Oracle Cloud Infrastructure:Oracle Cloud Guard可帮助企业在整个Oracle云基础架构中统一查看其云安全态势


Cloud Guard

Oracle Cloud Guard helps organizations get a unified view of their cloud security posture across Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to quickly detect misconfigured resources and insecure activities and resolve cloud security issues. Customers can scale their security operations center with out-of-the-box security recipes that automatically remediate security risks and inconsistencies.
“Accelerating the path to value is our key focus area, and Oracle technology and Oracle Cloud is a key factor to deliver on that. We were immediately impressed with Oracle Cloud Guard—the set-up, ease of use, and immediate results about potential misconfigurations. We appreciate the fact that this capability is available at no cost above the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure investment. It further solidifies the conversations I have with my clients about how Oracle builds Oracle Cloud with security in mind first; Oracle Cloud Guard is a great example of how Oracle continues that heritage.”
Chris Pasternak
Managing Director, Accenture.
Oracle Cloud Guard可帮助企业在整个Oracle云基础架构中统一查看其云安全态势,以快速检测配置错误的资源和不安全的活动,并解决云安全问题。客户可以使用开箱即用的安全配方来扩展其安全运营中心,该配方可以自动修复安全风险和不一致性。
“加快价值实现是我们的关键重点领域,而Oracle技术和Oracle云是实现这一目标的关键因素。Oracle云卫士的设置、易用性以及对潜在错误配置的即时效果立即给我们留下了深刻印象。我们赞赏这一功能在Ora之上免费提供的事实cle云基础设施投资。这进一步巩固了我与客户就Oracle如何首先考虑安全性构建Oracle云的对话;Oracle Cloud Guard是Oracle如何延续这一传统的一个很好的例子。”
