Enter your choice(1-7):6

步骤 11 在主菜单中选择6,重启。



Enter your choice(1-5):2
        Network Menu

    1. Display parameter
    2. Modify parameter
    3. Save parameter
    4. Download file
    5. Upload file
    0. Return


Enter your choice(0-5):2
Net type define:  0(ftp), 1(tftp),
ENTER = no change; '.' = clear;

Ftp type            : 0 
File name           : AR1220F-S-V200R010C10SPC700.cc
Ethernet ip address :
Ethernet ip mask    :
Gateway ip address  :
Host ip address     :
Ftp user            : 123
Ftp password        : ***
        Network Menu

    1. Display parameter
    2. Modify parameter
    3. Save parameter
    4. Download file
    5. Upload file
    0. Return

Enter your choice(0-5):4
[Download file to:  1:flash ]:1
download file : AR1220F-S-V200R010C10SPC700.cc 


Downloading ....
file downloading is completed,writing file:[ flash:/AR1220F-S-V200R010C10SPC700.cc ]to file system ..................................................................................................................................................................................OK!

        Network Menu

    1. Display parameter
    2. Modify parameter
    3. Save parameter
    4. Download file
    5. Upload file
    0. Return

Enter your choice(0-5):0
        BootLoader Menu

    1. Startup Select
    2. Network Menu
    3. File Manager
    4. Password Manager
    5. Reboot

Enter your choice(1-5):1
        Startup Select

    1. Display Startup
    2. Set Boot File
    3. Set Config File
    4. Startupfile Check Manage
    5. Set Startup Waiting Time
    0. return

Enter your choice(0-5):4
        File Check Manage

    1. Set FileCheck Flag
    2. Clear FileCheck Flag
    3. Query FileCheck Flag
    0. return

Enter your choice(0-3):0
        Startup Select

    1. Display Startup
    2. Set Boot File
    3. Set Config File
    4. Startupfile Check Manage
    5. Set Startup Waiting Time
    0. return

Enter your choice(0-5):2
        Select Boot File

    1. flash
    0. Return

Enter your choice(0-1):1
NOTE: Boot file must be .cc or .CC

Current boot file: flash:/AR1220F-V200R005C20SPC700.cc    #这里把包名字粘在这里。
Press ENTER directly for no change.
Or, please input the new file name: flash :/AR1220F-S-V200R010C10SPC700.cc
Save the boot file name: flash:/AR1220F-S-V200R010C10SPC700.cc ? Yes or No(Y/N)y    #确认要以这个文件引导?是
Save load state word...OK!

        Startup Select

    1. Display Startup
    2. Set Boot File
    3. Set Config File
    4. Startupfile Check Manage
    5. Set Startup Waiting Time
    0. return

Enter your choice(0-5):0    #返回主菜单,准备重启
        BootLoader Menu

    1. Startup Select
    2. Network Menu
    3. File Manager
    4. Password Manager
    5. Reboot

Requesting system reboot
Restarting system.

***                       HUAWEI AR.                     ***
***BOOT version:107 (Build time: Dec 26 2014 - 16:56:44) ***
Press ctrl+T for memory test  .... skip
Flash  : 16 MiB
USB    : 3 USB Device(s) found
       : 1 Storage Device(s) found
................, octeth1, octeth2, octeth3

Press Ctrl+A for Bootrom menu ... 0
Now boot from flash:/AR1220F-S-V200R010C10SPC700.cc, please wait...
Check file :Boot .
Current Bootrom Version   : 0x107
Bootrom in packet Version : 0x327

Update Bootrom ... ........OK
Check file :CPLD .OK 

System will reboot
***                            AR.                       ***
***BOOT version:327 (Build time: Dec 27 2019 - 15:30:12) ***
Press ctrl+T for memory test  .... skip
Flash  : 16 MiB
USB    : 3 USB Device(s) found
       : 1 Storage Device(s) found
Net    : octeth0, octeth1, octeth2, octeth3
Now boot from flash:/AR1220F-S-V200R010C10SPC700.cc, please wait...
Check file :Boot .OK 
Check file :CPLD .OK 
Check file :cn6xxx_rootfs ....
Current file Version   : 0x73
file in packet Version : 0x353331
update file ..............................................OK
Check file :cn6xxx_kernel ..
Current file Version   : 0x2c6
file in packet Version : 0x303831
update file ................................OK
Check file :bootloaderfs ..
Current file Version   : 0x107
file in packet Version : 0x326
update file ...........................OK
Starting system 
File not been found!
start from app_squashfs.
... OK 
Press Ctrl+B to break auto startup ... 0
file check /dev/sdc1 start...

file check /dev/sdc1 end

*********EVM Init(Version:D20150601B02)*********
EVM Init start 3 app(s)......ok.
EVM Devm Qmp Init......Ok.
DEVM compile :Jun 11 2016 07:21:15.
EVM Devm host init......ok.
EVM Appm start nc server......ok.
EVM Appm execute monitor(0)......Ok.
EVM Appm Qmp init......ok.
EVM Appm connect Devm Json server......OK.
EVM Sysm going to initialize......
EVM Sysm Qmp init......ok.
connect server ok!

Create monitor process

CPLD userspace init ok
Create cap process
Create vrp process
Alloc Name ok SNMP 
connect server ok!

CPLD userspace init ok

Initializing SMI Bus:OK

Initializing I2C Bus:OK
Backup Bootrom : done 

memcerr init....

DOPRA initialize..................OK
IAS initialize....................OK
VRP initialize
FECD IRC Connecting: OK 

VRP_SockTm_Init create............OK

Create tasks......................OK
Initialize tasks..................OK
Recovering configuration..........OK

  Press any key to get started

Login authentication

Warning: The default password poses security risks.
The password needs to be changed. Change now? [Y/N]: y
Please enter old password: 
Please enter new password: 
Please confirm new password: 

Error: Incorrect old password.
The password needs to be changed. Change now? [Y/N]: y
Please enter old password: 
Please enter new password: 
Please confirm new password: 
The password has been changed successfully.
Warning: The default password is not secure, and it is strongly recommended to change it.
 Warning: Auto-Config is working. Before configuring the device, stop Auto-Config. If you perform configurations when Auto-Config is running, the DHCP, routing, DNS, and VTY configurations will be lost. Do you want to stop Auto-Config? [y/n]:n
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.

  Warning:Please check whether system data has been changed, and save data in time

  Info:Configuration console time out, please retry to log on