Abstract Currently, the IoT network is the fastest growing network in the world that brings the smart cities revolution. The increase in the smart cities development poses several security and privacy risks. With the acceleration of times, we can now hastily observe the lack of privacy in our life. The major security and privacy issues occur because of either nonconsideration of its security and privacy aspects or having inappropriate controls in place. Many of these issues could be resolved by applying advanced IoT-enabled solutions. This paper presents security and privacy risks and challenges against issues within traffic lights system, which is a complex and critical smart cities system. The paper also addresses a proposed secure and privacy-aware system for future traffic light system.
1 Introduction
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a growing platform that foresees the interconnection of billions to trillions of devices around us. This improvement of the IoT encouraged the technical world to move further to the intelligence world which so-called smart cities. The smart city is an improved urban incorporate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and different types of IoT. The main objective of building smart cities is to magnify the personal satisfaction by employing new ideas in real-life. A smart city is a future, where it focuses on using and exploiting both tangible and intangible assets (e.g., transport infrastructures and human capital) [1]. Smart transportation system is one of the main components of a smart city. The smart transportation system is designed to improve the safety and efficiency of the traditional road. Improving traffic management and increase the productivity of the urban require more information and knowledge in different aspects. Traffic lights are one part of the intelligent transportation system, as it contains many different subsystems to avoid the traffic congestion and negative impacts on people [2]. Nowadays, systems for controlling the traffic can be found in several European Union (EU) countries. In some cases, different types of artificial intelligence techniques have been deployed [2]. In 2010, BMW and Siemens proposed a system of networked traffic lights that can communicate with nearby cars [3]. Furthermore, the smart traffic light system requires to collect real-life data and use it among the intelligent transportation networks to make correct decisions. The smart traffic light system is based on IoT and ICT technologies, but this system has several security and privacy issues [3]. Rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 addresses the smart traffic light system’s security and privacy risks and challenges. Section 3 discusses existing solutions, protocols and cryptographic algorithms against these security risks. Section 4 illustrates privacy-enhancing technologies against the smart traffic light systems privacy risks and critically appraise these technologies. Section 5 proposes and describes a scalable security and privacy system solution for the smart traffic light system and Section 6 concludes this work.
2 Security and privacy risks and challenges
As the smart traffic light system is based on IoT and ICT technologies and both of them based on the internet, there are security and privacy risks concerns present. By looking at the current traffic light systems, there are several smart traffic management systems, which are either CCTV camera-based systems or IoT devices-based systems [4]. Figure 1 shows the information flow of the current smart traffic light system.Furthermore, Figure 2 demonstrates the whole process of the traffic signal system that helps to understand the possibilities of attacks that may occur in any layer and the related privacy issues. This section focuses on the security and the privacy risks and vulnerabilities in currently existing systems. The IoT architecture in Figure 3 shows that ICT technology is a part of the IoT scheme [5]. Figure 3 addresses the different levels of the IoT architecture used in the smart traffic lights. Consequently, each level has several issues [5].
2.1 Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Device Domain
This layer consists of simple nodes lacking power and memory [5]. Applying the same encryption algorithms or frequency hopping communications that are used in the traditional network is not feasible [6]. The security issues in this level are related to the used technologies, such as RadioFrequency Identification (RFID), Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), and Global Positioning System (GPS).1. Denial of Service (DoS) attacks (on RFID): DoS attack is one of the most used cyber-attack methods in the network security [7]. The IoT network from the smart traffic light makes an environment for this kind of attack, as the network has low power and storage and it is dealing with a significant changeable amount of data at the same time [7]. This type of attack generally focuses on the weakest part of the network like a sensor node [7]. Furthermore, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has been directed by the EU to include an RF (Radio Frequency) band in use for ITS (Intelligent Traffic Systems) [7]. All the previous drawbacks with the frequency band are known and available, which makes the intelligent traffic light a fertile environment for Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks [7]. The available solutions for this variability are summarized as follows: Building a strong access control and policies. Checking and testing the network. 2. Security issues of RFID technology: RFID is a contactless technology that automatically identifies the targeted tag signal [8]. The RFID technology is widely used in ITS that discloses security issues discussed as below: a) Conflict collision: A large number of nodes in the smart traffic light system may let the RFID reader to read from multiple tags simultaneously. Consequently, the system will get incorrect data [9]. The available solutions to this problem are summarized as follows: Applying scope-based anti-collision algorithm [9]. Applying the time-based algorithm [9]. The first solution needs extra time to calculate the working scope between the readers that requires a supplemental central control area [9]. b) Uniform coding: The traffic management system deals with different types of vehicles from several countries and standards. Currently, there is no international uniformed encoding standard for RFID tag [11]. This issue could occur a system error when a foreign vehicle enters the network [11]. To avoid any error in the system, there should be a uniformed encoding combining the Unique Identification Number (UID) that is supported by Japan Electronic Product Code (EPC) format which is supported by Europe [10].
2.2 Network domain and application domain
This layer contains the wireless and wired networks to transfer the collected data to the application domain [11]. The ITS wireless network is divided into two different types: Wi-Fi-based and Ad hoc-based [11]. The Wi-Fi-based part connects the network to the Internet that includes risks the network for an attack like an injection attack [12]. Injection attack affects the system decision where original data may replace with malicious data [12]. The Ad-hoc part is to connect the nodes of the system to each other [12]. The IoT nodes are easy to access and remove from the network that allows the attackers to capture a node and access to critical resources and information [12]. The ideas currently resolved the issues are as follows: Applying the access control and network encryption on the Wi-Fi part [11]. On the Ad-hoc side using different types of Authorization & authentication between nodes [12]. The goal of such a system is to resolve transportation issues [20]. The ITS uses a large number of sensors to collect and analyze data continuously to improve a specific area [20]. The connected heterogeneous devices may exchange a large number of sensitive information through the World Wide Web using different wireless means, which drive us to several privacy threats and challenges [20]. Table 1 shows privacy threats and related system challenges.
3 Analysis: algorithms and protocols
This section analyses the existing cryptographic algorithms and protocols that are used to provide a secure system and defeats the security risks. In 2018, Liu et al. [17] proposed two schemes working as one system using Fog computing based on Location-Based Encryption (LBE) and cryptographic puzzle to secure the intelligent traffic light control [17]. The traffic light in this system needs to verify one puzzle for each vehicle in a time slot [17]. They proposed another improved scheme to reduce the computation and communication overhead of the traffic light in which the traffic signal only needs to perform lightweight operations. Furthermore, it needs to broadcast only a single puzzle [17]. Figure 4 presents the basic ideas of the improved scheme and the basic one. The proposed system is a new approach, which requires further studies, time, and applies the scheme on the realistic ITS to figure out the efficiency and effectiveness of the system. The system has been confirmed by virtual experiments [17]. The results of the virtual experiments highlighted the efficiency of this system in terms of time only. The system still needs to be applied and examined to see if it can defeat the security risks. [17]. The following list is the most commonly used security algorithms in traffic light based on IoT technology [15]: RSA – Rivest–ShamirAdleman Algorithm, AES – Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm:, and DES – Algorithm: Data Encryption Standard. Table 2 shows the main advantages, specifications and drawbacks of the above algorithms. Table 3 illustrates and explains that the RSA algorithm is not suitable for ITS based on IoT technology.HAN – Algorithm: This algorithm is considered as a hybrid encryption algorithm that combining of AES symmetric encryption algorithm and NTRU asymmetric encryption algorithm for IoT improvement [15]. HAN algorithm builds keys fast and it also improves the internet security during the algorithm implementation [15]. Figure 5 shows the algorithm implementation steps in IoT. The HAN algorithm is safe due to multinomial usage in decryption, encryption, and digital signature to receive the correct message [15]. This algorithm has more advantages than its drawbacks. Figure 6 illustrates the total speed of the HAN algorithm in comparison with AES and RSA algorithms. By comparing the results above we can see that the HAN algorithm is the best scheme to use in the ITS. The HAN algorithm is still a new scheme, which requires further experiments and examinations.
4 Privacy enhancing technologies
The Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) in IoT is classified by Shi-Cho Cha et al. [20] into three research domains as follows: 1) Control over data, 2) Enforcement, and 3) Anonymization or Pseudonymization [20]. These research domains are further divided into seven aspects [20]. This section addresses and illustrates the domains in terms of smart traffic light systems. Figure 7 shows the main relation between seven domains of PETs in IoT [20].The largest domain of these seven areas is the Personal Data Protection [20]. Most of the privacy-enhancing technologies in this area not only aim to conserve the critical data but the PETs also aim to raise awareness to the users on how their sensitive data is processed [21]. Table 4 shows the existing studies and enhancing technologies under the “Personal Data Protection” domain. The Holistic Privacy-Preservation domain directs and provides a solution that combines anonymization techniques, separate awareness of sensitive data, and secure data access to terminate the likability between the person and the data [23]. Some of the exists enhancing technologies in this category are as follows:4.1 Personal data managers and adaptive inference discovery service Applying these two techniques to build a general structure and overseeing the issue from claiming security from the unwanted revelation about particular information. 4.2 Attribute-based cryptography and anonymous credential systems In 2007, Li et al. [24] proposed a framework based on these two techniques to enable a secure and privacy-aware data likability on the Internet of Things [20]. Table 5 and Table 6 show some of the existing technologies which are related to the smart traffic light and ITS in general. As this section illustrates the majority of the enhancing technologies currently available, this is considered as a critical area as people want to keep their private information away from anyone else. Moreover, with a large number of the available techniques this area still needs improvement [23].5 Proposed secure privacy-aware system From the previous sections, the traditional world is converting itself into a smart world [17]. The countries around the modern world compete in building ideal smart cities. As motioned in the Introduction section, the most important part of the smart city is the intelligent transportation systems and the core of these systems is the smart traffic light system [4]. Going through the security and privacy risks and their solutions, we can observe that the existing solutions are not good enough for the smart cities traffic system and very much need to be improved. This section presents a proposed secure and privacy-aware system for future traffic light systems. Figure 8 explains a standard architecture for the proposed system. First of all, to avoid the majority of privacy issues related to cameras, in the proposed system the smart traffic light is without any cameras. The whole system works with the use of IoT sensors which connect to a smart plate. The car’s smart plate contains an RFID tag and this tag will hold all the details of the vehicle’s owner. The information inside this tag is updated whenever the person enters the car. The traffic light system detects the car’s plate tag when it is close enough. The system uses a combination of AES and NTRU algorithms.We choose this security algorithm for the proposed system according to the results in Figure 6. The security process works as shown in Figure 8 by using the HAN algorithm. Figure 9 shows the HAN encryption algorithm steps sending the public key. We considered each traffic signal block as a home so each block can communicate with the police station. The system here is scalable as it does not hold any information and that gives us extra storage. The system sends details from the car’s plate to the police station to do the online checking. The RFID tag can also be used instead of the red light camera or the speed camera. In this system, we avoid two of the leading privacy issues by replacing the cameras by sensors and processing the data online instead of tracking and holding the information. The third party in this system is the police station as the police station will be responsible for configuring the signals and to build the smart plates. Consequently, the police station will have the keys to prove the connection between the traffic light system and the vehicle. Third party is a trusted party like a police station.
6 Conclusions
As the IoT is growing rapidly, it helps to create a smart traffic signal to be implemented in real life to reduce traffic congestion. This paper focuses on the security and privacy challenges and risks in the smart traffic light that needs to be addressed. We have also analyzed the currently used algorithms and techniques in the traffic light system. With shortcomings and limitations of the existing techniques and algorithms, we discussed a proposed scheme which utilizes the combination of the best algorithms and enhancing privacy technologies. The proposed system is connected to the police satiation as a third party to give more privacy on the sensitive information.
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