操作系统:Ubuntu 20.04
官方wiki: https://wiki.qemu.org/Hosts/Linux
tar xf qemu-3.1.0.tar.xz
先安装gcc, libglib2.0-dev, ibpixman-1-dev, make,再编译:
cd qemu-3.1.0
./configure --target-list=aarch64-softmmu
make -j4
./aarch64-softmmu/qemu-system-aarch64 -version
#sudo apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
cd ~
export WORK_DIR=~/Projects/xenonarm
mkdir -pv $WORK_DIR
wget -c https://busybox.net/downloads/busybox-1.30.1.tar.bz2
tar xf busybox-1.30.1.tar.bz2
wget -c https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v4.x/linux-4.20.11.tar.xz
tar xf linux-4.20.11.tar.xz
wget -c https://downloads.xenproject.org/release/xen/4.12.0/xen-4.12.0.tar.gz
tar xf xen-4.12.0.tar.gz
wget -c ftp://ftp.denx.de/pub/u-boot/u-boot-2019.01.tar.bz2
tar xf u-boot-2019.01.tar.bz2
我编译busybox-1.30.1和1.31.1时,遇到了“undefined reference to `stime'”的问题,可参考:https://git.busybox.net/busybox/commit/?id=d3539be8f27b8cbfdfee460fe08299158f08bcd9。建议使用链接里的源码包,这样就不会遇到这个问题。Ubuntu 18.04编译busybox-1.30.1不会遇到这个问题。
export BUILD_DIR=~/Projects/xenonarm/build
mkdir -pv $BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64
cd $WORK_DIR/busybox-1.30.1
make 0=$BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- defconfig
vim .config
make -j2 0=$BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/ ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
make install 0=$BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/ ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
cd _install/
mkdir proc sys dev etc etc/init.d
cd ..
vim _install/etc/init.d/rcS
#! /bin/sh
mount -t proc none /proc
mount -t sysfs none /sys
/sbin/mdev -s
chmod +x _install/etc/init.d/rcS
cd _install
find . | cpio -o --format=newc > ../rootfs.img
cd ..
gzip -c rootfs.img > rootfs.img.gz
cp rootfs.img.gz $BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/
需要安装bison, flex, libssl-dev:
cd $WORK_DIR/linux-4.20.11/
make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- defconfig
make -j4 ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
cp ./arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz $BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/
cp ./arch/arm64/boot/Image $BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/
qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt,gic_version=3 -machine virtualization=true -cpu cortex-a57 -machine type=virt -m 4096 -smp 4 -kernel Image.gz -nographic -no-reboot -initrd rootfs.img.gz -append "rw root=/dev/ram rdinit=/sbin/init earlyprintk=serial,ttyAMA0 console=ttyAMA0"
virt board的信息请参考: https://www.qemu.org/docs/master/system/arm/virt.html,也可以使用qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt -help查看选项含义。
cd u-boot-2019.01
make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- qemu_arm64_defconfig
make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- -j4
cp u-boot.bin $BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/
cd $BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/
qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt,gic_version=3 -machine virtualization=true -cpu cortex-a57 -machine type=virt -m 512M -bios u-boot.bin -device loader,file=Image,addr=0x45000000 -nographic -no-reboot -chardev socket,id=qemu-monitor,host=localhost,port=7777,server,nowait,telnet -mon qemu-monitor,mode=readline
booti 0x45000000 - 0x40000000
0x45000000是kernel image的地址,0x40000000是qemu’s device tree blob的默认地址。
编译时若报错:“error: taking address of packed member of ‘struct <anonymous>’ may result in an unaligned pointer value”。修改xen/Rules.mk,去掉-Werror。
make dist-xen XEN_TARGET_ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
cp xen/xen $BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/
生成device tree blob:
qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt,gic_version=3 -machine virtualization=true -cpu cortex-a57 -machine type=virt -m 4096 -smp 4 -display none -machine dumpdtb=virt-gicv3.dtb
在Xen运行Linux dom0:
qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt,gic_version=3 -machine virtualization=true -cpu cortex-a57 -machine type=virt -m 4096 -smp 4 -bios u-boot.bin -device loader,file=xen,force-raw=on,addr=0x49000000 -device loader,file=Image.gz,addr=0x47000000 -device loader,file=virt-gicv3.dtb,addr=0x44000000 -nographic -no-reboot -chardev socket,id=qemu-monitor,host=localhost,port=7777,server,nowait,telnet -mon qemu-monitor,mode=readline
修改device tree blob,在u-boot中写入如下命令,需要在/chosen/module@0 reg中替换你的Image.gz的大小(0x7cc783):
fdt addr 0x44000000
fdt resize
fdt set /chosen \#address-cells <1>
fdt set /chosen \#size-cells <1>
fdt mknod /chosen module@0
fdt set /chosen/module@0 compatible "xen,linux-zimage" "xen,multiboot-module"
fdt set /chosen/module@0 reg <0x47000000 0x7cc783>
fdt set /chosen/module@0 bootargs "earlyprintk=serial,ttyAMA0 console=ttyAMA0,115200n8 earlycon=xenboot"
booti 0x49000000 - 0x44000000
printf "0x%x\n" $(stat -c %s Image.gz)
上面可以启kernel,但是没加rootfs,所以kernel panic了。现在我们开始加入rootfs:
qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt,gic_version=3 -machine virtualization=true -cpu cortex-a57 -machine type=virt -m 4096 -smp 4 -bios u-boot.bin -device loader,file=xen,force-raw=on,addr=0x49000000 -device loader,file=Image.gz,addr=0x47000000 -device loader,file=virt-gicv3.dtb,addr=0x44000000 -device loader,file=rootfs.img.gz,addr=0x42000000 -nographic -no-reboot -chardev socket,id=qemu-monitor,host=localhost,port=7777,server,nowait,telnet -mon qemu-monitor,mode=readline
需要在/chosen/module@1 reg中替换你的rootfs.img.gz的大小(0x118b47),执行以下命令:
fdt addr 0x44000000
fdt resize
fdt set /chosen \#address-cells <1>
fdt set /chosen \#size-cells <1>
fdt mknod /chosen module@0
fdt set /chosen/module@0 compatible "xen,linux-zimage" "xen,multiboot-module"
fdt set /chosen/module@0 reg <0x47000000 0x7cc783>
fdt set /chosen/module@0 bootargs "rw root=/dev/ram rdinit=/sbin/init earlyprintk=serial,ttyAMA0 console=hvc0 earlycon=xenboot"
fdt mknod /chosen module@1
fdt set /chosen/module@1 compatible "xen,linux-initrd" "xen,multiboot-module"
fdt set /chosen/module@1 reg <0x42000000 0x118b47>
booti 0x49000000 - 0x44000000
# uname
编译linux for dom1:
mkdir linux-for-domU
cp linux-4.20.11.tar.xz linux-for-domU/
cd linux-for-domU/
tar xf linux-4.20.11.tar.xz
cd linux-4.20.11
make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- defconfig
make -j4 ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
CP ./arch/arm64/boot/Image $BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/ImageU
从设备树运行dm0 and dom1时,不要忘记计算kernel和rootfs的大小并在fdt中修改一下,以及确保不要overlap:
qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt,gic_version=3 -machine virtualization=true -cpu cortex-a57 -machine type=virt -m 4096 -smp 4 -bios u-boot.bin -device loader,file=xen,force-raw=on,addr=0x49000000 -device loader,file=Image,addr=0x47000000 -device loader,file=ImageU,addr=0x53000000 -device loader,file=virt-gicv3.dtb,addr=0x44000000 -device loader,file=rootfs.img.gz,addr=0x42000000 -device loader,file=rootfs.img.gz,addr=0x58000000 -nographic -no-reboot -chardev socket,id=qemu-monitor,host=localhost,port=7777,server,nowait,telnet -mon qemu-monitor,mode=readline
setenv xen_bootargs 'dom0_mem=512M'
fdt addr 0x44000000
fdt resize 8192
fdt set /chosen \#address-cells <1>
fdt set /chosen \#size-cells <1>
fdt set /chosen xen,xen-bootargs \"$xen_bootargs\"
fdt mknod /chosen module@0
fdt set /chosen/module@0 compatible "xen,linux-zimage" "xen,multiboot-module"
fdt set /chosen/module@0 reg <0x47000000 0x1241200>
fdt set /chosen/module@0 bootargs "rw root=/dev/ram rdinit=/sbin/init earlyprintk=serial,ttyAMA0 console=hvc0 earlycon=xenboot"
fdt mknod /chosen module@1
fdt set /chosen/module@1 compatible "xen,linux-initrd" "xen,multiboot-module"
fdt set /chosen/module@1 reg <0x42000000 0x118b47>
fdt mknod /chosen domU1
fdt set /chosen/domU1 compatible "xen,domain"
fdt set /chosen/domU1 \#address-cells <1>
fdt set /chosen/domU1 \#size-cells <1>
fdt set /chosen/domU1 \cpus <1>
fdt set /chosen/domU1 \memory <0 548576>
fdt set /chosen/domU1 vpl011
fdt mknod /chosen/domU1 module@0
fdt set /chosen/domU1/module@0 compatible "multiboot,kernel" "multiboot,module"
fdt set /chosen/domU1/module@0 reg <0x53000000 0x1241200>
fdt set /chosen/domU1/module@0 bootargs "rw root=/dev/ram rdinit=/sbin/init console=ttyAMA0"
fdt mknod /chosen/domU1 module@1
fdt set /chosen/domU1/module@1 compatible "multiboot,ramdisk" "multiboot,module"
fdt set /chosen/domU1/module@1 reg <0x58000000 0x118b47>
booti 0x49000000 - 0x44000000
我们增加了一个节点domU1,在这个节点中我们创建了a virtual console vpl011。按Ctrl+A三次即可切换dom0、dom、xen,使用dmesg查看现在处于哪个机器:
export DOM='dom0'
export DOM='dom1'
echo $DOM
如果在dom0中输出dom0 ,在dom1中输出dom1 ,那么xen with dom0 and dom1就启动成功了。
In this post I want to show you how to set up Xen for Arm with Qemu emulator. Mainly, we are going to follow this guide https://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Xen_ARM_with_Virtualization_Extensions/qemu-system-aarch64 with some notes and fixes. In order to accomplish this we need to take few steps:
Download and install Qemu for arm64
Choose Linux Dom0 and Linux DomU configurations
Download and build arm64 toolchain
Cross-compile Linux Dom0 image
Cross-compile Linux DomU image
Build Xen and Xen-tools
Run Dom0 image and start DomU image from Dom0
Firstly, we should get Qemu. If you don’t want to have the latest stable version you can install qemu from the repo (for Debian):
# apt install qemu-system-aarch64
The following text is for Linux version of Qemu. User documentation can be found here: https://qemu.weilnetz.de/doc/qemu-doc.html
The wiki-page for Linux is here: https://wiki.qemu.org/Hosts/Linux
In order to get the latest stable version we should download Qemu from the official site qemu.org. Now, we can unpack it:
tar -Jxf qemu-3.1.0.tar.xz
And build it:
cd qemu-3.1.0
./configure --target-list=aarch64-softmmu
make -j4
Now, we can check how it works:
./aarch64-softmmu/qemu-system-aarch64 -version
We should obtain the output specifying version of our built qemu.
We are going to use a set of Linux Vanilla Kernel and Busybox (and if needed ulibc) for both Dom0 and DomU machines. Their configuration will be different.
The easiest way to install arm toolchain is to install it from your repo, on Debian do:
# apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
After that, you can cross-compile everything.
Let’s create our working directory:
cd ~
export WORK_DIR=~/Projects/xenonarm
mkdir -pv $WORK_DIR
First of all, we should get our Buildbox and Linux images:
wget -c https://busybox.net/downloads/busybox-1.30.1.tar.bz2
tar xf busybox-1.30.1.tar.bz2wget -c https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v4.x/linux-4.20.11.tar.xz
tar xf linux-4.20.11.tar.xzwget -c https://downloads.xenproject.org/release/xen/4.12.0/xen-4.12.0.tar.gz
tar xf xen-4.12.0.tar.gz
Let’s create a folder for temporary files:
export BUILD_DIR=~/Projects/xenonarm/build
mkdir -pv $BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64
and build busybox:
cd $WORK_DIR/busybox-1.30.1
make 0=$BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- defconfig
make 0=$BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- menuconfig
Don’t forget to save the created config, e.g. in new_config
. Open created file new_config
and add line CONFIG_STATIC=y in order to make Busybox be complied as a static library. Save the file and copy it to .config:
cp new_config .config
and make it:
make -j2 0=$BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/ ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
make install 0=$BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/ ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
At the moment we can create a root file system:
cd _install/
mkdir proc sys dev etc etc/init.d
cd ..
vim _install/etc/init.d/rcS
To the created file we should add:
#! /bin/sh
mount -t proc none /proc
mount -t sysfs none /sys
/sbin/mdev -s
and make it executable:
chmod +x _install/etc/init.d/rcS
Let’s create a rootfs image itself:
cd _install
find . | cpio -o --format=newc > ../rootfs.img
cd ..
gzip -c rootfs.img > rootfs.img.gz
Now, we can copy it to the distinct folder:
cp rootfs.img.gz $BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/
Now, we can copy all needed files to another folder:
cd $WORK_DIR/linux-4.20.11/
make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- defconfig
Now, we should add few lines to .config (though, they should be there by default):
Now, we can build the kernel:
make -j4 ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
Let’s copy created files:
cp ./arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz $BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/
qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt,gic_version=3 -machine virtualization=true -cpu cortex-a57 -machine type=virt -m 4096 -smp 4 -kernel Image.gz -nographic -no-reboot -initrd rootfs.img.gz -append "rw root=/dev/ram rdinit=/sbin/init earlyprintk=serial,ttyAMA0 console=ttyAMA0"
Let’s download the U-Boot bootloader for embedded Linux.
wget -c ftp://ftp.denx.de/pub/u-boot/u-boot-2019.01.tar.bz2
tar xf u-boot-2019.01.tar.bz2
Now, we can configure it:
cd u-boot-2019.01
make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- qemu_arm64_defconfig
Add the following lines to the u-boot .config file:
And build the u-boot:
make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- -j4
Let’s copy the binary:
cp u-boot.bin $BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/
cd $BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/
You should be able to run u-boot with Linux:
qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt,gic_version=3 -machine virtualization=true -cpu cortex-a57 -machine type=virt -m 512M -bios u-boot.bin -device loader,file=Image,addr=0x45000000 -nographic -no-reboot -chardev socket,id=qemu-monitor,host=localhost,port=7777,server,nowait,telnet -mon qemu-monitor,mode=readline
and we can start Linux with this command:
bootm 0x45000000 - 0x40000000
where 0x45000000 is the address of our kernel image and 0x40000000 is the default address of the qemu’s device tree blob.
After execution of the command we should have the kernel booting and failing on trying to load a rootfs (since we haven’t provided it).
Let’s build Xen:
make dist-xen XEN_TARGET_ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
and copy the raw image:
cp xen/xen $BUILD_DIR/busybox_arm64/
Let’s generate a device tree blob:
qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt,gic_version=3 -machine virtualization=true -cpu cortex-a57 -machine type=virt -m 4096 -smp 4 -display none -machine dumpdtb=virt-gicv3.dtb
now we can run xen with Linux as dom0:
qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt,gic_version=3 -machine virtualization=true -cpu cortex-a57 -machine type=virt -m 4096 -smp 4 -bios u-boot.bin -device loader,file=xen,force-raw=on,addr=0x49000000 -device loader,file=Image.gz,addr=0x47000000 -device loader,file=virt-gicv3.dtb,addr=0x44000000 -nographic -no-reboot -chardev socket,id=qemu-monitor,host=localhost,port=7777,server,nowait,telnet -mon qemu-monitor,mode=readline
In order to start the dom0 we should modify a device tree blob by writing the following commands to u-boot (substitute the right value instead of 0x7F31CE in /chosen/module@0 which is a size of Image.gz):
fdt addr 0x44000000
fdt resizefdt set /chosen \#address-cells <1>
fdt set /chosen \#size-cells <1>fdt mknod /chosen module@0
fdt set /chosen/module@0 compatible "xen,linux-zimage" "xen,multiboot-module"
fdt set /chosen/module@0 reg <0x47000000 0x7F31CE>
fdt set /chosen/module@0 bootargs "earlyprintk=serial,ttyAMA0
console=ttyAMA0,115200n8 earlycon=xenboot"booti 0x49000000 - 0x44000000
The size of Image.gz, can be calculated this way:
printf "0x%x\n" $(stat -c %s Image.gz)
This time you should see booting of xen and then booting of Linux kernel and its failure on the attempt of booting rootfs.
And now we can boot xen, Linux and Busybox on qemu:
qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt,gic_version=3 -machine virtualization=true -cpu cortex-a57 -machine type=virt -m 4096 -smp 4 -bios u-boot.bin -device loader,file=xen,force-raw=on,addr=0x49000000 -device loader,file=Image.gz,addr=0x47000000 -device loader,file=virt-gicv3.dtb,addr=0x44000000 -device loader,file=rootfs.img.gz,addr=0x42000000 -nographic -no-reboot -chardev socket,id=qemu-monitor,host=localhost,port=7777,server,nowait,telnet -mon qemu-monitor,mode=readline
and run in u-boot (substitute the right value instead of 0x121e65 in /chosen/module@1 which is a size of rootfs.img.gz):
fdt addr 0x44000000
fdt resizefdt set /chosen \#address-cells <1>
fdt set /chosen \#size-cells <1>fdt mknod /chosen module@0
fdt set /chosen/module@0 compatible "xen,linux-zimage" "xen,multiboot-module"
fdt set /chosen/module@0 reg <0x47000000 0x7F31CE>
fdt set /chosen/module@0 bootargs "rw root=/dev/ram rdinit=/sbin/init earlyprintk=serial,ttyAMA0 console=hvc0 earlycon=xenboot"
fdt mknod /chosen module@1
fdt set /chosen/module@1 compatible "xen,linux-initrd" "xen,multiboot-module"
fdt set /chosen/module@1 reg <0x42000000 0x121e65>booti 0x49000000 - 0x44000000
After having an input promt, we can check that the system works:
# uname
If it works it works!
In order to run Dom0 and DomU from a device tree we should use a dom0less technology.
Let’s run Qemu. Note that due to some restrictions we should use uncompressed Linux images (don’t forget to measure their sizes and change them in fdt commands, make sure that your images don’t overlap in memory):
qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt,gic_version=3 -machine virtualization=true -cpu cortex-a57 -machine type=virt -m 4096 -smp 4 -bios u-boot.bin -device loader,file=xen,force-raw=on,addr=0x49000000 -device loader,file=Image,addr=0x47000000 -device loader,file=Image,addr=0x53000000 -device loader,file=virt-gicv3.dtb,addr=0x44000000 -device loader,file=rootfs.img.gz,addr=0x42000000 -device loader,file=rootfs.img.gz,addr=0x58000000 -nographic -no-reboot -chardev socket,id=qemu-monitor,host=localhost,port=7777,server,nowait,telnet -mon qemu-monitor,mode=readline
Now, we should use the modified device tree:
setenv xen_bootargs 'dom0_mem=512M'fdt addr 0x44000000
fdt resize
fdt set /chosen \#address-cells <1>
fdt set /chosen \#size-cells <1>
fdt set /chosen xen,xen-bootargs \"$xen_bootargs\"
fdt mknod /chosen module@0
fdt set /chosen/module@0 compatible "xen,linux-zimage" "xen,multiboot-module"
fdt set /chosen/module@0 reg <0x47000000 0x1281a00>
fdt set /chosen/module@0 bootargs "rw root=/dev/ram rdinit=/sbin/init earlyprintk=serial,ttyAMA0 console=hvc0 earlycon=xenboot"
fdt mknod /chosen module@1
fdt set /chosen/module@1 compatible "xen,linux-initrd" "xen,multiboot-module"
fdt set /chosen/module@1 reg <0x42000000 0x121e65>fdt mknod /chosen domU1
fdt set /chosen/domU1 compatible "xen,domain"
fdt set /chosen/domU1 \#address-cells <1>
fdt set /chosen/domU1 \#size-cells <1>
fdt set /chosen/domU1 \cpus <1>
fdt set /chosen/domU1 \memory <0 548576>fdt set /chosen/domU1 vpl011
fdt mknod /chosen/domU1 module@0
fdt set /chosen/domU1/module@0 compatible "multiboot,kernel" "multiboot,module"
fdt set /chosen/domU1/module@0 reg <0x53000000 0x1281a00>
fdt set /chosen/domU1/module@0 bootargs "rw root=/dev/ram rdinit=/sbin/init console=ttyAMA0"fdt mknod /chosen/domU1 module@1
fdt set /chosen/domU1/module@1 compatible "multiboot,ramdisk" "multiboot,module"
fdt set /chosen/domU1/module@1 reg <0x58000000 0x121e65>booti 0x49000000 - 0x44000000
You can see that we added a node for domU. In this node we also asked xen to create a virtual console vpl011. Those machines are lying in different parts of memory and do not interfere.
In order to switch between your machines you can push Ctrl+A for three times. To check, whether dom0 and domU work you can run dmesg on both machines:
or to export variables with the same name on different machines , for dom0:
export DOM='dom0'
switch to domU (push CTRL+A for three times to switch between dom0, domU and xen) and type:
export DOM='domU'
Now, you can switch between machines and check the variables:
echo $DOM
if the output for dom0 is dom0 and for domU is domU then xen with dom0 and domU is working.