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HOW TO : installing amsn 0.98b (fully) with antializing fonts



HOW TO : installing amsn 0.98b (fully) with antializing fonts


after my first installation of amsn which took me about four days almost one and a half year ago, I wanted to upgrade my version of amsn to 0.98b version. Ubuntu is an open source operating system, so the libasound2 library that was desperately needed for the new version to work in Ubuntu Dapper Drake 6.06, I thought that it should be a minor issue to be solved. It wasn't so because it took me two days, yet I have made an improvement!
In the begining I tried the deb packages which even though they are easily installed, they are not easily modified so as one to change some things according to one's needs. So the installation might fail. This was my incentive so as to install amsn sub version (Latest development version-SVN) in Ubuntu Dapper Drake.

So leaving out the theoretical parts aside that might be a nice post for Community Cafe, let's start on the installation procedure :

We want to install amsn 0.98b (the latest one up to the time I was writing this post) to Ubuntu Dapper Drake 6.06. The version of Ubuntu in question doesn't support the latest version of two important libraries that are needed in order for amsn not only to work but also to look nice. These are :
Tcl 8.5.1
Tk 8.5.1

and can be downloaded from here :

For amsn to work you have to install first Tcl 8.5.1, secondly Tk 8.5.1 and thirdly amsn.

After you have downloaded the packages of the libraries unzip the tcl package and go inside the folder which is called unix. There as you are in a terminal type the following :

sudo make
(and give your password)
sudo make install
If all dependencies are ok (and I think that they should be ok) the installation is complete and nice. Go now to the tk package and do exactly the same thing as above. That way you have finished installing the libraries that are needed.

Now the installation of amsn is a little bit tricky. Unzip the file and remove the snit folder that you will find. If you do not do so, you might come accross this message :

Also in order to avoid this message :
that has to do with : Loading TkCximage failed
go to amsn script and change the third line which is :
exec wish $0 $@
with this:
exec wish8.5 $0 $@

After that open a terminal inside amsn folder and type the following :

./configure --with-tk=/usr/local/lib/ --with-tcl=/usr/local/lib/
sudo make
sudo make install
Now if you type amsn, msn should lanch properly.
YET, you might not be able to connect or if you prefer you might not be able to log in. There are two reasons why you can't do that. The one might be because of problems that the msn server network might face and secondly because your firewall doesn't allow you so. In the second case you need to open ports TCP 443 and TCP 1863.

Hope this helped. I provide links that were useful:

Last edited by Claus7; March 1st, 2008 at 06:47 PM..



