"Open file under cursor"
- useful by many include's in jsp's, file name/line in log messages etc.
- Works with run/debug and Ant console too, support "jump to line"!
"Open type under cursor"
- useful for all xml's, tld's, jsp's etc files with referenced Java types.
- Works with run/debug and Ant console too!
"Convert -> Leading tabs to spaces"
(trailing whitespace will be removed automatically)
"Convert -> Leading spaces to tabs"
(trailing whitespace will be removed automatically)
"Convert ->Chars to Html entities"
"Convert -> Html entities to chars"
- useful if working in bilingual team to convert é's, ô's, ä's etc between html and other sources ;)
"Convert -> Camel <-> Underscores"
(auto-convert variable names from/to "camel" notation, like
thisIsMyFieldName <-> this_is_my_field_name)
"Convert -> Capitalize"
"Convert -> Invert case"
"Convert -> To upper case"
"Convert -> To lower case