


dbus-launch - Utility to start a message bus from a shell script
dbus-launch - 从shell脚本启动一个消息总线的工具(实用程序) 




dbus-launch [--version ] [--help ] [--sh-syntax ] [--csh-syntax ] [--auto-syntax ] [--binary-syntax ] [--close-stderr ] [--exit-with-session ] [--autolaunch=MACHINEID] [--config-file=FILENAME] [PROGRAM] [ARGS...]


The dbus-launch command is used to start a session bus instance of dbus-daemon from a shell script.
dbus-launch 命令用于从shell脚本启动一个 dbus-daemon 的会话总线实例.
It would normally be called from a user's login scripts.
dbus-launch 命令通常会在用户的登录脚本中调用.
Unlike the daemon itself, dbus-launch exits, so backticks or the $() construct can be used to read information from dbus-launch.
与守护进程不同, 如果 dbus-launch 退出, 那么可以使用反引号或者$()结构从dbus-launch中读取信息.

With no arguments, dbus-launch will launch a session bus instance and print the address and pid of that instance to standard output.
如果没有参数, dbus-launch 会加载一个会话总线实例,并且把地址和实例的pid打印到标准输出.

You may specify a program to be run; in this case,
dbus-launch will launch a session bus instance,
你可以指定一个程序运行; 在这种情况下, dbus-launch 会加载一个会话实例,
set the appropriate environment variables so the specified program can find the bus,
and then execute the specified program, with the specified arguments. See below for examples.

If you launch a program, dbus-launch will not print the information about the new bus to standard output.
如果你加载一个程序, dbus-launch 不会在标准输出打印新总线的信息.

When dbus-launch prints bus information to standard output,
by default it is in a simple key-value pairs format.
当dbus-launch在标准输出打印bus信息时, 默认情况下是简单的key-value pairs格式.
However, you may request several alternate syntaxes using the --sh-syntax,
--csh-syntax, --binary-syntax, or --auto-syntax options.
当然, 你可以请求几个可替换的语法 通过使用--sh-syntax, --csh-syntax, --binary-syntax, 或者 --auto-syntax 选项.
Several of these cause dbus-launch to emit shell code to set up the environment.
其中几个会引起dbus-launch发送shell code来设置环境.

With the --auto-syntax option, dbus-launch looks at the value of the SHELL environment variable
to determine which shell syntax should be used.
使用--auto-syntax 选项, dbus-launch 会根据SHELL环境变量来决定使用哪一个shell语法.

If SHELL ends in "csh", then csh-compatible code is emitted; otherwise Bourne shell code is emitted.
如果SHELL 以"csh" 结尾, 那么会发送 csh-compatible code; 否则会发送Bourne shell code.
Instead of passing --auto-syntax, you may explicity specify a particular one
by using --sh-syntax for Bourne syntax, or --csh-syntax for csh syntax.
如果不使用 --auto-syntax选项, 你可以明确的指定一个,
--sh-syntax for Bourne syntax, or --csh-syntax for csh syntax.

In scripts, it's more robust to avoid --auto-syntax and you hopefully know which shell your script is written in.
在脚本中, 避免使用 --auto-syntax 会增加脚本的健壮性,并且你也希望知道你的脚本写在什么shell中.

See http://www.freedesktop.org/software/dbus/ for more information about D-Bus.
See also the man page for dbus-daemon.


Here is an example of how to use dbus-launch with an sh-compatible shell to start the per-session bus daemon:
下面是一个如何使用dbus-launch的例子, 使用一个sh-compatible shell来启动每会话总线守护进程:

## test for an existing bus daemon, just to be safe (测试是否存在总线守护进程)
if test -z "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" ; then
## if not found, launch a new one
eval `dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session`
echo "D-Bus per-session daemon address is: $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS"

You might run something like that in your login scripts.

Note that in this case, dbus-launch will exit, and dbus-daemon will not be terminated automatically on logout.


Another way to use dbus-launch is to run your main session program, like so:
另一种使用dbus-launch的方法是运行你的主会话程序, 像下面这样:

Distributions running dbus-launch as part of a standard X session should run dbus-launch --exit-with-session after the X server has started and become available, as a wrapper around the "main" X client (typically a session manager or window manager), as in these examples:

dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session

dbus-launch --exit-with-session openbox

dbus-launch --exit-with-session ~/.xsession


The above would likely be appropriate for ~/.xsession or ~/.Xclients.
上面的用法应当在 ~/.xsession 和 ~/.Xclients 文件中使用.

If your distribution does not do this, you can achieve similar results by running your session or window manager in the same way in a script run by your X session, such as ~/.xsession,~/.xinitrc or ~/.Xclients.


If DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS is not set for a process that tries to use D-Bus,
如果没有为一个要使用D-Bus的进程设置 DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS,
by default the process will attempt to invoke dbus-launch with the --autolaunch option to start up a new session bus
or find the existing bus address on the X display or in a file in ~/.dbus/session-bus/
或者寻找在X display上或目录(~/.dbus/session-bus/)下文件中 存在的总线地址.

Whenever an autolaunch occurs, the application that had to start a new bus will be in its own little world;
it can effectively end up starting a whole new session if it tries to use a lot of bus services.
This can be suboptimal or even totally broken, depending on the app and what it tries to do.
这种方式是次优甚至毁灭性的, 这取决于app和他想要做什么.

There are two common reasons for autolaunch.
One is ssh to a remote machine.
The ideal fix for that would be forwarding of DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS in the same way that DISPLAY is forwarded.

In the meantime, you can edit the session.conf config file to have your session bus listen on TCP,
在此期间, 你可以编辑 session.conf 配置文件来使你的session bus 监听TCP,
and manually set DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS, if you like.

The second common reason for autolaunch is an su to another user,
and display of X applications running as the second user on the display belonging to the first user.
Perhaps the ideal fix in this case would be to allow the second user to connect to the session bus of the first user,
just as they can connect to the first user's display. However, a mechanism for that has not been coded.
就像和他可以连接到第一个用户的display上, 但是这种结构没有实现.

You can always avoid autolaunch by manually setting DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS.
Autolaunch happens because the default address if none is set is "autolaunch:",
so if any other address is set there will be no autolaunch.
You can however include autolaunch in an explicit session bus address as a fallback,
for example DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="something:,autolaunch:"
in that case if the first address doesn't work, processes will autolaunch.
(The bus address variable contains a comma-separated list of addresses to try.)

The --autolaunch option is considered an internal implementation detail of libdbus, and in fact there are plans to change it.
--autolaunch选项被认为是libdbus一个内部实现详细, 并且实际上计划要改变它.
There's no real reason to use it outside of the libdbus implementation anyhow.
总之没有任何原因在libdbus实现外使用 --autolaunch选项. 


The following options are supported:


Choose --csh-syntax or --sh-syntax based on the SHELL environment variable.
根据环境变量SHELL的值自动选择使用--csh-syntax 或者 --sh-syntax.


Write to stdout a nul-terminated bus address,
--binary-syntax 向stdout写一个null结尾的bus地址字符串,
then the bus PID as a binary integer of size sizeof(pid_t),
then the bus X window ID as a binary integer of size sizeof(long).
再跟着是这个总线的 X window ID,大小是sizeof(long)二进制整型.
Integers are in the machine's byte order, not network byte order or any other canonical byte order.


Emit csh compatible code to set up environment variables.


Emit Bourne-shell compatible code to set up environment variables.


Close the standard error output stream before starting the D-Bus daemon.
启动D-Bus 守护进程前关闭标准输出流.
This is useful if you want to capture dbus-launch error messages
but you don't want dbus-daemon to keep the stream open to your application.


Pass --config-file=FILENAME to the bus daemon, instead of passing it the --session argument.
通过将配置文件FILENAME传给 bus daemon 来代替 --session argument.
See the man page for dbus-daemon


If this option is provided, a persistent "babysitter" process will be created that watches
stdin for HUP and tries to connect to the X server.
如果提供了这个选项, 会创建一个持续的 "babysitter"进程用于监视stdin 中的 HUP信息, 并且试着连接到 X server.
If this process gets a HUP on stdin or loses its X connection, it kills the message bus daemon.
如果这个进程在stdin中获得了HUP或者丢失了他的 X connection, 他会终止消息总线的守护进程.


This option implies that dbus-launch should scan for a previously-started session and reuse the values found there.
If no session is found, it will start a new session.
如果没有找到会话, 他会启动一个新的会话.
The --exit-with-session option is implied if --autolaunch is given.
如果提供了--atuolaunch选项, --exit-with-session选项也默认开启.
This option is for the exclusive use of libdbus, you do not want to use it manually. It may change in the future.
这个选项是为libdbus独有的, 你不会想要手动使用这个选项.


Print the version of dbus-launch


If you run dbus-launch myapp (with any other options), dbus-daemon will not exit when myapp terminates:

this is because myapp is assumed to be part of a larger session, rather than a session in its own right.


dbus-launch myapp 




