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Hybrid Terminology


¨ICE – Internal Combustion  Engine

¨Traction motor – an electric machine that is used to accent the ICE for power and torque contribution

¨Motor Generator (MG) – see traction motor; also acts as a high voltage generator

¨Regenerative braking – braking system which allows kinetic energy to be partially converted to electric energy for storage during negative acceleration events

¨Inverter – allows AC voltage to be converted to DC for HEV high voltage battery charging and for high DC battery voltage to be converted to high AC voltage for hybridized component operation (MG, AC compressor, etc.)

¨Converter – allows high DC voltage to be converted to a low, usable DC voltage for accessory functions (12v battery, convenience systems, etc.)

¨Auxiliary battery – 12v battery used to supply voltage to vehicle accessories

¨Motor – converts electrical energy into kinetic energy

¨Generator – converts mechanical energy into electrical energy




