Firefox shortcuts



    Fed up surfing on the net with one hand on the mouse and the another on keyboard????Do you want to surf like a geek???If it's so you need to use keyboard shortcuts.All you have to do is just to hold down your ctrl or control key on the keyboard and the type the letters given below to perform the required actions [ E.g T means ctrl +T ].

T    Opens a new tab and takes the focus to the new tab
O    Open Local File. This is one of the biggest changes from IE where both Ctrl-O and Ctrl-L opened a dialogue box for a URL.
L    Changes focus to the Address bar
Tab    Scrolls through the tabs from current window towards the right. Loops back to the first tab when rightmost tab is reached
1..0    The numbers 1 to 0 takes the focus to Tab 1 to 10
N    Opens a new window like IE
W    a tab or if there are no tabs, close the window
B    Open bookmark sidepanel
D    Bookmark current page
H    Brings up the history dialogue box on the right. Useful if you closed a page accidentally and forgot the URL. Or to make sure your kids are not looking at pr0n
U    Show page source
Y    Open downloads window
K    Focus goes to search bar
Some of the more common shortcuts just for your reference
R    Refresh current page
F    Find in page
G    Find Again (used in conjunction with Ctrl F)
J    Page Info (same as properties in IE)
-    Decrease font size
+    Increase font size
S    Save current page to disk
P    Print current page
A    Select All




