Simple Customerized Event for Video Gallery Function
Since the movie gallery and video player are two separated modules, so I need to develop a manner to communicate them. They are all descendant of the ENotice MovieClip, then I design a custom event and then dispatch it from movie gallery, and capture it at ENotice, and then call Video Player's function from ENotice to play/stop playing videos.
custom event:
// @auther Vincent Zhang
// @dispatch when a video thumbnail in the movie gallery is clicked.
package com.onsystem.appson.vince {
public class VideoThumbClickEvent extends Event {
// event constants
public static const ON_VID_TMBS_CLICK:String = "onVideoThumbClick";
public var url:String;
public var aspectOption:uint;
public var width:uint;
public var height:uint;
public function VideoThumbClickEvent(u:String, aptOp:uint, w:uint, h:uint, type:String, bubbles:Boolean = true, cancelable:Boolean = false)
super(type, bubbles,cancelable);
this.url = u;
this.aspectOption = aptOp;
this.width = w;
this.height = h;
public override function clone():Event
return new VideoThumbClickEvent(this.url, this.aspectOption, this.width, this.height, type, bubbles, cancelable);
public override function toString():String
return formatToString("url", "aspectOption", "width", "height", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable");
code of dispatching it:
function onThumbMouseDown(__e:MouseEvent):void
var __mc:MovieClip = MovieClip(;
__mc.playOverlay.visible = false;
if(_currentPlay != null)
_currentPlay.playOverlay.visible = true;
_currentPlay = __mc;
var __vtce:VideoThumbClickEvent = new VideoThumbClickEvent(_movList[].link,
_movList[].option, _movList[].width,
import com.onsystem.appson.vince.VideoThumbClickEvent;
this.addEventListener(VideoThumbClickEvent.ON_VID_TMBS_CLICK, playVideoDown);
list some useful links before that:
adobe's online document about meta data of video
here is a converter for numeric data, it can convert number among different formats: supports decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary.
and here is a online color selecter, it is convient to preview a color by typing its RBG value, or vice verse: