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oracle java认证_如何通过Oracle的Java认证-开发人员实用指南


oracle java认证

by javinpaul


如何通过Oracle的Java认证-开发人员实用指南 (How to Pass Oracle’s Java Certifications — a Practical Guide for Developers)

A Java certification is highly regarded in the IT Industry and provides a Java developer with recognition worldwide. It helps you to find a better job, get a better salary, and even a better raise or bonus at your current job.

Java认证在IT行业中享有很高的声誉,并为Java开发人员提供了全球认可的认证。 它可以帮助您找到一份更好的工作,获得更高的薪水,甚至在您目前的工作中获得更高的加薪或奖金。

That’s why thousands of Java developers try to become certified every year, but success is not easy in this exam.


Oracle’s Java Certification has a tough passing percentage, close to 65% for both OCAJP (the Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer) and OCPJP (the Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer).

Oracle的Java认证的合格率很难, OCAJP (Oracle认证的Java程序员)和OCPJP (Oracle的Java专业认证)都接近65%

You need in-depth knowledge of the Java language and API to succeed in the exam.


As a note, preparing for OCPJP is not very different from OCAJP, though you have to use resources that are focused only on OCPJP. You also need to cover more topics and more in-depth because OCPJP 8 is certainly a tough nut to crack.

需要注意的是,为OCPJP做准备与OCAJP并没有太大区别,尽管您必须使用仅专注于OCPJP的资源。 您还需要涵盖更多主题和更深入的内容,因为OCPJP 8当然是一个难以克服的难题

In order to prepare well and get a high score, here are some tips I am going to share. These tips have helped me in the past to score more than 90% on the certifications.

为了做好准备并获得高分,我将分享一些技巧。 这些技巧过去帮助我获得了90%以上的认证分数。

So, without wasting any more time, here are my five tips to prepare well for the OCAJP and OCPJP exams.


1.每天编码 (1. Code Every Day)

There is no substitute for coding. You must code daily to develop a coding sense, which will help you to read code given in the real exam.

不能替代编码。 您必须每天编写代码以发展编码意识,这将帮助您阅读真实考试中给出的代码。

In the case of OCPJP, it becomes even more important because attention to detail is required to understand each coding question before you select options.

对于OCPJP ,它变得尤为重要,因为在选择选项之前,需要注意细节才能理解每个编码问题。

2.参加一个好的课程 (2. Join a Good Course)

In my opinion, online courses are one of the best ways to learn a new technology in a short period of time, and that also holds true for preparing a certification exam like Oracle’s Java certification.

我认为,在线课程是在短时间内学习新技术的最佳方法之一,并且对于准备诸如Oracle Java认证之类的认证考试也同样适用。

They are the second best way, just next to a personal instructor or classroom training. You learn actively from experienced professionals who have gone through that path and know exactly where the breakers are and where the road is bumpy.

它们是仅次于私人教练或课堂培训的第二好的方法。 您会从经验丰富的专业人员那里积极学习,他们已经走过了那条道路,并且确切地知道了断路器的位置和道路的崎bump不平。

When I prepared for my Java certification some 10 years ago, books were the only way, particularly the Khalid Mughal book, but now you have a lot more books and courses to help you out.

大约十年前,当我准备Java认证时,书是唯一的方法,尤其是Khalid Mughal的书,但是现在您有更多的书和课程可以帮助您。

  1. Whizlab’s OCAJP 8 training course

    Whizlab的OCAJP 8培训课程

  2. Whizlab’s OCPJP 8 training course

    Whizlab的OCPJP 8培训课程

  3. Oracle Java Certification — Pass the Associate 1Z0–808 Exam

    Oracle Java认证—通过相关1Z0–808考试

3.阅读一本好书 (3. Read a Good Study Book)

There is no better companion than a good study book if you are preparing for Java certifications.


They cover all the exam topics, give practice questions at the end of the chapter, and share a lot of exam-specific tips that you don’t find in any normal Java book.


There are a lot of study guides available in the market, but if you are preparing for OCAJP 7 or OCAJP 8 you can take a look at these resources to find a good study guide.

市场上有很多学习指南,但是如果您准备使用OCAJP 7OCAJP 8 ,则可以阅读这些资源以找到一份好的学习指南。

  1. OCA Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer I by Jean Boyarsky and Scott Selikoff

    由Jean Boyarsky和Scott Selikoff授予OCA Oracle认证的Java SE 8助理I程序员

  2. OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I Certification Guide (Exam 1Z0–808) (Mala Gupta)

    OCA Java SE 8程序员I认证指南(考试1Z0–808)(Mala Gupta)

  3. Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8 Programmer Exam 1Z0–809 By Ganesh, Hari, and Tushar

    由Ganesh,Hari和Tushar颁发的Oracle认证专业Java SE 8程序员考试1Z0–809

4.选择一个好的考试模拟器 (4. Choose a Good Exam Simulator)

After choosing a good book or study guide, the next thing you need is a good exam simulator. This is must if you want to score high but not required if you just aim for passing the exam.

选择好书或学习指南后,接下来需要的是一门好考试模拟器。 如果您想获得高分,这是必须的,但如果您只是想通过考试,则不需要。

The exam simulators will help you to develop speed and accuracy required to complete all questions in 2.5 hours.


I suggest that you keep doing mock tests until you score 80% on a consistent basis before going for the real exam.


Here are some of my recommendations for exam simulators:


  1. Whizlab’s Exam Simulator


    There are the best in the market, tried and tested by many developers including myself.


  2. Enthuware’s Practice Test


    That’s again second best in my opinion, also very cheap, you can just get it under $10. It’s also tried and tested by many certified Java developers

    在我看来,这再次是第二好,也非常便宜,您只需不到10美元就可以买到。 许多认证的Java开发人员也尝试和测试了它

  3. David Mayer’s Practice Test

    大卫·梅耶(David Mayer)的实践测试

    If you need to go the extra mile with your preparation, I suggest you solve the 450+ problems from David Mayer’s Test.

    如果您需要做更多准备工作,建议您解决David Mayer考试中的450多个问题。

  4. Java Certification: OCA (1Z0–808) Exam Simulation [2018]


    260+ multiple-choice questions with explanation to assess Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer I preparation

    260多项选择题,并附有评估方法,以评估Oracle认证助理Java SE 8程序员I

  5. Java Certification — OCA (1Z0–808) Topic-wise Tests [2018]

    Java认证— OCA(1Z0–808)主题测试[2018]

    Multiple choice questions covering all the exam objectives of Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer I

    多项选择题涵盖了Oracle认证助理Java SE 8程序员I的所有考试目标

Btw, if you are buying Whizlab’s simulator then you can also use the coupon code “JAVACOMBO2” to get a 25% discount.

顺便说一句,如果您正在购买Whizlab的模拟器,那么您还可以使用优惠券代码“ JAVACOMBO2”获得25%的折扣。

Since they provide lifetime access to their simulator, I suggest you buy both OCAJP and OCPJP simulator together and take advantage of this coupon code.


5.定期参加论坛 (5. Regularly Participate on Forums)

You have to keep yourself motivated and up to date on the exam and other details. With that in mind, there is nothing better than participating in forums like CodeRanch or Oracle’s official Java Certification forum.

您必须保持动力,并及时了解考试和其他详细信息。 考虑到这一点,没有什么比参加CodeRanch这样的论坛或Oracle的官方Java认证论坛更好了。

You can ask questions, clear doubts, and become familiar with other candidates who are preparing for exams.


You may be able to find some buddies as well who can prepare with you for exams.


6.解决尽可能多的练习题 (6. Solve As Many Practice Questions As Possible)

Practice makes you perfect, so solve as many you can. You will slowly develop the speed and accuracy needed for the exam.

实践使您变得完美,因此请尽可能多地解决。 您将慢慢提高考试所需的速度和准确性。

There are many such free exams available and Google is your friend. You can find a lot of them to get started with.

有许多此类免费考试,而Google是您的朋友。 您可以找到很多入门指南。

Here is a list of some of the freely available practice questions for OCAJP 8 and OCPJP 8 exams:

以下是OCAJP 8和OCPJP 8考试的一些免费练习题列表:

  1. http://www.java67.com/2017/05/10-free-java-8-certification-sample-questions-OCAJP8-OCPJP8-Mock-Exams.html


  2. http://javarevisited.blogspot.sg/2015/11/5-free-ocajp8-ocpjp8-mock-exams-and-practice-questions.html#axzz5ACLhR0b5


  3. http://javarevisited.blogspot.sg/2016/08/5-free-ocajp-7-and-ocpjp7-mock-exams.html#axzz4pXl8Axsv


5 Free OCAJP8, OCPJP8 Mock Exams and Practice questions - 1Z0-808 809 (Java 8 Certification)In order to do well on Java certifications, you need good books and a reasonable number of practice questions before…javarevisited.blogspot.com10 Free Java 8 Certification Sample Questions - OCAJP8 and OCPJP8 - 1Z0-808 and 1Z09 dumpsIf you are preparing for Oracle Java SE 8 Certifications e.g. OCAJP8 and OCJP8, also known as exam 1Z0-808 and 1Z0-809…www.java67.com

5个免费的OCAJP8,OCPJP8模拟考试和练习题-1Z0-808 809(Java 8认证) 为了在Java认证上做得很好,您需要一本好书和一定数量的练习题,然后才能… javarevisited.blogspot.com 10个免费的Java 8认证样本问题-OCAJP8和OCPJP8-1Z0-808和1Z09转储 如果您正在准备Oracle Java SE 8认证,例如OCAJP8和OCJP8,也称为1Z0-808和1Z0-809考试…… www.java67.com

Java 8认证的其他有用资源: (Other Useful resources for Java 8 certifications:)

Here are some of the useful resources for preparing OCAJP8 (1Z0–808) and OCAPJP8 (1Z0–809) examination.

以下是准备OCAJP8( 1Z0–808 )和OCAPJP8( 1Z0–809 )检查的一些有用资源。

Some resources are free and you have to buy others, but given the actual exam cost is 245 USD or 10,100 INR, it is worth spending some more money to prepare well. It’s better than taking a retake of the exam.

有些资源是免费的,您必须购买其他资源,但是鉴于实际考试费用为245美元或10,100 INR ,值得花更多的钱做准备。 胜过重考。

结束语 (Closing Notes)

Thanks, You made it to the end of the article … Good luck with your Java Certification exam! It’s certainly not going to be easy, but by following this roadmap and tips, you are one step closer to becoming a certified Java developer.

谢谢,您已经读到本文的结尾了……Java认证考试祝您好运! 当然这并不容易,但是通过遵循此路线图和技巧,您距离成为合格的Java开发人员仅一步之遥

PS —如果您需要一些免费资源,则可以查看此免费的OCAJP 8和OCPJP 8模拟考试列表以开始准备。 (P.S. — If you need some FREE resources, you can check out this list of free OCAJP 8 and OCPJP 8 mock exams to start your preparation.)

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-pass-oracles-java-certifications-a-practical-guide-for-developers-e9b607ba6173/

oracle java认证
