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Thanks for your explanation and honesty. Unfortunately, due to the extent of the damage (we're still getting emails and forum posts about this) and since you wrote a script to harvest emails and abuse this service and our users, we won't be re-enabling your add-on. Please host your add-on elsewhere and don't submit any more add-ons to the site.

Thank you,
Justin Scott

sysdzw wrote: First of all, I am sorry for this.

My friends told me that this add-on is very easy to use, and suggest me to promote this add-on extension to let more people known. In fact, I had meant to promote it ago. Just free today, so I use the "email sharing feature" to promote it.

There are two question:

1.Where did I get these emails?
I wrote a script to get emails from mozilla.org to collect these emails, for example: such as https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/reviews/display/300 , into the user's profile page one by on, get the email if it exists, then use the "email sharing feature" to share.

2.Why some people received several emails?
Some people received several emails because for they leave more than a comment, such as the url, I apologize for this again.

All in all, I only hope that more people to use the add-on, and intended no harm. I guarantee against the occurrence of similar incidents.

Please help me delete a few inappropriate comments if you can, thank you.

>Your add-on has been disabled due to extensive abuse of the email 

>sharing feature for hours tonight. If there is a reasonable explanation 

>for why your account was used to share your add-on via email to hundreds 

>of users over the course of hours, please let us know. These users were 

>very upset and contacted us to report the spam. If there is not an 

>explanation for why this happened, please find another place to host 

>your add-on.


>Any further abuse will likely result in your IP being banned from all 

>Mozilla networks.


>Justin Scott

>AMO Administrator


